Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Feast Your Eyes -- Dori Singh Mail

I get some of the BEST MAIL EVER and some of the best of the best is

It is too good not to share with with the world -- well, at least my blog readers -- her work should be in a mail art museum if you ask me.

These are pages from an altered book Dori made me for my birthday last year....

Each and every page is delightful. And varied. And creative. 

But then, everything she sends me is the same -- beautiful and creative.
Here's a tiny book with painted and stamped pages and an airmail envelope cover.

Dori Singh Mail

Inside the envelope was a wonderful sewn little folder with ephemera tucked inside....

Lots of hand painted and stamped tags show up too...

And when Dori trades ATC"s with you, you get them tucked in a beautiful sewn folder.....

Sacred ATC's by Dori Singh

Dori went on a trip which included Prague and she found this magazine...and she brought home the cover and made it into a sweet little pouch for me....
who thinks of this?

Pouch opened up....and of course, there were treats inside as well..

See? A Magazine cover......

And then there was a menu from Cafe Louvre (also in Prague) -- I suggested she go there for breakfast -- and she sewed me another folder from the large placemat on the table...

Dori Sign Mail
An inside-out security envelope -- rubber stamped and painted

Another little booklet
And another folder....Dori knows I could have a million of these and I would still want them...

Folder opened up...

Tiny Booklet

And she still sends me more pages to add to that beautiful altered book she made me...

Page added to Altered Book....

This isn't even all of the beautiful mail from Dori....Can you see why I am so happy every time I see something from her in my mailbox?
Best. Mail. Ever.
She really inspires me. It isn't easy to think up things to send her back in return ..... but I sure do try hard.

That is one of the nice things about trading mail art -- the inspiration from looking at amazing works .....


That is a rubber stamp I have -- and it's so true!
Hope you all enjoy the wonderful Dori Singh mail -- and many thanks to you, Dori, for making me and my mail box so happy.


  1. Count me as a fan of Dori Singh too. These are so beautiful, and she obviously puts a tremendous amount of care, thought, and creativity into all of her artwork.

    1. Glad you are a fan too, Christine - she's pretty wonderful - and inspiring.

  2. Beautiful! You are so lucky to receive all those treasures in the mail. I got inspired again.

  3. I have some spectacular mail from Dori too. She is a wonder. xox

  4. Delightful! Wow, really cool stuff she does.

  5. What an honor, thank you, Pamela! I certainly enjoy, and treasure, your fabulous mail! It always inspires me to make, and send, good mail in return. Long may we all continue!

    1. You are a treasure, Dori! Thank you for being my nail art pal and for all your inspiration.

  6. I hate to share her, but you are lucky, too, to know this creative and generous mail artist. She sets the bar pretty high, always inspiring and delightful. Nice feature blog posting. Yay Dori! Honi C.

    1. KR - I really hesitated in sharing her but she swore she wouldn't get too busy to trade mail with me if I did the post. And I wanted others to see her lovely work....

  7. Feast our eyes for real! I like Dori's name too. :) It takes innate talent to do what y'all do. You're two of a pair.
