Friday, October 30, 2015

Trick or Treat?

I don't usually do any holiday cards but I took some cool Day of the Dead photos and thought they would be perfect for Halloween cards....

They are, aren't they? 

And  - I also had a bunch of black card stock and black envelopes...

....and a small supply of these delightfully creepy Legend of Sleepy Hollow stamps.

So, there you go -- a Halloween edition.
I ran out of prints of the photos so my apologies to those I neglected to send a card too...
you can't win 'em all!
And, I didn't send any out of the USA, since Halloween is really a US holiday mostly, isn't it?
I remember a Halloween in Paris when my son was small and how heartbroken he was there was no trick or treating in Paris....
In fact, I have been sending out Halloween inspired all month long...and I don't know why. Maybe because I will be traveling and miss Halloween this year...

Plus, I have been cleaning a lot lately and I found some old cards buried in a box that are perfect for October 31 too.
Too bad I didn't find any candy...

And it isn't only about Halloween -- it's fall too. Acorns, colored leaves, squirrels, pumpkins---my favorite time of year.
So, go jump in a pile of leave. Eat an acorn..I mean a candy apple...go scare up some fun!



  1. I wouldn't mind receiving Halloween mail when it comes from you!

  2. I love Fall too.

    You lived in Paris?

    1. Cindy -- I want to live in Paris -- no, but I have spent quite a lot of time there.
      I love Fall too....

  3. Thanks for the fab Hallowe'en card! The P.O. black-slashed those wonderful stamps!! Two pieces of mail from me waiting for you at home. Have a wonderful rest of your trip. xo

    1. Oh man, they black slashed my cool stamps? I am sick of the the USPS doing that.....
      Thank you for the comment and the mail!

  4. What a creative way to make Halloween cards! Thank you! :) The post office ruined the stamps. Alcohol lightened the blue ink but only marginally. Shame on them. The cancellation marks are still discernible on the black envelope, so I'm not sure why they were so heavy handed with the markers.

    1. Limner -- (see Connie's comment above) They ruined your stamps too? What a bummer. I really hate it when they do that...
