Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A party -- and You are Invited!

What do you need to have a party?
Well, for sure you need some fabulous, homemade cupcakes (by master baker KC). And you need little postage stamp flags on top of each one!

You need artistamps.....

...and a passport to put them in....

And a swap table always adds to the fun...

We do know how to put on a good swap....

Cancelled stamps floating around are always good too.

You need wine.

And, of course you need some bites to can't live on cupcakes and wine alone.

You need party guests...preferably ones (like these two) who are creative and friendly and fun.

A typing station is always good too. (Thanks to Monica for bring two of these beauties).

Just making sure you saw those ZIP Code stamps on those yummy cupcakes.

You need a raffle and a lovely pal who wins the raffle and gives the box of rubber stamps she won to you -- thank you so much, Angelique.

Happy Birthday to the SF Correspondence Co-Op!
Started by the wonderful and talented Red Letter Day herself --
Jennie Hinchcliff -- we have had four years of fun and art and events and swaps and trades and zines and mail and artistamps...
Now going strong into our fifth year as a group, we are still having a little too much fun.

You can come to the party -- if you are in San Francisco you can come to one of our meetings. 
Or, you can start up a group of your own.
Trust me, it will be worth it.
I found my tribe.



  1. Now THAT is my kind of party! Happy Birthday to the SF Corresp. CoOp! I may have to start up some fun here in Jax...hmmm.

    1. Well, B. Lee -- I think that would be a really good idea. And I hope we'll see you back here in SF sometime too.

  2. I want to move! I can't drink wine but I can sure have fun! And eat. :)

    Congratulations on a lovely 5! May there be many more.

    1. Limner -- don't worry, you don't have to drink wine -- but you definitely don't want to miss out on a cupcake.

  3. I love that swap table! And I would so grab all those ZIP Code flags and run away as fast as I could.

    1. TomoyoHime --you could make some postage theme flags......and yup, that swap table to great. I got two rubber stamps and some cancelled stamps...

  4. "I found my tribe"<-----Love that statement!

    1. I'm glad -- it took a while but now I am surrounded by folks who love all the same things as I do. A terrific feeling.

  5. You all have the best parties! Fun...xox

  6. pamela: as ever, so very toothsome + inspiring! makes me look forward to pdxcc gathering next tuesday even more! we have a stamp cutting demo by suki allen from: now if we could only scare up such a deluxe swap table. wow! we are only 5 MONTHS old though. just give us time!!

    1. OooOoo a stamp cutting demo -- how fun. I am quite sure you guys will have a grand swap table like ours in time-- the PDX group is going bangbusters. have fun.

    2. don't get me wrong. we do have a swap table at present and it is rather savory. i got myself some fine little prince postal stamp stickers there last month. AND it is quality not just quantity ;) but you all are setting the bar high for something to aspire towards. thanks!!!

  7. We are still having a little too much fun :-))) Long live the Co-Op!! xxxX

  8. You made me really want some cupcakes! And those passports always make me drool!

    1. I love those passports too, Pie Poster. I was thinking of making one and taking it around to all my art field trips and artist get-togethers and finding something to add to it each time......the Co-Op passports are just for the o-op artistamps...maybe you better go buy a cupcake.

  9. That looks like so much fun! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yoi are most welcome, Michele C -- I am hoping to encourage others to have meet-ups like we have -- it is such fun.

  10. Oh yes! This is just plain ol' FUN!!! Thanks for all of the inspiration! I want to get one started in the Richmond , VA area. Do you have any contacts that might be interested in helping out?

    1. Pam Foster -- I know one mail artist in Richmond who may be interested -- do you know Mim? She sometimes reads and comments on my blog, maybe she will see this. Or you could write her a letter! If you email me or comment and send me your email I can send you her address....(I won't publish the comment with your address).And I have a pal in Petersburg VA too....

  11. Pamela, Loved seeing these party pictures of the fun night. Thanks for posting. My blue typewriters look was great to get out and set up the typewriter bar for the Co-op! It is always nice to be in company of people who love the same things as we do isn't it?

    1. It sure is, Monica! What a terrific bunch of people -- you included! And your typewriters were charming (love that blue color).

  12. Great party! You have the most wonderful postal-and-art-themed social life! I want to hear more about this swap you just leave what you want/take what you want? Sounds divine!

    1. The swap table? No rules! You just bring whatever you are tired of or have too much of and take whatever strikes your fancy. Everybody is happy! I have scored some great rubber stamps from it.....

    2. That sounds like an amazing deal!!

    3. It sure is, Andria. We all have so much stuff that we kind of re-cycle amongst ourselves.
