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Sunday, March 15, 2020

We Are In This Together

Hello friends,
I have been thinking of you all and hoping everyone is doing ok. These are difficult and trying times, aren't they?
The situation seems to change every day. San Francisco is locked up -- museums, libraries, concert halls, schools,  etc are all closed. Supermarket shelves are empty.
People are anxious.
If we were to try to be kind, stop hoarding and share what we have, things would be better.
Kindness goes a long way.

We need art and beauty more than ever in our lives. Put on some beautiful music. Make a pot of tea. Sit down and write a letter to someone you love.

I am very lucky I know...I have loads of art supplies and a studio to work in.  No small children who are locked out of school. Many small and large businesses are suffering and people who cannot afford to miss paychecks are out of work. My heart goes out to them.

I cancelled two trips already and was feeling a little sorry for myself until I started thinking about the folks who are really suffering. Those who are sick and those who are out of work. Now I am trying to think of ways to help out.

What are you going to do?
I am going to try to be calm and live my life and wash my hands a lot. Make a lot of art so I will actually have something to show for this time period. I am still seeing friends one on one. Being isolated isn't good for the soul.
When I heard the SF Public Library was closing, I raced down to get a big pile of books to read
since I'll have more time at home. I may take an online art class. Work outside in my garden. Do some embroidery and slow stitching.
Make some Irish soda bread and cookies and deliver them to my neighbors.

It wouldn't hurt to work on cleaning up my studio a bit either.

I don't hoard and I hope I can find simple things like milk and vegetables.
I am happy to have a supply of Peets coffee and some gin, just in case things keep on getting worse.

Keep your sense of humor. Look for beauty. Find the grace notes. Help each other.

I thought I would try to post on the blog more to keep in touch with you all. I think a lot of us are feeling a little lonely these days. 
I would really like to invite everyone over to my house for a nice meal.

Let's keep in touch, ok?
By the way, if you have trouble commenting in the blog, just clear your cookies -- clear history -- and you should be able too.
I need to hear back from you friends.
Stay stay out there.


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