
Mostly postal but art and other things of interest too.
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Friday, December 10, 2010


Lovely mail from a new contact from the IUOMA

A Holiday surprise from a Postal pal.
Very fun.

From Sally in London -- this one made out through the snow -
via air mail, of course.
(Love that stamp)

My pal RO strikes again.

This one is really nice -- envelope made from (what looks like) an old page from a book.
Notice the PO managed to tear it on the left side but it still arrived OK
 and  thankfully not in a "We Care" bag!
(Thanks Joshua)

From The Netherlands -- wonderful handmade envelope with letter, postcards and a recipe inside.
 Thanks so much, Annejo.

Definitely a good mail day (or two).


  1. You seem to have misplaced me about 15038 kilometers eastwards :-) But that's okay, I would love to live in Australia! No postal strikes...nice weather, beautiful beaches. I'm not sure about the sharks though.

  2. Oops! So sorry -- I fixed it, Annejo. And guess what recipe I am cooking this afternoon?

  3. I hope it turns out great!!! =D

  4. I know the pen isn't that fine of a tip, but I thought you might like it anyway. I'm glad it arrived in one piece.

  5. williams77@Pen is great (and I love pink). Very nice of you.
    annejo@stew is in the fridge gaining flavor. Smelled wonderful as it cooked...

  6. It's my favorite dish! =D I hope the taste is as great as the smell (it always is over here.. ah, and now I'm getting hungry :-))



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