Sunday, May 21, 2017

Why My Suitcase Weighed 51 Pounds

My first stop in Portland (after lunch and before even checking in to my hotel) was SCRAP PDX. I went with my pal Karen (Sewmanyinterests on IG) and we were so entranced we forgot all about the parking meter -- for two hours! Luck being with us, no ticket.

The PDX Scrap was three blocks from my hotel, did I mention that?
And -- I went back the NEXT day with Miss Polly & JJAlltheWay.....

I could have taken this guy home for $85.....he may have been handy for the Fast Trac carpool lanes but I passed. I would have had to buy another plane ticket for him.

Karen knew exactly where the boxes -- and boxes -- of rubber stamps were......

It kills me to say this but they had way more stamps I've ever seen here in Scrap SF.
These are only some of the bins...

And more stamps can see why it took us so long to go through all of these...we didn't want to miss anything good.

My basket didn't look too bad -- at first. I forgot to take a photo of it at the check-out but it was considerably fuller.
Rubber stamps, two sizes of Rolo cards, blueprints of PDX, vintage magazines, some old photos, red letter stickers, large vintage index cards with tabs, a cigar box.....

I found the little WISH YOU WERE HERE stamp-- perfect for my PDX postcards (which I barely had time to write).

Postal themed stamps...

I wanted that file cabinet but it would have been a bit tricky to get home on the plane...

I loved the vintage office supply section....

They had loads of Rolodex files in need of some altered rolodex card love......I wanted to buy them all and give them good homes...but....the plane....

Maybe I should...

My SCRAP PDX cigar box with some of my rubber stamps....I was a very happy re-purposer.....
And I went back the next day with JJ and Polly and got in some more trouble.
All I can say is, paper weighs A LOT.

Google "center for creative re-use" and you might find a Scrap near you!

Michele C (airmail pouch)
Bleubeard....I mean Elizabeth for the KITTY pouch....

LEAVE YOUR ADDRESS in a comment (I will NOT publish it) OR send me a message using the Blogger Contact Form on the top right of the blog and I will mail those off asap.
And, everybody else, thanks for reading and commenting and stay tuned...
there may be more giveaways...



  1. I'm impressed your case weighed only 51 lb!!

    1. FinnBadger -- let's just say I'm lucky they don't weight carry-on!!!!

  2. Replies
    1. I know........and things are so reasonable....or even so cheap....

  3. You found some of the BEST stamps. I am truly impressed. I wish they had something near me, but sadly, Scraps doesn't make it near here. The two in Kansas are in the northeast corner of the state and they are at least a five hour drive from here. And taking a plane from Wichita to KC would be overpriced, since many people choose to fly out of KC or OKC when they travel. That's because our airport charges so much more in surcharges to fly anywhere.

    I DO love what you got, though. I was impressed with the rolodex holders and cards, and all the stamps. I would love to get one of those vintage postcards, too. And of course, I would have rummaged through the "vintage stuff" container, too. You did good.

    I went to a book fair yesterday and thought of you. I didn't get the bargains you get, but I'll show what I got tomorrow. I know you'll laugh when you see my purchases, but I got them for art only. BTW, they didn't have a single dictionary!

    1. No dictionaries at the book fair? I can't believe it. There are always loads of them at the library sales. I have so many......I can send you some pages if you like -- what are you looking for? English or foreign language? Do you have a rolo file? Because i do have extra cards (the small size) if you need some.....please advise......

  4. Wow! I can see why you needed a couple of trips to sort through all of that goodness!

    1. I probably would have gone a third time if I could have -- but luckily we have our very own Scrap SF about ten minutes from my house....

  5. Oh, myyyyy! I can see why you went nuts!!!!

  6. Wow. Just stopped by from Elizabeth's blog and want to say I spent and hour reading and drooling. I need to find me one of these scrap art places. Not sure we have much like that here in NH. A shame too. Can't wait to see what is next. 🤓 Erika

    1. Hello Erika -- so nice of you to stop by my blog and I am very glad you enjoyed it. And thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. Where in NH are you? Too bad every place doesn't have a Scrap because they are pretty wonderful. I don't even know if Boston has one....Next post is in the works -- tutorial on making Altered Altoid Tins. Stay tuned!

  7. Major score! I'm surprised your suitcase weighed so little. LOL

    1. Well......there is a 50 pound limit for the suitcases or it is $100 for overweight so I was trying....but I had a HEAVY purse and carry-on....I have my sneaky methods...

  8. Sounds like the next time you go to Portland you should drive! How long would that drive be? Of course, since you have your own "Scrap" I suppose it isn't really necessary....but then again...

    1. No kidding-- I thought about driving home when I saw those Stamp Stock Books for sale at Uptown Stamps....I REALLY wanted to buy one and no way could I carry it home on the plane....but it is a long drive....too long for me.

  9. Oh my goodness, that SCRAP is much bigger than the one here in Alexandria! I'm surprised you didn't have to buy an extra suitcase!!! You found some nice goodies!! Am I the Michele C. that won the pouch???? :) I hope you still have my address - and hoping you receive a letter from me soon (sent out Friday). THANK YOU for always inspiring!!!!

    1. Michele C -- that is you with the first comment on the give-away post, right? I think so!!! I'll get on it!And yes -- I got mail from you yesterday.

    2. One and the same, lucky me!!! No hurry :)

  10. Next time, consider shipping it to yourself... nice haul!

  11. Whoa. So much goodness, and it sounds like you had a blast. I love reading about your adventures - I haven't ever seen a shop like that in NH, may have to search in MA.
    I agree with the other commenter... shipping to yourself works out well sometimes, especially with those flat-rate boxes.

    1. TamDoll -- OH! I know all about those flat rate boxes.......Maybe there is a Scrap-like place in MA?

    2. I'm going to keep my eyes open, and when I travel, too. This site has some links - but so far, the one store that seemed nearby is now out of business

  12. Wow, what a place! Your comment about the file cabinet reminded me of my flight to Morocco. A guy brought on a REFRIGERATOR! The flight crew didn't bat an eye! LOL!

    1. FloridaBird -- A refrigerator??!!?? That is a riot! I flew to Morocco and no fridges on my flight.......but I used to regularly see live chickens on the 30 Stockton Bus here in SF that goes through Chinatown.....

  13. Pamela, just saw your comment on the Oriental Buffet. My bEARTHday was April 22, or Earth Day, so a card would have been appreciated but most unnecessary. I was so busy in April making recycled art every day, I didn't have time to get these sorted and watermarked till this last Monday. Could that have really been just three days ago?

    I also came back to tell you how much Bleubeard and I adore the case and the kitty stamps. I love the masking/washi tape, but Bleubeard would rather play with it, although I won't let him. Thanks again, dear. We both love it.

    1. Elizabeth -- you commented about me using metered mail instead of stamps on your package -- two reasons, my feels is when I am mailing a package rather than a mail art envelope, I want it to get to the person without a hitch so I have it weighed at "stamped" at the PO and I get the free tracking number that comes with it. If I guess at the proper postage and don't have tracking I am less secure that it will arrive safely. I am so glad you liked the kitty case & washi. isn't it fun to get mail? I should have put in some string for Bleubeard.....Have a good holiday weekend.
