Thursday, June 4, 2015

Save The Earth

Every city and town should have a center for creative reuse. It makes so much sense. Let's keep things out of the landfill.
It is just such a great idea. We have SCRAP here in San Francisco and I took a little field trip over to the East Bay to visit The Depot for Creative Reuse.

I'm all for creative reuse (as you already know).

The fun starts right out on the sidewalk....books anyone?

Nicely organized store with lots of things to ponder a use for....

Lots of books inside too.....

It is just amazing to me all the STUFF that exists on our planet Earth...and I am happy to see some folks are really trying to limit what goes in to the landfill.

My favorite color is green! Did they know?

Definitely better to use all these pens than toss them away....

I don't actually sew....but I love old wooden spools of thread....and a pal is going to help me learn how to thread my sewing machine so I can sew some mail-art envelopes.
(Right, Dorothy?) 

Check and see if there is a Center for Creative Re-use in your town -- or in a spot you are traveling to. I guarantee you will have fun poking around -- and you'll actually be doing something good for our earth at the same time.

We also went to the center on that same field trip and we got FREE books.
My idea of a good time.

Any of you have these creative re-use centers? Let me -- and my blog readers know -- because people keep asking me about them.
San Francisco, Berkeley, Portland all have them but there have got to be more out there...
so, let us all in on the secret if you know about any others.
I finished a little zine, worked on envelopes, painted some stuff -- I'll show you next time.
Right now, the sun is shining here in SF and I'm going for a walk (to the mail box!).

Make things from re-purposed materials -- you'll be glad you did!


  1. SCRAP swooning, come visit us in pdx and we'll scare up good fun hereabouts! xo

  2. When my son was little, they had one in the children's museum. Nothing so grand as this however, wish we did. xox

    1. Corrine, even a little one is good......I could probably start my own center for creative re-use with all the stuff I've got here in my studio....

  3. OMG!!!! :-O (that's all I can say….) (oh, and so jealous now)

  4. You are our wander/wonder woman. :)

  5. Wish we had one! Just scored a pile of stationery and cards from a local thrift store though.

    1. Thrift stores actually are good for re-purposing and re-cycling too.....a pile of stationery and cards? hummmmmmm

  6. A quick Google search revealed about a half dozen in Florida. Although I have not been there yet, the closest one to me is Tampa Upcycle - Inside The Roosevelt 2.0, Creative Reuse Center, UpEvents, Workshops, 1812 N. 15th St. in Historic Ybor City (Tampa) FL, 33605 813.421.1580 tampaupcycle [ at ] An art, sewing and craft supplies boutique that collects and offers used (and some new) art supplies with “pay-as-you-wish” pricing. The idea is to have a central location where indie artists, designers and crafters can find materials that can be repurposed and made into something new. Perhaps sometime this summer!

    1. Sounds good, cjsrq -- field trip! Let us know how it is when you go there. "pay-as-you-wish" pricing? We don't have that....we have "pay what the cashier thinks" pricing and it sometimes isn't good at all.....

  7. As far as I know we don't have such Centers in Belgium, but we have our thrift shops where people who can't work in the regular job world are employed. They create new things from secondhand items which are not good enough to be sold in the shop. We bought several of those already as gifts!

    1. I love thrift shops too, TomoyoHime -- but the ones i San Francisco are not good. I have to get away from the City to find good ones -- like in Chico, CA or Tracy, CA (right, Monica? Leslie?).

  8. What an amazing place! Thanks for sharing!

    1. You are most welcome, Michelle -- and thanks for leaving a comment.

  9. I wonder what's in that tiny drawer labelled Grommet!

    Also, our rather dinky town of Champaign, Illinois has a great place like this called the I.D.E.A. store. It's wonderful.

    1. Well....Pie Poster....I bet there are grommets in that And, checking your link, that store looks pretty cool. Thanks for sharing!

  10. That really is a phenomenal idea. I would really enjoy being one of the people who organizes all of that stuff! How satisfying! I think we have a place similar to this in Philadelphia; I haven't been there yet, so I don't know exactly what it's like. I definitely need to get there...waiting for the fall when both girls are in school ALL day!

    1. OooOoo Andria, just think of all the mischief you can get in to when your girls are both in school all day. I have a friend who volunteers at Scrap and she does seem to get first dibs on a lot of great stuff....hummm.....

  11. Replies
    1. shams, they do have have fabric (at Scrap), random bundles of it....I think it is popular for quilters.

  12. Cleveland, Ohio- We have the Upcycle Parts Shop. I love it but it is very tiny! Jealous of how big you shop is! We also have Habitat Stores which are great for paint and house stuff that can be upcycled.

  13. Pamela, Houston has a terrific center for creative reuse: Texas Art Asylum. They have special times for teachers to buy goodies at a low price.

  14. We have this place north of Boston which is great fun, but a longish inconvenient drive for me.
    I found out about it because I remembered the Boston Children's museum shop that Corrine mentioned and was asking their staff whatever happened to it, and they referred me to this spot. I wish I lived a wee bit closer.

    1. Oh! Karen -- that is now on my Boston area To-Do list for my next trip.....thanks. Meet me there? Lobster after? lol
