Thursday, April 9, 2015

Tie One On!

Isn't everything better with a ribbon on it?
I think so! And have I been busy making little books?
You bet!

I love air mail stripes.This paper had the airmail stripes but nothing else  going on so I had to do a little stamping....

They have a postal theme going on for some mail art pals....

The fun part is filling up those little pockets with tiny treasures.

Paris is a good theme.

Give it the ooh-la-la!

For Limner -- Black Mail! She coined that mail art expression and I like it.

It is a challenge to find things the right size to fit in the little pockets...
This old (altered) photo fit just fine.

And I finally figured out something to do with those boxes (and boxes) of vintage language cards I have been picking up at the library book sales all these years...

Postage stamps fit perfectly inside. And gift cards.

As do birthday greetings...
You can make these booklets with four or eight pockets....

I just can't stop....
I picked up these fun little pencil pouches (with an elastic to fit around a notebook) at Daiso and some notebooks, which I re-covered in better my pals will always have a pen and paper when they need to jot down a note!

I needed one myself...I am always coming up with ideas I need to write down...

So, there you go -- that's what I've been doing all week (among other things). Now that I have given all these out to the folks I made them for, I can show you.
But I'm still making them. I have so many ideas.....

a bon voyage booklet, a wedding anniversary booklet, mail art pals booklet....
I guess I better go start folding more.....

Any other suggestions? What do you think I missed?
You making them too? Do tell.
What else can we use these for? It is so much fun to make things.
And fun to get things too -- I have gotten some little booklets in the mail after I posted the tutorial
(thanks to KSP, Dori & Linda)



  1. Oh you have Daiso in your corner of the world? It's a treasure cave isn't it?
    Haha I recognise the "Pranchise Verifiée" stamp, I have it too. What's a pranchise I wonder :-)))

    1. Oh yes -- we have at least three big Diaso stores here in SF....I can never leave one without buying something....A pranchise? Hummm I went back and checked for typos....I have no idea...

  2. They're all just awesome. I love your never-ending energy for creating mail art goodies!

    1. Thanks so much, Connie Rose! So far I haven't run out steam....I just love making stuff with paper....

  3. Marvelous booklets and yes, better with a ribbon and those pockets full of goodness. xox

  4. Oh my - so much wonderfulness! I need to get busy and have some fun, too! You are a magical mail art machine!!

  5. You should do a typewriter only booklet! ;) Everything looks great though, you are always so creative.

    1. Typewriter booklet?! Yes!! Great idea, TomoyoHime....I want to do a typewriter zine too.....

  6. Oh my! So beautiful!! So beautiful!!
    Love it all!

  7. Lovely!!! I just ordered some sari ribbon to dye myself... can't wait to try it. I looked for the tutorial on making these pocket booklets but couldn't find it. Would you mind sharing a link please? I'm just starting to get into mail art. Thanks, Emie

    1. Thanks... I finally did find your tutorial and I'm going to try making some today!

    2. Emie58 -- glad you fund the tutorial -- I know it works because several people made the booklets from it and mailed them to me! Let us know how you do. That one is more complicated -- here is a super simple one --

      Take a 12x12 double sided paper and cut it in half.
      Measure up 4-inches from the bottom and fold up to make a 2-inch "pocket".
      Fold paper in half (the 12 inch side) and then fold each half to the center fold and
      viola -- you have a little booklet with pockets.
      Glue up the side seams and if you want, punch a hold and add ribbon.
      This takes less than 5 minutes and they are so fun to make.

  8. I returned in search of guidance/a tutorial and here it is! Little girls are smitten with my Black Mail gift as much as I am!

    Thank you! Again. I have some papers that are perfect for this. Will show you mine after I've made one.

    1. How did you do, Limner? I can send you a deconstructed sample if you are stuck.....and little girls like it? How wonderful. There is a simpler one that is perfect for kids to make.....(instructions above in a reply).

  9. My God, you're productive! It all looks great and I need to get off my arse and make some stuff. Love the tea dyed ribbon. Old rayon seam binding?

    1. Thanks, Leslie--yeah--make some stuff! Yup--old rayon seam tea or hibiscus blossoms.....
