Monday, June 22, 2015

A Fine Saturday

There were stamps for the passports....

and projects to work on...

Three different people brought artistamps
(thanks you guys!)

There a swap table with plenty of ephemera to make things right on the spot.

There was Show and Tell
(Andria-- see your little booklet inside that cool envelope you made? Everyone loved it!)
Andria's tutorial for coin envelope book here
Here is that link for all of you who asked me -- How Did she Do It????

More artistamps for the SF Correspondence Co-op passports -- you can never have too many.

There was laughing and talking and fun.

And there was a huddle....what do you think they are all looking at?
and photographing?

One of our co-op members was gifted this fabulous  mail art themed tote made from a FedEx Tevek envelope with some cancelled stamps and labels sewn on.
We were all overcome with envy and PLH is lucky she made it out of there with that bag still on her person.
But -- if YOU can sew -- and I can't -- you too can whip up one of these bags for yourself and perhaps one for me as well. I'm just sayin'.
What a fun idea.

Another view of the tote bag. The USPS also has free tevek bags but I suggest you actually use one to mail so you then you can re-purpose it into a bag.

A fine way to spend a Saturday afternoon in the city.
After our mail art meeting we went upstairs in the library to see a very fine calligraphy show.

Bottom piece (left) by Co-op member Dorothy Yuki -- a multi-talented woman.

A little calligraphy mail art? I think so!
After that some of went next door to the Asian Art Museum to see the show 28 Chinese.
We figure you can never have too much fun.

So, what did I do with the paper ephemera I took from the swap table? Why, I made mail art, of course!

So that was Saturday.



  1. Looks like fun! I recognized a friend or two and some of those artistamps!

    1. FarStarr -- and your name was mentioned too -- by Caroll W. She was telling us about driving you and Karen around SF and the hills.....

    2. Oh boy...I hope she didn't reveal too much...:P I think of you every time we try and find Thai food as good as that lunch we had together.

    3. Oh yes...that Thai lunch was fabulous -- and we have lots of great food in SF so you will just have to come back! I was jealous of your all day art day with Karen recently....

  2. Replies
    1. Dori -- I love that word "dandy". It would have been more fun if YOU were there too!

  3. Yes, that was a fun outing wasn't it? And we even did more that you didn't include! Ready for more.

    1. monicalee-- I can't tell EVERYTHING, can I? We do have fun when we go out and I am ready for more too. I'd love to go back to the center for free you-know-whats.

  4. Is that Jennie Hinchcliff laughing? :-))
    LOVE the envelope tote!! A friend made one for my mum made of coffee bags. It must be the same technique. So special!

    1. Marie W - it sure is! And she is putting stamps in passports in that top photo too. have you met her? She is pretty wonderful. And that tote is wonderful too -- I agree! Do they have free tevek Japanese Post bags?

    2. I met Jennie five years ago when she came to Tokyo for the art book fair! I had not started mail art then. Bought her book and it got me going. She is pretty wonderful indeed! :-)
      Hmmmm… I don't think they have free tevek bags though…

  5. Looks like a good time was had by all :)

  6. Thanks for sharing the little book I sent you! It's fun to see it in the show 'n tell pile. That swap table never fails to make me swoon a little...if only I could rummage through it!!

  7. What an enchanted life you live! I think all such like-minded creators left Texas and moved to Cali. People still ask why I embellish my envelopes when I stand in line at the post office, and they've never heard of mail art. Perhaps I should invite a few strangers to my studio once it's in working order again and . . . No. I reckon not.

    That swap table looks like my desk in my studio! Seriously. :(

    That calligraphy makes my mouth water every time I look at it! Yum to everything!

    1. That swap table looks a bit like my table too, Limner....I better start organizing and cleaning up....I know I am so lucky to live here in SF for many reasons, and having mail art pals is a big one! For years I worked alone but now we have a tribe.

  8. Another fun day! Glad I read this post cause we get tyvek bags mailed to us all the time at the store and I bet I could whip up a few bags. Did she add a gusset to the bottom so that it has some width? And are those the front and back of the same bags in the 2 pics? Doesn't look like it...

    1. Yes, Leslie -- I do believe they are the same bags front & bag. They are FedEx not the USPS bags. And I don't think she put a gusset in the bottom but that is an excellent idea. I bet you could whip some out too. Just sayin'.
