Saturday, April 4, 2015

Stacks of Heaven

Honestly, I think this must be what heaven looks like. can you imagine little cherubs hovering overhead?
I can. And, there would be food too.....

SF Library Spring Book Sale
This really is too much fun. The Friends of the Library does this TWICE a year. God bless 'em!

This is my friend's cart while we were waiting in line to pay in line to pay....(she is lucky I didn't grab that Birds book right out of there...) Just kidding, Monica! I wouldn't think of it.

My other friend's stash (she only bought FIVE books?????). Well, she was riding home on her bike...Strange Birds and Their Stories????

My cart....why yes, it is filled all the way up to the top...

And, spilling over a little bit....

I got a typewriter book....

...and three shorthand books....just in case one wasn't enough...

And an old Paris par Arrondissemont....
I love these little books with the most beautiful maps in Paris tucked inside...I always look for these and they are hard to find. This one just fell into my lap.

You can still use them Paris the streets don't change...

How could I pass this up? By the FUNK Brothers?

You know you've always wanted to know this..
...and this....

And this one is already coming in handy....I am checking up on all my Aries friends...

I was tempted by a Red Handed and Red Headed know who you are (and thanks!)

Ahhhhh....the you miss those hair styles?
Happily I went to HS after those were popular.

I bet this was the French teacher...oohlala.

She looks more like a teacher than a the pearls.

What would they think of 2015? No iPhones for this crowd.

I always look for flower and bird books....but so does everyone else....scored a couple this time for a change...

I am going to have to think up something special for these pretty...

I hope Ray doesn't mind that I have Olga's book now. 1943. Wow.

So, another day at the Library book sale. May they never run out of books.
And thanks for the fun, Monica and Leslie and Red.

Now it's time to PLAY. Yes, I am ripping things up. I have to make things to justify bringing more books home. They really spur my creativity.
Cards, collages, altered books....let the making begin!
And guess what? Tomorrow is DOLLAR DAY.
I believe I have to go troll the tables and see what treasures I can come up with for $1 each.
Happily the books I like are usually not what the scanners are trying to scoop up so hopefully I will find some more treasures.

What would YOU do with all these books?
I could always use a few more good ideas. Next Book sale is September in case you want to plan your SF trip now. See you there!



  1. love shorthand books and the botanical glories!! Clereodendrum is a big favorite of mine....though we both know that list is very long!! your glimpses make me even more excited for our upcoming library sale. thanks!!

    1. I know you will have fun at your library sale, miss polly -- and I will need a full report!

  2. Goodness! You won another lottery. I have that cookbook! It's my grandmother's. You definitely know how to repurpose those rescued books. It hurts less knowing they'll make someone else happy in a new way. Congratulations!

  3. I have been checking bloglovin from the day you told about this post on facebook. Wonderful finds!

    1. TomoyoHime -- by the way, you can subscribe to the blog by email if you want it delivered to your inbox. That way you won't have to check BlogLovin. I love old books!

  4. As always a total score on your part. The typewriter book is perfect. xox

    1. Oh yes -- it is, isn't it? I have a few of them -- I have to keep some typewriter books that I don't tear up but this one is ready for action...

  5. Oh my, just WOW! Another awesome bunch of books for your collection. Have fun with them! xo

    1. Thank, Connie Rose -- I love living with them in my studio.....

  6. I have the birthday fortune telling book. I bought it while on vacation to Oregon a couple of years ago. You scored some good finds. I however, can't see myself tearing up a perfectly good book even for art's sake, but I don't mind if others do.

    1. What can I say, JarieLyn? I am a collage artist. That's just what we do. And also I love to make altered books. How many times am I going to read a Gregg shorthand book? lol Happy to hear you don't mind! Thanks for commenting.

    2. I, too, have such a hard time removing pages from books to add to art. I think it was ingrained in me as a child (I never write in books, either). I do think I would manage to use a book on shorthand, though!

  7. Wonderful. I can see the cherubs, yes, and they are plump and rotund :-)
    LOVE the Paris map. I always look for maps in those kinds of places. Large maps make good backbones for handmade books. Painting over them, a joy…
    Great catch Pamela!

    1. Oh yes -- cherubs are always plump, aren't they? I love maps paint over them? Hummmm I'd like to see an example of that.....

  8. Replies
    1. Seth -- you'd really enjoy it. Des the NYC library have a sale like that? I can just picture tables of books out in Bryant Park.

  9. Very cool finds! We were on vacation in northern Arizona in January and I stopped at a library and it was free book day and I came home with a suitcase packed with books. I couldn't control myself! You've inspired me to look for some local book sales that might be happening in the coming weeks. Good luck on your art projects with your new finds!

    1. Thanks, Christina. Hope you find some book sales too. You packed a suitcase full of books? Hope you were driving and not flying!

  10. That book about idioms/sayings looks so interesting! It seems like you found some definite gems!

    1. It is a whole lot of fu, Cindy -- and you never know what you might find! (loads of books in Russian -- thought of you)

  11. I've been frequenting our library book sales as well. Is that Cover to Cover I see in one of your boxes? I found that at one of my sales, too!! How funny. Enjoy all your new stash.

    1. Yes I did get a copy of Cover to Cover at the sale, Andria. i actually already had a copy but for $1 I couldn't pass it up and I'm sure I will find a friend to gift it too.

    2. I got a repeat of Collage Playground for $2 using the same logic!
