Monday, April 24, 2017

You Better Sit Down

Yes, these are ALL Stamp Books. There must be thousands and thousands of stamps in this room. And, if you are anything at all like me, you must feel a bit faint.
Go ahead, sit down.
Niko Courtelis graciously invited a bunch of us (mail art and stamps nerds) to a private showing of stamps at The Uptown Stamp Show in Portland.
All I can say is, if you are ever in PDX, you have GOT to go there.
Trust me.

There are lots of stamps for serious collectors.......

There are books and books and books you can browse through and pick out any and all the stamps you want for ten cents a stamp.

I honestly thought I'd died and gone to heaven.....well, almost was a little bit of hell not being about to grab as many books as I could carry and run off with them...

I got a wonderful selection of stamps from Russian....

I love Postage Due stamps, don't you? WHY didn't I get these????

Who do we have here?
Miss Polly -- I know some of you you trade mail art with her. Doesn't she look happy?
There was a whole lot of swooning going on....

Niko (standing, at left) was totally outnumbered by women going a little crazy...
The plan to go out for lunch went flying right out that window. We stayed for hours but we did bring in some deli sandwiches for the energy to sustain us for more swooning...

LOTS of stamp head potential in those albums too.

And look -- is this the old way of what we all hate? The black Sharpie cancellation?

We were all invited to add a stamp to the wall to mark our visit.

By this time I was planning on ditching my plane ticket home and renting a car....

There was a teeny bit of competition over postal themed stamps. Niko was there to break up any fights.

But, no worries, we all left smiling and very happy with out stamp treasures.
(Karen, JJ & Miss Polly from the PDXCC and Pamela from SFCC)

Thanks to my Portland mail art pals for arranging this wonderful visit and special thanks to Niko for unlocking the doors for us on his day off.
Here's the link to the Uptown Stamp Shop website
Looking at it will make you crazy. Maybe you better wait till you are heading up to Portland.

And you KNOW I will be heading back up to PDX at the first chance I get.
Anyone want to meet me there?



  1. Replies
    1. I know! I was afraid I was up to $50 or more but they didn't add up as fast as I thought -- now I wish I got more stamps....

  2. Why must I live on the other coast?!?!? I could spend an entire day looking thru those stamps. Just WOW!

    1. Field trip!!!!! I may be a lot closer than you but I still can't just go there when I want to......

  3. I feel like I died and went to postal heaven. You are SO, SO lucky to have found these beauties and your friends who shared your enthusiasm with you. Yes, I was truly impressed.

    1. That's exactly how I felt too -- like I died and went to heaven.....if only it was in SF and I could easily go back....

  4. I can hardly imagine having so much postal goodness to touch and look at. A truly amazing collection! I can understand why you spent a whole day there and had to send out for lunch!!!

    1. Of course you understand.....they had to drag me out of there....

  5. Wow! Looks like it was a very enjoyable day indeed.

  6. pamela:: so grateful for the visit + all the fun we had. come again real soon. still plenty of pdx fun to be had!!!!& what a lovely blogpost. keep 'em coming! xo

    1. Thank YOU for arranging the visit to the Stamp Shop and for everything you did -- I loved PDX and cannot wait to return. And more PDX posts are coming right up......

  7. What a treasure trove! This Bohemie loved seeing all the Czech stamps. :) Maybe Nico will let you do a mail-order of some of the postage due stamps?? Wouldn't hurt to ask.

    1. Oh yes -- I love Czech stamps too. Hummmm good idea about the mail order.....but I know they don't usually do that.....but maybe....

  8. This is such a hilarious post. I love your sense of humor :-)) So glad you got to have all that fun!!!

    1. margarete -- I'm glad somebody gets my sense of humor....and you know I had you in mind at that stamp store.....

  9. I wish I could visit that place... I would never leave.

    1. I know......I did not want to leave......and I dream of going back there....

  10. Wow, do they take boarders? How amazing! call me a dork, but I am thinking about all the old paper smell as well. Nothing as good as old paper! Thanks for sharing these drool-worthy images!

    1. LOL -- you would have fit right in! I could have spent the night too -- just order in!

  11. I'd love a kitty pouch if i won.
