Friday, May 8, 2015

Oh Hell Ya!

You get invited to an all day art field trip and what are you going to say?
Hell ya!

San Francisco-to-Sacramento

Cars of artists all arriving at the same place at the same time. Yes, you can count me in.
This group of women have been meeting once a year for years and many are old friends who went to school together.
I was honored to be invited along.
Thanks to all the lovely women I met who made me feel welcome even though it was my first time with the group.

I hope it won't be the last.
First stop - RAFT in Sacramento (Resource Area for Teaching)
My first visit to RAFT. A little like our beloved SF Scrap. A resource for teachers (and a few artists thrown into the mix too).
I managed to find a few things. Mailing envelopes are certainly always useful.

Teachers like stickers.
Lots to look at with thoughts of creative reuse.

Next stop - Grand opening of the Panama Factory Gallery.
Artist studios in a fabulous old pottery making building which still has a giant (walk-in size) kiln.
Panama Pottery
4421 24th Street, Sacramento CA
I recommend a stop if you are in the area. Very interesting place to explore.

Inside Panama Pottery -- lots to see!

Next Stop - lunch! Of course when you get about twenty artists together you've got to have lunch.
And amazingly we found a restaurant with a big enough table to all sit together.

After lunch there was an afternoon of talking, snacking, sharing, show & tell and art demos.
My pal Monica is on the left and she is showing an assortment of little books she makes in her workshops.

All sorts of origami folded booklets and envelopes......everyone wanted to sign up for a workshop from her.

Another artist, Linda Clark Johnson, brought a box of her beautiful cards and let everyone take one. Kim brought her wonderful BE KIND stickers.
Read about her Be Kind Project by clicking here.

Cyanotypes in the making.....
At lunchtime we also saw a show of wonderful cyanotype collages by
linda clark johnson
You can see some by clicking he link above. Linda showed us all how to make ATC sized cyanotypes by laying leaves on the coated paper and leaving them out in the sun.

Here she is washing the them after they are finished being exposed to the light.

I love the blue color and now I am excited to get busy making some cyanotypes of my own.
But I wonder if we actually have enough sun here in SF to do it...better not try it on a foggy day.

There was also a demo on painting tee shirts....

I missed out on that one but the tee shirts sure came out cool....

More show-and-tell -- origami this time.

The whole afternoon just flew by!

There was still time for a piece of cheesecake before everyone hit the road.
Two hours home to SF and two hours to Chico.
Sacramento was a great place to all meet up and share some art and fun.

What a wonderful tradition this is -- friends and artists meeting once a year for a day dedicated to
looking at, talking about, showing
I wish they would all make a trip to San Francisco sometime!

Special thanks to Monica, for inviting me and Melissa for hosting everyone in her house.


  1. I've wanted to try cyanotypes forever, but I still haven't gotten around to it! They're beautiful!

    1. Pie Poster -- try t! Making cyanotypes really isn't difficult and they are lovely. I love how Linda adds text and collage to hers which makes them very special.

  2. Wow, what a fun day you had! The cyanotypes are beautiful. Is it possible to do any other colors? And the tshirts - Sharpies and rubbing alcohol? I don't wear tshirts but the designs are great!

    1. That was a fun day, Leslie! And I just had another one with you too. As far as I know, cyanotypes are always blue but I could be wrong. Maybe Linda will weigh in on the subject. Yes, Sharpies and rubbing alcohol sprayed could wear a tee under a shirt???

  3. Replies
    1. It really was, Big Mama Bird. Funny but the more days I have like that the more I want every day to be so much fun!

  4. Oh darn I wish I had been paying more attention and knew about this!! I live in Sacramento and Panama Pottery is less than a mile from my house! I would have loved to meet up with you all!! *Grumble* How can I find out about the next one Pamela? You look like you all had so much fun!!

    1. Rhonda H -- oh nooooo, wouldn't that have been fun? Well, I was actually invited for the first time but maybe next year I can invite YOU! Wow, you live only a mile away from Panama Pottery? I had no idea....We really did have a wonderful time.

  5. Yet another great field trip!
    You'd be surprised how little sun you need for cyanotyping. It's a technique where you can experiment a lot, results vary according to the season (orientation of the sun rays), time of day, humidity, temperature, time of day etc… but it's very rewarding, you'll have fun.

    1. Hey Marie W -- thanks for the info. I have cyanotypes on my list of things to try....actually I did some years ago....but now that i just gave away all my darkroom stuff they are especially appealing as an alternative process.

  6. Dear Pamela,
    Thanks for this post of the great Sisterhood of Creativity art day! So glad you were able to go with us. That was year 16 for me and counting. You did a great job documenting everything we did. Your friend Rhonda should join us next year and hopefully we can convince some of the ladies to come to the Bay Area for an outing!

    1. monica -- it was such a wonderful day -- thanks so much for inviting me. And yes, it would be great to see at least some of the ladies here in SF too.

  7. What a fun day i'd love a day like that about now! xox

  8. I'm reading these posts backwards, and can't believe what fun outings you've had this month! The cyanotypes win the day for me...gorgeous!

    1. I know, Andria -- lucky me! the more art outings I have the more I want to have. Such fun. And yes, those cyanotypes were fun to make and Linda's are really fabulous.
