Friday, May 1, 2015

It's All About the Envelope!

I recently shared a link on the Blog's FaceBook page about making envelopes. It got me started thinking about how much I like envelopes.
Vintage envelopes, handmade envelopes, tiny ones and large ones, envelopes that are sewn together and (especially) altered vintage envelopes.

So, of course, I got started working on some envelopes.......

Altered Envelope
I love to alter vintage envelopes using cut out faces (usually from postcards) and images torn from old books and rubber stamps and some splashes of paint.

Altered Envelopes
Here are two I really like....I'm sending that bottom one to Virgo in Russia. It says Vargo on the envelope which made think of Virgo.....The top envelope was sent from Russia to the USA.....maybe it will make a return trip.
Altered Envelope
I added this guy and some additional postage and rubber stamps to this one. A red envelope is a bit unusual to find.
In fact, it is hard for me to find old envelopes to alter -- any of you out there have a cheap source? If any of you have an old envelopes you can spare or trade I would really appreciate it.
I am looking very hard for cancelled passports with ZERO luck. I have lost all the eBay auctions.
If anyone out there can send me one passport or more I would be so happy.
I am trying to work on an Altered Passport project, which isn't easy to do without being able to find passports to alter....
We thank you in advance
I can pay a reasonable amount for them or make you stuff in trade....

(New) Altered Envelope
When I can't find vintage envelopes to alter, I just make some new ones and pay with them...I thought this guy would like a Levi think??

(New) Altered Envelope

(New) Altered Envelope
This one just might have to go off to Russia...I just love that onion dome building...

Tiny Vintage Envelopes
Going through my stash of old envelopes to alter, I found these teeny little envelopes..

They aren't even close to the minimum size that the USPS requires now...
This is to give you an idea of the scale....I put the tiny envelope on top of an envelope I recently received and one underneath...see what I mean?

And here's a quiz for you -- when is an envelope not an envelope?

Why, when it is a letter folded up into itself to make a envelope....very common in France..way back when...and so cool.

I always have a stack of outgoing mail and that stack always has a few handmade envelopes going out.
It is really easy to just make a trifold and use double stick tape on the sides.
I never measure.
The link I posted on the FB page had templates and some long, involved, complicated way to make an envelope.
Get over it!
Life is too short to make a huge production out of sending good mail.
We are busy people, right?

Tomorrow there is an big all day ART FIELD TRIP.
There will be a full report.


And please, if you have old passports or envelopes sitting around, think about what I could do to them.
Happy May Day.

(We love comments)


  1. OK --I'm testing out the comments section once again! This time from work (don't tell anyone!). I'll look through my stash and see if I have any old envelopes I can give you. I'm pretty sure I don't have any passports. Nice blog post, dear. Your envelopes are always the best. Unique and so creative!

    1. yay -- sallyw3000 -- you did it! So happy you could post a comment (shhh....from work). Thank you. And coming from you, if you like my envelopes, I am very happy. I should ask Miss Chow and ju to be on the hunt for me -- they are the good ones for finding stuff.

  2. i have a few old envies for you

    1. Oh! Thank you, Dori -- and so glad your comment went through too.

  3. ok, love this!!! i am smitten with envelopes as well. a perfect way to wrap up an epistolary wonder. & your envelopes never disappoint. ditto for your blog posts. curious what fun you'll scare up tomorrow. have fun & know that i for one will e awaiting yr report! STAY COOL!

    1. Thanks so much, miss polly! San Francisco is about 25 degrees cooler today than yesterday (63 vs 88), thank goodness. But I am going somewhere HOT tomorrow (hint hint).

    2. & will send you a few vintage env. in next postalette! hapy to share along...
      with YOU!

  4. Great post, and the fab red stripey one just arrived - thank you so much.

    1. FinnBadger -- I re-purposed that red stripey envelope -- and you are most welcome!

  5. I have a few I can send you as well. Love what you're doing with them! Have a great weekend! xo

    1. Yay! Thanks, Connie! Happy you like what I'm doing with them too.


  6. i have never seen old passports anywhere, guess people tend to destroy those. That would be quite the find...
    I also never measure my envelopes. I just fold and cut and glue, and then decorate the hell out of it! Sometimes there's a very wonky one, I only send those to very special people, usually kids...

    1. I see loads of old passports but can't afford them.....I am altering MY old passports though so that's a start. They go for large sums on eBay unfortunately....My envelope style sounds very similar to yours, big mamabird.
      More power to us!

  7. Pamela! I will send you an old envie. I just found some in my stash today. Great post...nice to see my little blossom of an envelope. Hugs.

    1. Howdy, Miss Millicent -- I always love your envelopes. And thanks for the envelope contribution too. Remember our class in Portland?

  8. Yea! You are on fire! They're great. I'm making new envelopes as well. Mine are pretty pedestrian next to yours, but I enjoy using pages I've saved from magazines like Hi-Fructose and Communication Arts, among others. My version of calligraphy is fun and makes time move faster.

    1. Limner, your calligraphy is absolutely beautiful and makes any envelope you send wonderful. And, BTW, thanks for your recent mailing with another little booklet in it -- lucky me!

  9. Wow...I am very interested in exactly HOW the old passports are being altered...I mean, what do you do with them...make them into books? Do you tear them apart and use various pages in other projects? Please tell me! Also, when you alter the old it to resend as re-purposed envelopes, or are you using them in other projects. You got a lot going on in this post! Love it!

    1. Well, thank you so much, Pam....I am altering the passports in a similiar way to the old envelopes....with rubber stamps and bits of paper collage (paper from other countries) and maybe some old photos...I keep the passports intact...they are faux travel documents. I was lucky enough to get some ID books from my trip to Eastern Europe at the flea markets so they will go into the mix as well. And no, I am not resending the vintage altered envelopes -- they can be framed -- but I do send the new altered envelopes. I will do a post on the altered passports after I finish a couple of them...I am so glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for commenting.

  10. Unfortunately I have none of the items you are looking for, but I'll keep an eye open. When I want an "old" envelope I just throw a plain white one in instant coffee, haha. I love your work as always.

    1. Thanks, TomoyoHime....I know what you mean about sticking paper in instant coffee but I like the full package -- the postmark, vintage stamp and the old handwriting and the cuts and tears.....

  11. I found your blog when searching mail art and have enjoyed reading many of your posts. I love the envelopes and now I'm inspired to organize my writing desk and little art/work table to make something. But how much stuff to save and where to put it, is my problem!

    1. Hi C. Stewart -- are you the C. Stewart from NYC? Your problem is my problem -- what to save and where to sore it. I want to save just about everything and have major storage problems. I do really try to use stuff though and not just save it....I have been cleaning and organizing too. Thank you for commenting!

    2. Hi-no I'm from Kansas City. But, in reading your blog I wish I was from SF!

    3. Well, you could always visit! Lots of great things to do (and eat) here in SF. But hummm....KC has ribs!

  12. The simple trifold way of making envelopes is the way to go! I've tried making them from templates but they always seem to come out just a bit wonky...

    1. I totally agree, Cindy. And it is so incredibly easy too......I just wish I didn't buy all those templates that are sitting unused in a box.....

  13. Great post! (as always)........when you say old envy's, I assume you want those which have addresses and postal marks etc? Any specific types? And, are you familiar with She does some amazing work with embroidered vintage envy's. thanks for continued inspiration

    1. Thank you, Sharon w. Yes, i am looking for old envelopes that have traveled through the mail system and have the stamps and postmarks and dings to prove it! And thanks for sharing that blog with me (us). No, I hadn't heard of it and it is amazing. So much creativity in the world. So happy you like my blog too. Thanks for commenting.

  14. What a great collection of envelopes. I love to receive mail from you! It makes my day and surely brightens the mail carriers day too. Thanks for sharing your collection. I will put the word out on the envelopes for you among friends.

    1. Thanks, Monica! I know you have quite a collection of friends who find things for you so that helps my chances. I'm so glad you enjoy my mail -- I will have to sent you more very soon.

  15. Nice post, love your take on non-perfection. Old envelopes, envelopes from old paper, re-purpose-ing, all good. I like how you attached the tiny envelope to a larger on. Such fun.

    1. Thank you, mim -- I love non-perfection and re-purposing. And, i know you do too......thanks for commenting.

  16. I use the tri-fold method that I picked up from your blog a while back! Easy and they turn out fabulous! Love all the envelopes you posted!

    1. Cool! So glad you are making those tri-folds, Michele. I actually use double stick tape to line with with another cool piece of paper (map, ad, magazine page, etc) to make the paper stronger and make the envelope more easy and such fun. Thank you for your comment.
