Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Cut, Paste & Play

So, what do you do when it is really hot and you have a list of things to do that you don't really want to be doing?

Well, you make things, of course!
I stayed in my studio all day today and had a blast tearing and pasting and collaging and playing.

Are you sensing a theme here? Yup -- travel it is!

I don't always go by plane......I made three cross country trips in a VW camper  with a good friend, her two small girls and a 150 pound German Shepard named Hegal.
And I slept in the pop-up just like that!

Our VW camper looked just like this one -- same color and small dog. TransCanada once and USA twice....but I digress...

After making lots of cards I decided to make a travel inspired coin envelope booklet....

I don't think people go to an "Exchange" much any more...or travel with travelers checks...I know I don't...

A collage for Cuan in South Africa....

And a big bag of mail all ready to send out -- how about that? Not a bad way to spend a hot day in SF.
But what about my to-do list?
Tomorrow is another day.....

(and God knows I try!)

So, I have something to show for being too hot to go out....what do you like to do when it's hot?
If it is pouring rain, I like to do exactly the same thing.....


  1. Your creative juices were certainly flowing. The heat suits you for making stuff anyway. xox

    1. Corrine -- yup, hot = staying in my studio (and rain = staying in my studio). Thanks, Corrine.

  2. Hot day? It is 4°C here in Belgium and raining :( It looks like lots of people are going to be happy with their mail soon!

  3. great post and lots of good work here, looking forward to your pochette!

    1. Thank you, Caterina -- pochette will be at the top of my list to do soon!

  4. All great stuff, as usual! Got your letter yesterday, thanks! Have a splendid trip, okay? You'll definitely have mail from me waiting for your return! xo

  5. Pamela, regarding your post below on traveling light. my family are all in England so I've done a fair bit of travel back and forth over the years. Gosh, yes, I remember the days of the two free suitcases etc! When my parents came over in '97 for son's 2nd birthday they carried on a large wooden rocking horse broken down into it's various parts! No more. When son was 9 y/o we held up a plane from Frankfurt for almost an hour because son was carrying a small plywood sword he'd got at a craft fair! Would never have believed the hassle over that. In the end they "allowed" us to bring it on the plane so long as it could be kept up front with the pilot in the cockpit "so as not to scare the other passengers"!! It was plywood, sanded to a round tip and his name burned put on in fancy script with a wood burning tool.

    Anyway, my reason for commenting. I always wear one of these. Got it on sale at The Banana Republic back in '88. Lots of pockets for all the stuff you pick up off the street :)


    Very comfy and everything to hand when you need it. ( I hate digging through a pocketbook when standing in line with people behind me rolling their eyes and sighing ;)

    1. Wow, Polly -- things have changed, haven't they? I think it is too late for me to pick up a vest like that but I have a bag to put my street-stuff in! I have an old pal who dismantled an antique table and put it in a suitcase and flew to Paris....again...can't do that now. And you son holding up a plane because of a wooden sword? Oh gee.....the world has gone mad. Thanks so much for stopping by the blog and leaving such interesting comments....much appreciated.

  6. This is the one I have. A little different than the first one I sent you.

  7. I recently spent a rainy day doing much the same thing...trying to use up all those paper scraps I just can't throw away!!

    1. I know...I just can't throw the scraps away either.....and as soon as I do I need them!

  8. Yep! Never fails, when we should be tending to other things. I say, go with it!

  9. I had a white VW van when I moved to SF. I loved that car but honestly I slept in it more when it was broken down by the side of the road then when I camped. Oh well. NOW I hear you can get $$$ for those vans but I couldn't afford to keep it running. Nice travel ephemera !!
