Friday, April 24, 2015

Flash Field Trip

Some mail art pals and I found out at the last minute that
Hero Arts Rubber Stamps
was having a FLASH (don't you love that word?) sale a while ago. We didn't even know the factory was over in the East Bay (in Richmond).
Of course we had to go check it out -- and we made a day of it!
How about you guys come along?

The factory store is open Monday and Wednesday from 10AM-3PM but a Flash Sale is extra special.
I think if you go to the website for Hero Arts (linked above) or the FaceBook page you will get notices when the flash sales are.

See what I mean?? Boxes and boxes of stamps (mostly cling) for $, $2 and $3 only.

But besides the tables set up for the flash sale, you can go into the regular little store too where there is more stuff...and a really nice woman named Debbie was helping us there.

And look what else you will find -- a Make and Take table fully loaded with lots of stamps pads and rubber stamps, paper cutter, Swizzle machine (I think that's the name of it). It made waiting for my friends to finish shopping very painless -- I played with stamps and made a bunch of cards while I waited.

We made a day out of it and after the stop at Hero Arts, my pals had to deliver their altered books to
the Altered Book Show at the Marin Museum of Contemporary Art.

And, lucky me, I got to have a preview of the wonderful upcoming show and auction of altered books. You can bet I am going to bid on some of them
Marin Museum of Contemporary Art
If you're in the Bay Area I recommend you go.

Several pieces were made of de-constructed books -- just my type.

If you're going to have an all day art field trip, you've got to eat lunch. And we had a fabulous Puerto Rican lunch at Sol Food in San Rafael.
I only mention that because if you go see that altered book show, you just might want to go to Sol Food for lunch.

I'm just sayin'.

Right across the street from lunch were two thrift shops. It was almost as if they knew we were coming.......

When we saw the $50.00 we were not amused but then we realized that it was $50.00 for everything in the basket.....hum......surely chipping in $25 each Monica and I have plenty to share. Score!
Hero Art Stamps
These are some of the cool faux postage stamps I got.......

And there are some MORE of the stamps I all know by now I cannot resist faux postage...

And the stamps are already in use in my altered passport project. You know my rule -- if you bring it home you better use it!
Can you tell the real stamps from the faux?

Here's another one....I am having fun with these and I had a lot of fun on the field trip.
Where will I go next?
A trip to Tracy, CA for art is rumored as well as a ferry ride over to Marin to see the Altered Book Show when it officially opens.
Any more invitations? 

Just say the word.
Now, wasn't that a fun day?



  1. Wow, those faux stamps are fantastic - what a great find.

    1. I know, aren't they? My favorite stamps are postal, of course. And they brought them out special for us when we told them we were mail artists....

  2. That basket of postage stamp albums looks intriguing! Great idea to go in together to buy the basket. What a great field trip!

    1. cjrsq -- lucky we were mature enough to SHARE! lol. Monica has lots of sisters so she is very good at sharing and I try!

  3. What I wouldn't have given to be able to tag along!

  4. How is it that you always have the best stuff. I love Hero Arts, their stamps are so high quality. That stamp book, amazing....xox

  5. Love the faux postage stamps! Especially the asian ones. Great catch again!! xxx

    1. Marie w -- I love faux postage too.....and real postage........

  6. Thank you for taking us along with your lovely field trip! I love all the things you bought. And I also love to go to thrift stores. Most of the time I find something nice.

    1. Hello Nina in The Netherlands! I love thrift shops too -- wish I could pop into one over there with you. Thanks so much for stopping by the blog and commenting.

  7. What fun, Pamela! I love the idea of a flash sale (and with such affordable prices!). Your haul of postage stamps looks heavenly. I spent my day at the Allentown Paper Show so I have been drinking in eye candy all day!

    1. Your day sounds really fun too, Andria -- looking forward to seeing what you picked up at the paper fair on your blog.

  8. I have always loved Hero Arts stamps. Your field trips are always fun to read about. I can't believe you found that stamp album, that was amazing. Don't you think some of the mail art resembles altered books in a small way?

    1. Janet -- oh sure -- some mail art are little altered books for sure. And I know YOU have made some beauties. thanks for the comment.

  9. Spare a thought for us poor mail artists living in the ass end of Africa. I feel like I'm on another planet when I see your surfeit of postal and collage riches. A visit to the west coast of America is now firmly on my bucket list.

    1. Hey Cuan -- start saving up for that plane ticket! But you may have to stay here in the Bay Area for a few months to take advantage of all the various things that go on here. Thanks for the hello!

  10. Hmmm… I almost hate to admit that I *literally* salivated at the sight of those postage stamps! Ha! Fabulous score. Or is that scores? I know you'll put it all to great use! What fun.

    1. Hi Ellen -- I have a feeing you have plenty of postage stamps already! I am trying to put everything to good use -- what is the point of just having stuff and not using it, right? Thanks for commenting and letting me know people are out there reading my blog.....

    2. I definitely read your blog, even if it sometimes takes me a few days to see the latest.

      And, yeah... I probably need more stamps as much as I need... well, never mind! But they are such a pleasure, as you know.

      (I'm not sure if you already got this comment? Blogger has been doing this fun little thing. It makes me re-sign in when I try to submit a comment. After I do, I discover that my comment has been dumped. I've learned to save a copy before hitting "Publish." It's not just here -- it seems to be a blogger-wide thing.

  11. Here's a test comment. See:!category-topic/blogger/ZwCtUu5UhjM

    1. Well, your test comment went through but i am still getting a steady stream of comments on my blog's faceBook page by folks who say they try to comment and they can't.....and it is beyond frustrating.....isn't there any way Blogger can help?

  12. i am absolutely giddy knowing that hero art is a.) in richmond & b.) has SALES!!!
    hmmmmm....may have to plan next bay area walkabout around said sale.... thanks as ever for all the inspiration! you sure do know how to scare up some good fun! the philatelic haul brought on more than a little swoon!!

    1. get on that mailing list, miss polly, and start planning your trip......I think you stay in the easy bay when you are in the Bay Area so that should work out nicely for you.....

    2. YES!! & YES!!!! (thanks again)

  13. Almost makes me miss living in the Bay Area ;)

  14. Pamela, That was such a fun outing we all took. I look forward to the next adventure!

    1. Monica -- it sure was fun and thanks for all that driving. I am looking forward to the next adventure too -- and I happen to know it is coming right up on Saturday.
