Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A Day

A day that starts off with a perfect peach and a good read and some strong coffee has potential....

(This picture is going to make you crazy, I know)

I decided to go to Scrap. I haven't been in months, not being happy with the pricing some of the clerks do.
But today was a real good day.
This is my favorite find. I am a sucker for labels like this.

I found a bunch of these cool  rubber stamps...

And the usual good assortment of postcards and cards....

And vintage buttons -- just because they looked cool. They aren't mail art but I like them.

And, in the free section, I got seven (yes, seven) 2015 Asian calendars. I love them for tearing up for collage. Plus, heck -- they still have six months left in 2015 on them.
And, I'm going to share and bring a few the SF Correspondence Co-Op swap table on Saturday afternoon.

After Scrap, I took a nice walk in the sunshine and stopped in at this very fun show. If you are local, swing by. You'll enjoy it.

This piece caught my eye...(of course).

And, if you're not local, here are a few more pieces you can see right here on my blog.
Matchbook art.

You can check out this link to see more about the show -
Strike Away

After Scrap and the match box show I dropped off some mail at the post office....

When my mail came today, I got nothing, nada, nula. Very bad and depressing.
But I did get this book. I hadn't even heard about it until two days ago. Somehow I thought it would be too cutesy for my taste but it is actually quite charming.

I love how the pages on the side of the book look like air mail stripes.

I think you guys might like this one.

Now, I'm just going to sit down and look through my new book.

So---what did you guys do today?
Or, what are you going to do when you have time? Or, maybe, what did you do all weekend?
I'd like to know.

Lucky for me, my work is freelance so I can squeeze in little outings between jobs.

(Which hasn't been working too well for me lately. I'm just saying.)


  1. The matchbook art looks intriguing. I too, just found out about the snail mail book a couple of days ago and I went on Amazon and ordered it. I hope to get it in a day or two.

    Today, I went to staples to get some plastic storage drawers to organize my snail mail stuff. I also went to my psychic development group tonight.

    1. JarieLyn -- yup, the matchbook art was very interesting and I'm glad I got to see it. And i think you will really enjoy the Snail Mail book when you get it. I'm trying to organize my stuff too --- an ongoing project. Thanks for commenting.

  2. I really want that book! I noticed it a few weeks ago and fell in love with it right away. I want a Scrap here too! Love your outgoing mail as usual. :)

    1. TomoyoHime -- can you get that book where you are? (The Netherlands?) -- hope so.

    2. I live in Belgium. ^^ But yes, I can order it online or maybe ask in a bookstore if they can order it for me.

  3. Love the Asian calendars. I'd be really happy to get those even if i had to pay for them! What is Scrap? I've been avoiding blog land for a looong time so maybe i missed your description of it.

    1. Susan -- I have been buying those Asian calendars in Chinatown for years but this is the first time I've gotten a bunch for free. If you put SF Scrap into the search box for my blog you will see a number of post about it which will explain all. Scrap is a Center for Creative Re-Use and the proceeds benefit the SF School District -- and t is a wonderland for artists who like to re-purpose and re-cycle. They are located in a number of towns -- SF, Berkeley, Portland, DC. Nice to see a new name here in the comments -- thank you for commenting.

  4. that book does look quite enticing....and thanks for the mail..xo

    1. Dori -- I think you'd like it. Got mail from YOU today -- thank goodness....

  5. You live in the best city. Inspiration all around you. I drove (alone) all the way to my PO this morning, expecting a bit of good mail to read with my coffee, and...nothing. boo hoo. I think i will get busy and make some goodies to send out - some good mail for Pamela?

    1. Mail has been DOWN for weeks, Millicent. And, it's no fun. I wonder why? Ok, you make me something and I'll make you something -- deal? And coffee with no mail = no fun!

  6. I actually have some mail ready to send you. Just got to get myself to the post office.

  7. dear,

    glad you are basking in the snail mail glory. yes! it's an awesome book. i got myself a copy when it first came out. & i LOVE those labels and the buttons, too. + the calendars. you got some good magpie juju. xo, miss p

    1. It was a good day -- Scrap is very hit or miss -- but this time was really fun.

  8. an incoming mail drought hereabouts of late. so very sad!

  9. Great eye candy blog post. As you know my studio (and some parts of my home) have things I purchased at SCRAP over the many years I have been going there. (20 plus years). Wonderful place to support and shop for goodies. Thanks for posting about the Matchbook show too. I will not miss it but must hurry!

    1. Monica--I am surprised I haven't run in to you over at SCRAP. I had fun on Wednesday. Hope you make it to the Match box show-- very fun.

  10. Another fabulous haul. Love tiny matchbook art, just don't have the patience or tiny fingers to do it. xox

  11. This looks like a perfect day! LOVE the matchbox art show! Especially vintage matchboxes. They are just wonderful aren't they (and that breakie peach looks yummy).
    Today I'm going to hit Tokyo Beads Town. Very excited about that. Have a good weekend Pamela.

    1. it was a fun day, Marie W-- and hummm....Tokyo Bead Town???? I certainly need to hear and see more about that and I will keep an eye on your blog!

  12. I forgot to tell you I got my Snail Mail book too. Thanks for suggesting it. Makes me want to go to Japan again and shop around all their great stores. I am going to try to get to the Matchbook show today. Hope it is still up! Thank you!

    1. I want to go to Japan again too, monicalee. But we are pretty lucky to have Mai Do and Diaso and Itchibankan all here.........

  13. Turned out our library had just gotten "The Red Notebook" and I was the first one to check it out. I read it in one sitting and loved it!!! Thanks so much for posting the picture of the cover. I would suggest that anyone who hasn't already read it might want to pace themselves to make it last longer.

    1. Ha! i read it in one day too -- and really enjoyed it. It was such a small book it was easy to read quickly -- maybe we should re-read it? I got mine from the library too.

  14. Seriously? I can't believe what you find at that scrap place! Those labels?! The matchbook art is so neat! I especially love the ones with the people sitting inside.

    1. Andria -- I know -- lucky me! You will have to visit SF and go to Scrap.

    2. That would be such an amazing vacation--visit you, go to Scrap....

  15. There are so many pics that I can't remember all of the ones I want to comment on when I get clear down here, but really love the ornamental stamps - great find - and the little matchbook with dangling bells. You always seem to have good luck at SCRAP, or maybe you only post about the good trips, but it looks like a great place.

    1. I do have good luck at Scrap, Leslie. I don't go very often but when I do I usually find something. But you have that thrift shop with the books.....
