Thursday, May 28, 2015

It's All About the Stamps!

It's All About The Stamps!
I could play with them for hours....
....and I often do...
I just love looking at them. Tiny little works of art. I sort them into piles of the same colors...or air mail or flowers or states...

Or HEADS -- for Stamp Heads. There are sure a lot more men on stamps than there are women. I'm just sayin'.
Here's a Stamp Head now -- hello George.  Did you know he enjoyed playing cards?

Sometimes you just find the perfect stamp to fit the body (but it's hard!).

A nice couple, don't you think?

These red, white & blue flag cards might be good for a 4th of July mailing.
I scored some cool Japanese stamps...

These were all stuck on one envelope...someone cut them out. I think it looks kinda like a collage..

The postmark is very cool too -- I have never seen such a long one before.

Some more cards I made featuring stamps -- both postal and rubber.
Stamp Inspiration...
On the right is a vintage book a pal sent me about making little pictures using cut-up stamps. Quite charming.
And, on the left, an article my pal Monica, the artful recrafter, passed on to me (via her sister who sent it to her).  It has some great ideas for using cancelled stamps but sadly there is absolutely no trace of what magazine it came from....and believe me, we tried to figure it out. We think it was written for a parenting magazine because it seems geared to kids. 

Here are some vintage stamp craft cards I picked up at an antique shop...right after my friend gifted me with that vintage stamp book. It was kismet. 
And, here are some cards from that article I mentioned. I think these are very cool, especially the Eiffel Tower.....
anyone want to make me one?

And these two are cards made by Monica -- aren't they cool? I took photos of a whole bunch of photos of cards she made she made using cancelled stamps and I have been been bugging her ever since about doing a post on her blog (link above) about making them. She finally told me I could show you these on my blog -- probably to shut me up. But I bet if you go over to her blog and comment and ask very nicely we might be able to talk her into a blog post about what she does with stamps.

I'm not actually a stamp collector...well, not the type who just sticks them in a book and looks at them....I like to do things with them...but I do have a few books of stamps I picked up at flea markets in my travels...I'm only human...
I love triangle stamps.
From the mysterious article....

Stamps just look cool!
These guys probably thought they looked cool back in the day too. But, I've gotta say, not so much....
Stamp Heads here I come!

There is so much more to say about stamps -- storing them, collecting them, soaking them off envelopes....
So what are you all doing with your stamps???
I know there have to be some ideas out there that I haven't thought of.
What else can we make?



  1. I love your stamp head creations, I find them incredibly hard! The best one I made was with a president and a picture of a fully naked man...! I kinda want to make stickers but haven't got up the nerve to take him into the copy shop yet. Maybe I'll hide him in a full page of others..!

    1. ha ha ha....big mamabird.....that is funny. Go for it -- I bet they have seen all kinds of things at the copy center.....and I agree, Stamp Heads can be kind of hard....but I just keep at it and eventually things (stamps) fall into place....thanks for commenting...

  2. So nice, looks like lots of fun :) I hope to have a great collection like yours someday :D

    1. Thanks, Vi Gabrielli -- nice to see a new name popping up in the comments -- thanks for taking the time to comment. Ask all your friends to save their stamps for you --and there is always ebay too!

  3. I collect stamps, but with the ones I have more than once I try to create things. I made Christmas cards, bookmarks, mail art, ATCs,... a nice stamp can be the perfect finishing touch. I love what you do with them!

    1. TomoyoHime -- oh yes -- ATC's -- I forgot to include mine in this post....and zines...more material for another time...thank you.

  4. Oooooooo! I know I don't have to tell you how much I love stamps too! What a terrific collection of postal art goodness. Thanks for this!

    1. Paper Chipmunk -- yes you do -- and thanks so much for the stamps you sent me!

  5. This post reminded me of a plate with glued stamps that a family member made in the beginning of the 20th century! When I find it, I will post a picture. Thank you again for a inspiring post and I think you have already some Dutch stamps? Or do you need a new shipping? ;-)

    1. Wow, Nina -- that sounds great. And yes...I would love some more Dutch stamps. I owe YOU mail and I will get right on it this weekend.

    2. Oh, yes, mail from you! That will be great! Last week I also got some mail from Jenny! Such a treat. And such a lovely reminder of our fun stay at San Francisco. My sister sends also her greetings to you. I already planned to send you some mail soon. Now I will put also some Dutch stamps in it.

    3. Worked on it today, Nina...will have it in the mail on Monday. And hello to your sister too. It was lovely meeting you both at XPF here in SF.

  6. Another wonderfully fun blog post Pamela! Currently, I am having the most fun turning vintage family photos into mixed media Mail Art Stamp Head pieces. Love your Mail Art and was thrilled to get a mailing from you. Fabulous mail day for sure. - lakens

    1. Vintage family photos into Stamp Heads???? Now that sounds really cool, Lisa. I hope to see one or two. (Do you have a blog?)

    2. No active blog at the moment. I have been making a lot of postcards lately so I have a few Mail Art postcards that are mixed media vintage family photo Stamp Heads. This is perfect for my not so good (quality) snap shots that might not otherwise be used. I will send you a postcard or two. Maybe it will inspire you to make your own vintage family photo Stamp Heads.

    3. I'm already inspired, Lisa, just by thinking about it! What a great idea you had.

  7. I just won a marvelous lot from Connie's giveaway. Haven't had a chance to even riffle through. Some stamp heads are in order. Like your friends blog too. And that stamp creation. Great post. xox

    1. Lucky you! i know you will make some cool stuff with your wine, Corrine. And I'm glad you enjoyed Monica's blog too. Stamp Heads are always in order!

    2. I never, ever thought to cut or create something out of stamps I've collected - they just pile up & I look at them. Thanks for the inspiration! (I still may not cut them all up, but photocopy the more precious ones first and work off of those.)

    3. tamdoll -- well, I seem to have lots of stamps to work with so I use the originals but I do save my can usually buy stamps pretty cheaply on eBay to play with...happy to hear you enjoyed the post!

  8. Lovely blog post Ms PG. I remember reading your one from long ago about the best way to remove stamps from old envelopes and postcards. You are always a wealth of information. Not to mention eye candy! xox sw

    1. thanks, miss sallyw3000.......always very nice to see your name pop up in a comment. Yes, I did do a post on getting stamps off envelopes but sadly it only works with those lovely old lick and stick stamps...not the new ones that you just glue on.

  9. Nice post, Pamela! Love what you did on the second photo. You're right they are mini works of art and so compelling to look at. We're blessed in Japan, they come up with new stamps about every month and they are very interesting. I love going to the PO and choosing them.

    1. Oh yes, Marie W, I love Japanese stamps. And I'm lucky when I get some on an envelope or cool postcard from you!

  10. Ah, where to begin, Pamela! As I was reading your first line, I was thinking how much I love to play with stamps too, and how I will sort and re-sort them by colors and subjects...and that was your very next sentence! You are a stamp-head master, to be sure. I really like the craft cards that used stamps to make little people with umbrellas and such...very clever! And Monica's stamp flower is beautiful! (By the way, I love triangle stamps, too...they immediately improve any project!)

    1. Ah, another stamp lover, I see, Andria. And I agree with everything you wrote -- I can see we think alike! You can never have too many stamps to play with, can you?
