Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hangin' Out a Little

I love hanging out in my studio....last night I was working at dusk and noticed what a lovely glow the room had from the very late early evening sun...

Maybe I am enjoying it a bit more since I actually  had to clean up  because newish pal was stopping by for a visit and I didn't want to horrify her with my usual clutter.

Sometimes I slack off from making things and just read magazines and books on mixed media techniques.... always relaxing.

I worked on my newest little zine....

Sorted some stamps that needed to be mounted on wooden blocks...I am looking for more heads and faces these days...

I have to be honest though, I hate mounting stamps on wood....but you gotta do what you've got to do...

Been playing around a lot with watercolors.....very relaxing....

Punched a whole lot of holes in a whole lot of postcards and hung them on a this idea from my pal Leslie. My second ring of mail hanging in my studio.Much nicer than storing them in a box where no one can see them. This way you can just flip through the cards for a hit of inspiration.

My old books, all ready to be torn and sorted and played with. I ran out of room on the bookshelves so these guys have to be stacked up on the floor. I love to see them sitting there just waiting for a project.

Some vintage postcards....ready for another project that's coming up....can't tell you yet.

First thing tomorrow I'll write.....she tells him....


(he says) One thing will lead to another.

Ain't it the truth? Every time I hang out in my studio, one thing does lead to another. I get ideas and inspiration all the time.

And today, in SF, we had lovely and wonderful rain which is making it a perfect day to stay inside and play with paints and stamps and paper.
We are in the middle of water rationing and a very serious drought so the rain today is most welcome.
And seriously delightful.

I am settling in for a lovely, rainy afternoon of making things and reading books and having some tea and cookies.
Why don't you come over and join me?


  1. Thanks for inviting us to tour your studio. It's so much tidier than mine. Is far more interesting too. And thanks for inviting "me" to drop by since you know I can't walk that far.

    Oh. And you're welcome for the rain. ;)

    1. You're welcome for the rain, Limner -- but it has already stopped. Phooey! It doesn't stay tidy for can bet on that! But I am enjoying it while it lasts....

  2. Fun stuff! I love the idea of hanging postcards on a ring. I found a Gregg shorthand book at a yard sale last weekend! xo

    1. Connie -- I have quite a few Gregg shorthand books....ahem....I wonder what I'll do with them. My mom was a typing whiz who knew shorthand so I always think of her when I see those books...

  3. I'm impressed with your studio clean up! Whenever I start to clean mine, I find myself distracted because as you said "One thing leads to another" and soon I'm doing a project with cleaning forgotten!

    1. cjsrq -- yup, that sounds like me. It took me longer to clean up than the vivt lasted....and things are starting to pile up again...

  4. ha ha! that book in the in the third photo looks familiar Pamela.
    Your posts always inspire me to go and do stuff!
    Thank you.

    1. Dorit--oh yes, you may recognize it! Terrific book. That is a copy from the library but I am about to buy my own copy to have on hand.I'm gad you get inspired -- when are you coming to SF? Let's have lunch and go to Scrap.

  5. I should really start to sort through the wonderful mail art I received and put it on a ring (or two) too. Always great to see your studio!

    1. The ring idea works great, TomoyoHime -- try it when you get a chance...

  6. Your studio is quite spacious and it looks like a great space to create. I'm jealous.

    1. I know I am lucky, JarieLyn -- I have two whole rooms! Come on over.

  7. Sounds like my studio time, love to sneak in that book or magazine too. Love that soft light. xox

  8. Haha, who's "newish pal"? :-))
    You're lucky, you have a fantastic studio. Hanging out in my "studio" would consist in turning my chair from left to right :-)) But this is Japan, got to live with it (in it).
    I hate mounting stamps on wooden blocks too. It's never the right size!

    1. Marie W - Yeah..the wood is always the wrong size and my glued leaked out from behind the stamps and made a mess and the whole thing is a pain in the you-know-what!

  9. Thanks for providing more inspiration and eye candy. I look forward to your posting each week! Wonderful postings to inspire us all! I need more time!!!

    1. thanks so much, monicaleeartfulrecrafter! Happy to see you enjoyed the posr -- now come on over and let's play!

  10. Tea and cookies and art sounds lovely!

    1. Cindy -- it was! I would like to have an artist tea party and invite all my cyber pals to come on over.

  11. I've been traveling and just got back home and this makes me want to plonk down in my office after work and make more mail!

  12. I'm so behind commenting on blog posts, but there are some I just have to hang onto until I can get to them. You feel about your studio the same way I feel about mine (and, I suspect, the way most artists feel about theirs) - that it's the one place I totally comfortable, with all my favorite stuff around me. When my husband is out of town for 2 weeks fishing, I spend all my time in the studio or kitchen. We're lucky to have a space all our own.

    1. Leslie -How did I miss this comment the first time around? Yes, I love being in my studio and I do feel totally comfortable thee. And thank YOU for the tip of putting mail on those rings -- it works great. I agree - we are lucky to have spaces of our own and I love my studio (and my kitchen too....but not as much...)

  13. I know this is an old post, but I had to leave a comment... I just thought of the binder-ring holder for some postcards today, too & it's so brilliant. It's much easier to store and view them this way!

    1. tamdoll -- I am happy someone is still looking at my older posts and thank you for the comment. I recently put all the birthday cards my 101 year old FL got on rings so he could have them all together and flip through them. It really does work well -- and you can hang them up! My friend Leslie (comment above) is the one who gave me the idea.
