Saturday, May 13, 2017

Yes I Do Use Them ALL.........

A tiny break from PDX posts (but they'll be back) I thought I'd show you some of my favorite postal pouches.....
(and since so many people asked me on Instagram where I got these, I'll tell you the secret -- Belle & Union -- look online).

I am the lucky person who has a number of lovely friends who actually  MAKE me these zippered pouches -- just because they know I love them so much.
The fabulous Dori Singh made me all these and when I say they are in constant rotation, believe it.

Another mail art pal, CeCe in NYC, made me these three beauties years ago and they too are well used and well loved.
The nice thing about getting gifts like these from friends is that you think of the friends every time you use them.

Even with all the beautiful handmade pouches I have, I still buy them occasionally ...I am pretty sure you ALL have that Blue Q pouch (bottom).
And, even though i live in SF, I couldn't resist a SF skyline pouch I found ages ago in some toursit shop...since it's plastic it is good for leaky things.

Then we have the Tyvek pouches I made in my pal Monica's workshop....these are fun to make and fun to use too....
and with zippers from Scrap and re-purposing tyvek envelopes you receive in the mail they are practically free!

Collected and gifted from various sources....the two at the bottom are from Japantown....and that cool one at upper right I found on Amazon. It is quite a lot larger than any of the others and very handy.....

And, when in Paris......

My pal Patti ( pmarti5 on IG) made me the cool case up top....

You KNOW I have plenty of stuff to put in this little notebook I covered with cool paper and carry with me because you just never know when you need to jot a note or make a list or get an idea...
I put my altered Altoid tins in some and mail art supplies in others....

....and rolls of washi tape fit perfectly in that kitty pencil case from Diaso....

OK -- and here are two for you!!
The Kitty pencil holder (no washi included) and the air mail pouch are up for grabs. Just leave me a comment about which one you'd like and I will randomly pick two people to send them to.
It's the least I can do after torturing you with these beauties.
BUT--remember--you can get out your sewing machine and make a pouch too -- or call a friend. Or, make a Tyvek pouch or two.
You can do it.
And, yes -- I really do use them all and I love every one.

Special thanks to my my very special friends who have made me pouches.
I love and use each and every one of them.

(Give-away Over -- winners on the next blog post. Thanks to all who commented.)



  1. Loving all these and so sweet of you to do a giveaway!!! I have my eye on that air mail one!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I'm like Michele (above) I'd love the air mail envelope, if I am lucky, but thank you anyway for the enjoyment of seeing your goodies.

  3. Those pouches are so lovely! I wish I could use a sewing machinge well enough to put zippers in (but only till I actually try, I don't like sewing at all ^^").

  4. I love all of your pouches! They are so cool and it is so nice of you to do a giveaway. I love that kitty pouch... a lot...

  5. My son is obsessed with cats (and organization). I bet he would love it. Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. I love the air mail pouch. It reminds me of the letters we wrote to my grandparents while we lived overseas.
    I would try to make a tyvek pouch, if I could only manage to be able to put in a zipper.

  7. The air mail one would be sweet - you've inspired me to pull out the sewing machine lol

  8. Just before reading your post, I had my mind on getting out my sewing machine and doing some mail art stuff. Then there is the zipper bags made from Postal Tyvek! What a cool idea, off to go through hubby's waste basket, I think I saw one there. I'd love the air mail pouch too! I have lots of zipper pouches, but none with postal theme.

  9. Happy Mother's Day, dear Pamela. To answer your question about the children, no, they are going to be living in the San Diego area. It would be good if they did move to SF, because then I could come and visit you!

    I wish I was skilled enough to cut and sew. I'm not the type of person who can follow a pattern, and adding a zipper would probably put my sewing machine in mortal fear and danger. The only sewing I know is wonky from torn fabric and paper. I DO like these though, and can see how useful they would be.

    You have to ask me which one I prefer? Let me ask Bleubeard and Squiggles (GRIN)!

    1. Oh yes, that would be lovely, Elizabeth....
      Yes, i think the kitties in your house would prefer the kitty pouch...

  10. Gaaah! I think my post didn't take because I wasn't signed into Google. You have quite the collection there. I don't sew, although I did buy a Janome Sew Mini to use on paper. It assume it would work on Tyvek (lol). I love the Paris postmark one but since I just won something from you in December, please give someone else a chance.

    1. Miss Iowa -- thanks for the second try.....are you going to try the Tyvek?

  11. Wow, so many lovely pouches! 😍 I have a couple myself. Both found in the clearance bin at Barnes & Noble. I like your idea of using a pouch for organizing washi tape. Thanks for sharing!

  12. They are a perfectly pretty postal pouch and parcel collection, Pamela! The airmail one is on my wish list. Fingers crossed. xoxoxoxo

  13. You have a wonderful collection of pouches. I have made dozens of pouches and think I even sent you one (although it was not postal themed). I need to find some postal themed fabric. And for those afraid of zippers, there are some great tutorials on YouTube that make it easier than you might think.

    1. cjsrq -- hummmmmmm, no.....I don't believe you ever sent me a pouch you made. Postal theme material -- I found it at Joann's and online -- Tim Holtz has a whole lot of it. And yes, I am afraid of zippers but my pal Monica did show me how and when SHE did it it looked easy!

  14. Simply fascinating!! I do have several pouches that I use all the time, but not the collection of beauties that you have. You go, girl!! The air mail pouch would be my first choice. Thanks for the chance to be a new owner of a delightful pouch.

  15. Replies
    1. With GREAT thanks to you, pal. You KNOW how much I love your pouches........

  16. Love pouches and bags!! Hope I'm not too late to enter the giveaway! Your collection is amazing!

  17. I forgo to ask you, Pamela, where did you buy the airmail pouch from? (The one that you gave away?) Thanks!

    1. Playa Paper -- I got it quite a long time ago -- thru Etsy I THINK and it was actually from another country (China?). So long ago I have no idea, sorry.....
