Sunday, March 29, 2015

Just Hangin' Out in the Studio

I love to travel the world and to go all over San Francisco but I also love hanging out in my studio.
Want to come over?

(Little Add & Pass Stamp Head zine started by Miss Millicent and sent back in a wonderful hand sewn case)

Picked up at the Vintage Paper Fair. I am always looking for anything postal.

Milagro with eyes.....

More eyes.....this time it is Saint Lucy....don't even ask....

Playing with those French vocabulary cards....

A Dori Singh treasure....

Vintage nun postcard from France...
Cut-outs for collage...

Stack of Gelli papers (and a vintage P)

Tail of the Yak Calendar

I finally sorted my "to be answered" mail and my address book into a pretty box

a little incoming mail...

I spent yesterday cleaning and I can actually see the top of my desk.  My husband's comment was "How long do you think it will stay like that?".
But I won't show you the top of my work table. Now, that's a whole other story.
But I've gotta work!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes and mail.
I had a really great mail week this week and loved everything everyone mailed me.
I want to do some show-and-tell of what my fabulous creative pals sent to me and another of what I made and sent to my Aries friends.
Stay tuned.

I got a lovely email from a woman who has a boutique in Point Reyes Station, CA. She said she enjoys the blog and it inspired her to send out some mail art.
Someone came into her shop and told her about my blog  and now I am wondering who was that
masked mystery shopper?
Do tell if it was you!
It is driving me crazy wondering who the nice person is who is spreading the word about my blog...)

So, how long do you think my desk will stay like that?



  1. My desk is very similar to yours! It has that same plank to pull out above the drawers. I've also been trying to keep my desk area cleaner... so that my husband will spend more time with me in the office! And I just love that incoming mail with the apples and flowers. So bright and cheery!

  2. I have a tiny desk like that too. Holds my sewing machine. I have an "in box" for mail I need to return, I couldn't figure out any pther way that made sense....Dori's mail is aleays so special. xox

    1. Yes -- Dori mail is really special mail. And I better get busy on that "in box" and send some mail out -- so I get good mail!

  3. I think that by the time I'm writing this, you desk doesn't look like that anymore :-)))
    Am I right?...

    1. Nice try, Maie W, but it still looks good -- at this moment, anyway!

  4. If you left home and went on vacation, I imagine your desk still looks like it does in the picture. If you have been anywhere near it, I imagine it no longer looks that way! It's just way too tempting and inviting to do some creating.

    1. hahaha you guys know me pretty well.....but it still looks big work table, however, is another is covered with stuff....

    2. Guys, don´t forget: creative chaos is not the same as mess or disorder!

    3. My creative chaos is pretty messy.....but I like to straighten up between prjects. And, Susanna, I look for my mail from you every day but it never came.....:(

  5. Replies
    1. I guess we have to give up now, Planet Susannia.......unless there is a postal miracle....

  6. In no particular order, I love 1) the vintage mailman, 2) Dori's booklet (I need to make more booklets!), 3) the Yak calendar pic (!!!), 4) that lovely box you're keeping your mail in, and 5) your little desk. I wonder if I'd send more mail if I sat at my cute little desk. Its up in the guest room right now. Would have to revamp the studio to fit it in...

    1. I am glad to get your list, Leslie! That desk actually is pretty good-size.....yes, you should make more booklets and send me one.....

  7. Dee-lish! Love these mages! I have a box of Hebrew language flash cards that my Associate Pastor gave to me from her seminary days, and I haven't been able to figure out WHAT to do with them. It didn't occur to me that simply embellishing with some collage elements and rubber stamps would be just the thing!

    1. Don't feel bad, Andria -- I have had boxes of flash cards sitting around for years and I just now finished out something to do with them....other than putting them under my pillow at night and hoping I learn another language by osmosis.....

    2. lol! Pretty sure I won't be learning Hebrew anytime osmosis OR otherwise!
