Sunday, May 7, 2017

My Fabulous Vintage Paper Fair

That's right -- Greetings from California.
.25-cents and how could I resist?
(You know the answer to that)

I never go into the VPF really knowing what I will find -- it's more fun that way. I just settle in with the 25-cent cards and see what pops up.
And these sure did.....what lovely sweet sentiments.....

I kinda think sending your sweetie babies in box might scare him or her away...but that's just me. I'm more like the gal on the bottom card -- mad if I don't get mail!
And, BTW, I haven't been getting any good mail and I am getting cranky.

I do always look for any cards with a postal theme...

This year I discovered BIRDS.....I wonder why I never thought of looking for bird postcards before?

And I found lots of birds delivering letters...that's what birds do, right? Deliver mail and deliver babies?

I admit I do always have my eyes peeled for flower postcards. There is just something about them....

I found three very charming and falling apart old I know I will think up a wonderful project to do with them...

My fav this year? I just happened to flip a few cards over and WOW -- those  postmarks!! And the cursive and the stamps.
Who cares what's on the front?

I mean, just look at that handwriting. So beautiful.

And those Miss Polly from PDX would say, "I'm swooning"....

Want to come over and sift through the cards? Such a simple pleasure...
it doesn't take much more than some .25cent postcards to make me insanely happy...

I leave you with a couple of post boxes....


  1. Looks like you found some real gems!

  2. You would see me sniffing at those cards like a crazy lady. I love the smell of old paper, and that combined with postcards and stamps.... perfect!

  3. What a fabulous day! So many wonderful post cards! I'm always fascinated by flower, bird, mail themes. However, I don't always think to look on the back if the front isn't interesting because most of the cards I find are $1 and up. But, if I could find 25 cent cards I wouldn't have to be so picky.

    1. cjsrq -- my limit is .25-cents! I see the same cards in antique shops for $5.00 and up -- no way! Wish you could sit beside me and paw through the boxes.....

    2. I sent you a nice little something in the mail but the tracking said it was delayed....but today it finally says I hope it cheers your mailbox...

  4. Wow, what great finds! It's unbelievable that you found these beauties for 25 cents each!

  5. I left a really nice comment, and it disappeared! GAH! So now you'll get the abbreviated version: I've bought postcards because of what was on the back. And, it's a shame that many schools don't teach cursive writing anymore.

    1. disappeared? Thank you for taking the time to write another one.

  6. Great haul. Love the writing on the Nord Amerika card.

    1. me too......very cool writing.....And how are you, my friend?

  7. I'm envious of the postcards you found. I adore the old and vintage images, and the handwriting is out of this world. So I suspect you left with a much lighter wallet than when you arrived.

    1. .25-cents wasn't too hard on my wallet....I love the old cards too. I just wish I could think up something interesting to make with them....
