Thursday, March 19, 2015

Meanwhile Back at the Ranch....

Ok, back to mail art.....
Now that we've caught up with collage class, here is a little mail art eye candy for you...

I should have taken a better shot of that outgoing up top of this photo -- it was a riot -- manly man grilling a steak while the little woman watches and admires...
ah yes, the 50's.....

Put a bird  (or two) on it --
inter-office envelope/bird outgoing to Palm Springs...
This pal loves to ride horses.....

To another horse-loving friend....

I am loving these clear sleeves. So much fun to find cool images to show through the sleeves.
My fingers are crossed they are arriving. I thought the Julia Child stamp was a nice touch on this one, if I say so myself....

Tofu likes those tickets.....and I found a (picture of) a whole bowl of them for him...

Green mail. I may mostly wear black but I do love green.....chartreuse to be  exact!

Maybe I was inspired by St. Patrick's Day?

Some spring-like mail for my Aries buddy Miss Millicent......
Altered postcard -- I can't leave things alone.....this one went off to Pasadena...

Now, here is the problem -- I have had two weeks of very light mail and the last three days, I've had NO MAIL at all. This cannot be right.
You can see I have been sending out GOOD MAIL, so the question is,
Why am I not getting good mail?
Could it be because my birthday is next week and my mail art pals are waiting to inundate me with good mail next week?
Or, is it something more sinister? 
(I am missing some mail from Planet Sussannia in Germany that has not arrived -- could there be more missing?)
No fair to make an Aries suffer!

I've been making lots of stuff which you will all see soon. Some birthday surprises for my Aries pals (and I have a lot of them!).
Can't show what I made till they get the surprises and they have Aries birthdays after I do.
(You know who you are)


Well, that's usually true.......


  1. Whoa, Nellie! You've been busy. That's enough eye candy to scare a diabetic off sweets. LOL.

    My mail to Millicent was returned. So I stopped writing. Oh well. I'm pleased to see that she is well.

    The USPS should give you a medal or at least a Pamela stamp.

    1. Oh Limner -- you do have a way with words ! A Pamela, that would be nice...but what I'd really like is a lot more mail....
      Miss Millicent had her mailbox broken in to and knocked over so she had to get a PO Box.....
      Life is tough sometimes....

  2. Fantastic set of envelopes. They make a beautiful and unique group, yet still look like you made them. Great stuff.

  3. Oh no, not an empty mailbox! Birthday mail will be on the way!

    1. cjsrq -- something to look forward to -- thank you! If I don't get any mail today I don't know what I will do....

  4. Well that doesn't seem fair! I see my envelope up at the top - and I shall reply, of course! Hopefully USPS is saving up all your good mail and you'll get a pile at once! All your envelopes have me drooling! Where do you find plastic sleeves?

    1. Michele C. -- it isn't fair! I buy the sleeves at the Japanese Dollar store here in SF -- which I know doesn't help you -- but I think you can get them in office supply stores too. They are just those clear sheet protectors and they come in various sizes. I got the idea from another mail artist though -- the Suburban PenPal.....

  5. Mail art eye candy indeed!

    Maybe there's a sub mail carrier on your route right now? I know that when our regular carrier is off, our delivery gets a little wonky. Hopefully things get back on track for you soon!

    1. Cindy -- actually there has been a different carrier but I can't believe he wouldn't deliver my mail for three days...would he? I hope things get back on track soon too.

  6. Love the transparent sleeves, and opaque envelopes too. It looks dashing. I'm quite insecure using them though, because stamps fell off of them one day on my way to the PO. I'm never sure if stamps and sticker stay on with smooth surfaces?
    May your next week be insanely inundated with mail :-))) you deserve it.

    1. Marie w -- our stamps won't fall off -- they are really gummed well and we don't lick 'em. That also means we cannot get them OFF the paper by soaking in water like we could in the old that isn't good. I hope I am insanely inundated with mail too. I do deserve it, don't I?

  7. An empty mailbox, how could that be? We will all have to buck up and overflow that thing! xox

  8. Pamela, wow what an impressive there are letters inside each of those fantastic envelopes. The draft horses. Swoon. We recently saw 8 Bud Clydesdales get hitched to their wagon. Jaw-dropping. How do you use a sheet protector with those 3 holes in it as an envelope?
    You do such great work. I love your blog. Happy Birthday in advance! My sister's birthday is the 28th, so I know Aries!

    1. Texas Leigh -- these don't have any holes -- I guess they are document sleeves...I don't know -- all the writing is in Japanese. But if there were holes you can just cut it down with a mat knife and tape up the sides -- or leave the holes and run washi tape over the? Glad you enjoy the blog -- and thanks for the comment.

  9. Tons of fun stuff, as usual. Please add me to the I-love-horses list in your head. I need to get back on the mail art band wagon, been lazy lately.

    1. Leslie -- you were already on the I-Love-Horses list -- I just didn't get around to sending it yet!

  10. And we should schedule a Tracy art date before it gets too hot.

  11. This is too weird -- I've commented twice and both have evaporated. (Maybe Canada Post is venturing into cyber crime!) Anyhow, let's try again. Wonderful mail you've created, Pamela. No surprise there! I hope your drought ends pronto (the postal drought AND the literal one). I will miss your birthday, but something is in the works. Hitting send now and crossing my fingers.

    1. Well, that IS weird and annoying -- thank you for continuing to try -- I really appreciate it. And I look forward to your mail.

  12. I alove that altered postcard. I might have to give it a try, though as a postcard collector I often consider them so sacred that I give them away before doing anything to them. but, some are so dull, they really could use some embellishment.

    my letter to you went off today, but won't reach you in time for your birthday, which must be right about now!

    1. Hellooooooo in France, you lucky woman! I will look forward to my mail -- we will just have to extend the birthday celebration till your letter arrives....I love that embroidered card too....I want to try altering some cards like that..I already alter postcards making collages on them or rubber may or may not approve...

  13. hi, Pamela ~ sent you something the day your altered post card arrived. hopefully it will come soon.
