Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Damn right I had fun!

The more art field trips I go on, the more I want to go on...and my mail art pal,  Leslie
invited me to take Bart to the end of the line and go visit her in Tracy, CA.
It is a long way from SF and it was made even longer buy the fact Bart broke down for five hours in the middle of the day while I was in Tracy. Happily I didn't know!
One Woman's Hands
Check out her blog -- there was some show & tell of the pieces in her post here.

After riding to the end of the line, Leslie picked me up and there was a quick stop for coffee and then on to the thrift shop she has been torturing er....telling me about for the past year...

Everything I heard about it was true! We scored big time. Books to tear up and re-purpose.
Collage books. A typewriter book. All kinds of great stuff. Did I mention I had to carry all my scores 100 miles back to SF?

Can you see those prices?
.50 cents for a hardcover? .20 cents for a paperback?
The next best thing would be free books and oh yes -- there will be a post coming up about free books soon too.

Leslie scored this charmer -- an ancient cookbook with bits glued in and making the whole book even more cool.

After all the excitement at the thrift shop (and there was no fighting over the books...really...we agreed to share)...there was show and tell in Leslie's studio.
I love to see what she she is working on and there is always a lot to see.

I love these pages she made (she talks about them on her blog).

And this envelope! She actually sewed bits of fabric and that little flower design on there. Is that my type or what? I love it and it would be very nice if she mails it to me. (I can try).

More Show & Tell -- besides what she makes, there is always a treasure trove of cool stuff she has found in her travels around town. I swear Tracy has more cool stuff to find than SF.
Too much competition here in SF.

You know lunch if always involved. Yummy deli sandwiches taste better eaten on those vintage
plates....surrounded by ephemera....

Looking around her studio is always great fun too...

Collage by Leslie
Some artwork by Leslie and her mail art friends -- I spied one Postal ATC by me!

More of Leslie's art....

I could have stayed all day but I had to head back to SF about 5:30PM.  Major Bart delays so I had had a lot of time on the train to think about what a terrific day I had. Totally worth the trip!
And I am already invited back.
I must have been on my good behavior.
Seriously, I can't think of a better day than spending it with someone who loves all the same things you do. We speak the same language.

Go ahead, set up an artist playdate with a friend. You won't be sorry!

So, what are you guys all doing for fun these days?
I want to hear about it.

It's Spring -- go out and play!


  1. Sounds like a fantastic time, even if Bart was not 100% cooperative.

    1. Oh was great....and the trip TO was a piece of cake....getting home was the problem...but I had a lot to think about!

  2. Oh! And wowowowow! I almost feel left out. Is a good thing envy is a sin. I hope you write a book about all this! SOON.

    Great adventures always come with mishaps. :) You make it all sound so "bucket list-isn." Thanks!

    1. Well, Limner--you aren't left out -- you can come along on the blog! You can see her work and the fun we had but you'll have to make yourself a sandwich!

  3. Great report on a great day, well worth the Bart Travails..!

  4. Wonderful playdate! There is nothing better for new inspiration.

  5. Fun! I would jog 100 miles for a date like that. AND those thrift store book prices? OMG! swoon.

    1. I know you are running, miss millicent -- keep on going till you hit SF and then we'll take

  6. Such a trip to see my studio and all my stuff thru someone else's eyes. Didn't recognize my own hands right away in the first pic lol. It was a very fun day. Must plan another where we actually make some art!

    1. Shhhhh.......don't admit we didn't make art...well, I photographed! And blogged about it so that counts for something....doesn't it? Thanks again for a fantastic day.

  7. Glad you weren't stuck on BART for five hours!

  8. Okay…this is bizarre. I commented twice today! Let's try again. It must be something on my end. Now…what did I say? Love those little books (was there an autograph book in the stack), wish I'd taken more photos of your fabulous studio and…you sure know how to have fun! Take care. (Fingers crossed.)

    1. Adrienne--yes, that is an autograph book in there. I have my mom's autograph book too but I can't bear to tear that one up. Thanks so much for trying again (and again) to comment. I really do appreciate it. I don't know what the problem is but I wish it would go away. Just mailed something out to you this past week -- hope it doesn't take too long to reach you. You will just have to come back and take more photos of my studio! You are welcome any time.

  9. What a great art-filled playdate, Pamela! Your photos of Leslie's art and workshop are so enticing. I love the look of the books you scored, and know that you are probably already putting them to use; you're good like that!

    1. Thanks Andria, and you bet I am putting the books to good was a wonderful day and so much fun to look around Leslie's studio.

  10. Oh, I love the Girl with the Pearl Earring... Also, what an ingenious organization system using the flaps of envelopes to label the contents in that box. Super smart.

    1. Pie Poster - I thought se had a good idea using those envelope flaps too. It's fun to visit various friend's studios and get inspired and get ideas.

  11. Great seeing Leslie's stuff - we have exchanged off and on over the years and I always love what I receive from her! Also neat to see one of my pieces I did for a Xmas exchange we made a couple of years back (vintage girl on crochet doily). Sadly Michigan is too far away for me to pop in for a visit :(

    1. Well...Jewels....too bad you can't pop over and visit Leslie because she sure is fun. Glad you spotted a piece you created too. I love getting mail from her. Thanks for the comment.
