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Monday, July 24, 2017

Birthday Tin

A dear friend just had a birthday (well, more about that later).  She is always so kind and generous to me I wanted to try to do something special for her....

So, I made her an altered tin -- hers is the bottom one -- I put the altered Altoid tin in for scale.
And, it's summer and I like flowers so that's the theme.

The process...
I found the larger tin was actually easier to work with than the Altoid tin. I used a Cavallini tin that once held stickers....
And, again I will say wallpaper works great, 

Here is the bottom of the tin......

And the inside (bottom) has a vintage postage from the wonderful Vintage Paper Fair...

Inside of the top half with a teeny little envelope..

I cut tags with a Sizzix die cut machine using vintage postcards and added sari ribbon..

I brought a bag of rosebud tea back from Morocco and decided to add a few tiny rosebuds...they still smell good..

I thought she could put jewelry inside....or tiny treasures...or just leave it as it is.

In keeping with the whole flower theme....I buy edible flowers ($2!) at the farmers market every'd be surprised how many things you can put them on....I put them on top of chilled ginger carrot soup yesterday and.....

....I put them on top of the lemon squares I made for my friend.......pretty...

My sentiments exactly!
Repurpose, reuse -- make things and have fun. 

The funny thing is (I hope she thinks it's funny) the birthday celebration was exactly one month late! I had the wrong date in my mind. That will teach me -- I have now written the correct date down for next year. I hope she had fun and liked her belated presents....
I loved that tin so I need to find another Cavallini tin and make one for myself now.



  1. Pretty tin and the tags are very cute. What's rule #1?

  2. I'm sure your friend will treasure the beautiful tin you made for her, it looks amazing and you created such wonderful detail 😀. I love the cakes with the pretty edible flowers and the thought of everything being an art supply too - perfect! Nice to meet you (I came over from Altered Book Lover's blog) and have a great week! J 😊

    1. Oh hello! And thank you -- I love seeing a new name and I'm gad ou enjoyed the post. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

  3. What a wonderful gift! And I love how you carried the flower theme through the whole process, including lemon bars! Rule #2 is so true! And, I like your Rule #1 as well!

    1. Thank you, cjsrq -- glad you like the tin and the flower theme...and the art "rules"...

  4. Wow. This is my third visit to see these lovelies. I can't bring myself to try one just yet. I reused a large manila envelope, very cleverly I thought, until I really looked at the end results. :) A steady grip is quite necessary for excellent craftsmanship. Yours is always stellar.

    Do you thing Modge Podge might work on the tin top? For collage.


    1. Yes, Modge Podge would work well.....that's what my friend uses...

  5. To answer Leslie's question: Rule 1: There are no rules when making altered art.

    LOVE the tin and how you altered it. I'm sure your friend got a thrill out of the tin, late or not.

    I used to grow edible flowers for salads and soups. One year I got a bug infestation, but since I don't believe in using ANY chemicals on my plants or herbs, the flowers had to become decorations rather than edible. You are right, though. They are perfect for just about anything you use them on. Your lemon squares look very, very festive.

    1. No rules!!!! Good one for #1! Thank you......and I'm glad you like the tin...

  6. A lovely gift! I love that you buy edible flowers weekly and find uses for them!

  7. Such beautiful tins...makes me want Altoids!

  8. what a precious gift, you are such an awesome friend! x



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