Wednesday, April 19, 2017


(I get to deliver these little surprises in person.....and I can't post this until they are given out so when you read this post, I will be happily ensconced in PDX already.)
Don't you love planning a trip?
That is all part of the fun.....and I have been looking forward to this trip to Portland for months...

I am prepared -- I collected lots of .25 cent vintage Portland postcards at the Vintage Paper Fair last time I went -- so let the postcard writing begin!

I have a nice little map of the metro and it goes right to the airport....

OK, I do have a PDX map but I am horrible at reading maps, I admit it....
Luckily there is a whole mail art posse and they are meeting me and showing me around...
lucky me!
And, there's Lyft.

I paid SPECIAL ATTENTION to packing my mail art kit. I usually travel pretty light as far as supplies go...and I figure I can borrow from my PDX pals as needed...and I had to save room for a little "show & tell". And my SFCC artistamp passport is coming along too. Who knows? I may get a PDX artistamp stamped in it. There are rumors. 
Always pack a coffee kit......I am dangerous without coffee as soon as I wake up....

If I paid as much attention to packing clothes in suitcase as I did in bringing things for show & tell and little surprises for my pals, I might look better...
the clothes are always a bit of an afterthought. After art supplies.

I certainly do have lots of wonderful zippered pouches to store things in, thanks to a certain, wonderful pal who knows who she is.......

A Bon Voyage card from my pal, Monica......
Hopefully no fog delays at SFO because I've got a whole lot to do up there in PDX. Like, go to a PDXCC mail art meeting and eat Russian food at Kachka and write postcards'll hear all about it next time, folks.

And below are a few more shots of the tins I made my friends.....
I hope they like them.



  1. Oh, wow.

    I knew I saved all those mint tins for a reason. Thanks for sharing and inspiring and free day dreams. We can use a trip. :) Have enough fun for the rest of us!

    1. Limner -- oh I most certainly did have enough fun for all of you -- wait till you here! I figure it will take me at least four posts to share everything.....have you made an arty mint tin yet?

  2. Those tins are lovely. Can't wait to see the highlights from your trip :)

    1. Thanks, Cindy -- and you will. I may have to do several post there was so much fun had in PDX.....

  3. I have been waiting all week to see your posts of the trip to PDX! I know you must be having an awesome and creative time.

  4. What a grand adventure! Love the way you pack! And those tins are spectacular! I know they will be well-loved by all the recipients.

    1. I do have my own packing system and it works for me.....and I think the tins went over well......

  5. A coffee kit, a mail art! you know how to travel!
    Love the tins! I'm certain they will too. ;)

    1. Michelle -- oh yes! I do -- and there may have been some small wine bottle tucked into my suitcase too.....I think my pals loved the tins...

  6. So much fun, I bet the recipients were surprised and thrilled.

    1. Yes- they all seemed very happy -- and they were so incredibly nice to me.

  7. Love the little boxes! Next time you are planning a trip to PDX, let us know as we are only 2 hours away and visit Portland frequently (I lived there for 2 years in the 1990's when I worked in the area's public transit). We could brunch at the Bijou!
    ~ Jack @ Cascadia Artpost

    1. Jack! I didn't realize you were so close -- but two hours is a little far for brunch. I wet to some amazing places in PDX and I think I will do about four blog posts about the trip .....

  8. I am in AWE of your trip and those mint tins you stuffed with incredible goodies for the people at PDX. I look forward to several installments of your fabulous trip and the wonderful time I am sure you had there.

    I'm like you in the respect that I take more art supplies than clothes with me on trips. You pack lighter than me, but I also can't live without my coffee!

    Have a lovely Earth Day and make great mail, too.

    1. Elizabeth -- thank you! They did like the tins and the whole week in PDX was fantastic. I'm sure I have enough great photos and ideas for four blog posts. I was very glad to have that coffee in my room every morning. I don't need too many art supplies to be happy but I did get to play with my friends art supplies and that was fun -- plus I bought a bunch of rubber stamps (cheap!) at Scrap PDX and I had those to play with. To be continued.......

  9. I'm sure you had a great time, these are terrific. xox

  10. you went well prepared and looks like you made the most of each minute!! What an adventure. Portland looks like my kinda city!!

    1. I sure did make the most out of each minute -- it was non-stop fun. I left the hotel in the AM and returned late at night.....

  11. Who needs pretty clothes when you have pretty art material! ;)
