Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I'll take You on a Field Trip

Come on to San Francisco and take a look at the interesting photography at Pier 24.
Remember those plastic photo cubes from the 80's? I think it was the 80's anyway.
I did have one on my desk.
Pier 24 has these giant photo cubes in one room.
Pretty fun to see.

Somebody worked on these old photos, cropping them but still leaving the whole photo. A frame within a frame...I have been manipulating a lot of vintage photos myself lately so it was interesting to see what someone else is doing...

Piles -- and piles -- of vintage photo albums tied up in string and sitting around on the floor. I love it!
Looks a little bit like something you would see in my studio.
I probably have at least that many photo albums myself...I have been a photographer for my whole career and started in with a Nikkormat at about 14 years old...

Some of the pages from photo albums were blown up really large and hung on the wall....

In the display case were lots more photo albums of all kinds....this really was heaven for me to see all these photos...and books of photos...
In this age of digital photos living on computers will all these wonderful books just disappear?

I recently read people may lose all their photos after time because the new programs won't be compatible with the old software.....I'm just sayin'.....

Wouldn't it be sad if that happened?

In one room, the artist printed out all the photos uploaded to Flickr in just ONE DAY!!!
You could actually go in and walk on them and pick them up...

I had to do it....

These photo postcards that are embroidered are still some of my favorites....

I wonder if the artist who made this got the idea from an embroidered postcard?

Hope you enjoyed a little walk through Pier 24 -- I had mentioned in another post seeing this show with the folks in my collage class and I thought I'd share it with you.
Not exactly mail art but a lovely show.

I have stuff I've been making to show you but I have to hold off till the recipients get it.
Try to be patient.....(patience isn't an Aries virtue)...so I know it's hard...

You will be happy to know the mail is rolling in this week so there won't be any more whining in this post about lack of mail!
(Thanks to those who took pity on me and mailed me off something -- much appreciated!)



  1. Wow, what an amazing exhibition! Bet you were salivating! xo

  2. Thanks so much for this field trip!
    I would have loved to spend a lot of time there,
    but thanks to your thoughtfulness,
    this was the next best thing!

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed the look, Jacki. It was too god not to share.....

  3. How wonderful! My mother's side of the family took lots of photos through the years and I have been lucky enough to have many of them. I received my first camera when I was in the 6th grade, an inexpensive little Kodak. My parents used cigarette coupons to obtain it for me. Probably the only good thing that came out of all those cigarettes. Not sure when your birthday is exactly this week, but Happy Birthday!

    1. cjsrq -- do you still have your little Kodak? I have a collection of them. You started young too -- and how wonderful you are lots of your family photos. What treasures. And, thanks for the birthday good wishes too.

    2. Unfortunately no. I sure wish I did!

    3. cjsrq -- can you tell me which one it was? I may have it and I wouldn't mind sending one to you -- I have quite a few old cameras and only so much room....

  4. I *did* think those vintage photo albums were in your studio! What a fascinating exhibit--thank you for sharing.

  5. You are most welcome, Cindy -- and if you ever visit my studio you can see all of MY photos albums....

  6. Books and photos, can it ever get any better? Looks like paradise. And wow is that place for real the one with the Flickr uploads? Have you tried swimming in them? :-) How wonderful!
    Oh and happy birthday Pamela! Here in JP it's already Thursday 26, I might be the first one? Have a great day with loads of mail! XXX

    1. Thanks, Marie! You and Vizma are both a day ahead of me -- so let's get this party started! I thought of you at the photo show. No, that is an artist who had one day of Flickr photos printed as a conceptual piece......

  7. Fabulous exhibit. Thanks so much for sharing. Kind of spooky too to think of all those stories.........xox

    1. I know Corrine, I always wonder about the stories behind the photos and albums too.....but it is so cool they are in a museum and not at the dump....

  8. What an incredibly interesting exhibition. Thank you so very much for posting this!

    1. So happy you enjoyed it, Seth....wish you could do over and see it with me...
