
Mostly postal but art and other things of interest too.
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

After a Long Weekend....

Some outgoing mail today, after a long weekend  with time to work in my studio.
Stephanie in NYC gets a take-out menu envelope,
Amazon gets a SF envelope and Barbara.....a collaged one.

Wish I had a vintage typewriter ad to add to this one.

I hope you can see the two babes in the photo. They do not look like they want to be in the kitchen cooking. One has a smoke and a bad attitude for sure.

Two in the 50's Set.
A friend of mine has been cleaning out her stuff and generously gave it to me --
50's photos, cooking booklets, all kinds of crazy stuff -- and I have been having so much fun playing with it.

Two from the India Set for Mailart 365

This came last week from Shelita -- how cool is this?
She turned a security envelope inside out.
Why didn't I think of doing that?

Here's the front.

Last but not least, ok - this isn't mail but someone wrote me she thought "just walking down the street in SF must be interesting". Indeed it is. Just looked down and saw this charming little note.

Happy Mail Day!


  1. Good stuff, i'm so inspired!

  2. Love the manhole and the mail you are sending and receiving. Keep it up.

  3. By coincidence, I took a picture of a manhole cover in downtown Chandler last week. I love the 1950's creations! Great vintage pictures.

  4. Thank you for the letter! I hope you've caught up with all your mail :D

  5. Woo Hoo! Will run to the mailbox the next few days with excitement; can't wait!

  6. Thanks everyone!
    @Steph--mailed itv Tuesday, hope it arrives soon.
    @Annejo --happy yours arrived. Long trip to the Netherlands.

  7. A 5468.26 miles long trip to be exact :D



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