Sunday, April 30, 2017

PDG Visits the PDXCC

It took a while, but I finally made it to a PDXCC (Portland Correspondence Co-Op) meeting -- our sister mail art group started a bit more than two years ago by Niko Courtelis.
On all those shelves you see? Zines! Imagine that.

Here are Miss Polly and Niko giving some highlights of the evening's meeting...

They have typewriters at every cool is that? (And, BTW, I noticed that there are A LOT of typewriters in Portland).

JJAlltheWay is giving this one a workout.

Really.....what can I say about this beauty? Except I really wanted to take it home with me.

I brought a few things along for show-and-tell....

...including all six of my SFCC artistamp passports...

And -- lucky me -- Niko had a Will Call passport waiting for  me to finally pick it up.
Passport dated January 2015
Picked up April 2017

Artistamps by Niko
Check out his artwork here
Philatelic Atrocities

Of course, if you read my blog, you now I cannot leave things alone so I had to do a bit of altering in my new PDXCC passport....I added photos I took at the meeting and some of the artistamps Niko made...

That's a photo of me and Sugene, wonderful maker of zines, who I was happy to finally get to meet.

Nostrama in PDX has a happy hour starting at 9PM. My kind of happy hour. So, after the PDXCC meeting we trooped over for cocktails and some pizza and salad....

Things up there in PDX are really just too much fun....I'm thinking that I have to go back. Soon. Very soon.
You are all forewarned PDX Peeps!
One of Niko's Philatelic Atrocities -- If you want to see more, you can buy his book
right here at Kat Ran Press
I'm lucky enough to have a collage and the book and recommend both.
And now -- I am off to a San Francisco Correspondence Meeting -- yup, two mail art meetings within  two weeks. Not bad.
If you don't have a mail art group where you are I suggest starting one up.....
you won't be sorry.



  1. Oh my gosh, what a fabulous experience! That altered typewriter is beautiful. They better keep it chained down.

  2. be still my heart, I do not think I have seen so many typewriters in a room, since..... well I do not know when, and the flowered typewriter... swooning!! xo

    1. Cat -- typewriters seem to be all over Portland and I have more photos to prove it. I have five myself but none are like that flowered beauty.

  3. Oh, the envy! And that typewriter is really cute.

  4. I only wish there were like minded people where I live. This looks like SO much fun. I'd LOVE to start a group here, but don't know anyone interested. I tried to start an altered book club here a few years ago, and got one woman to come twice. Three came the first time, and two left before the meeting ended. I paid for the meeting room and no one was interested in this or any other paper art. They didn't even like scrapbooking. Would be great to meet others like your friends!

    1. Oh boy.....I feel your pain.....I would be sad without my SF artist pals and now the PDX crew...but at least you can find like minded people online and from your blog. But nothing beats being in a room together and making art.....are they any local art stores that have a place to post a sign? art dept at a school? There have GOT to be artists lurking.......good luck.

  5. This post did not help my conflict between wanting to acquire a typewriter, and wanting to avoid buying things I don't need.

    And talk about delayed gratification waiting for the passport...

    1. But FinnBadger -- everyone needs at least ONE typewriter! I'm just saying. You could type poems on it.
      Yes -- that was delayed gratification waiting for my passport but it was worth it in the end. And I'm going back for sure!

  6. Wow, what a good time you had. Lots of inspiration and envy.

  7. Whoa! Great photos and I know you had a fabulous time. That's Cori's tricked-out typewriter, right? She sent me a postcard of it. Love your passport too. And those coiled stamps. I've been wanting to give those a try since going to AARPEX. Great post.

    1. Yep -- Cori's typewriter and a real beauty. Those coiled stamps Niko made are just so cool. I will mail you some for your SFCC passport.

  8. What fun! I enjoy seeing all the mail related activities your group creates. I am fortunate to have a group of artists interested in mail art that gets together every couple of months. We even got a visit from Gina V. when she was in Florida visiting her dad!

    1. chsrq-- you met Gina V????? How fun. She lives right near me and she was just telling me she met some other mail artists when she was traveling too -- but I didn't know it was YOU!
