Sunday, December 28, 2014

Business (Almost) As Usual

Back to normal?
Whatever normal actually is. Back to making mail of my favorite things to do.


And making a few more Stamp can never have too many....
This never gets old....
Miss Millicent sent me some stamps for Xmas and I am back in business making Stamp Heads..

Still working on these....painting and stamping these vintage photos is a lot of fun. I keep wondering about the people in the photos...what were their lives like?
You can't have all play and no work -- time to write some thank you cards to all the elves and mail art pals who made/sent me Xmas presents.
I bought a new, bright red fountain pen which really helps me write all those thank-you notes.
Yes, I am just a letter writing fool!
And, my pals know it -- thanks Miss JH for the gift!
Another amazing gift from my incredibly talented pal Dori Singh.....she saw on my Letter to Santa I love Mr Zip and she made me some Mr Zip surprises....

Mother Russian-San Francisco collage postcard set made to send to my mail art pal Virgo in Russia.
I love trading mail with people all over the world.

I was thinking January would be a lovely, empty blank slate after the craziness of the last few months (with holiday after holiday, NYC and LA back-to-back trips etc) but
I see some things are filled in already. But they are GOOD things.

The January SF Correspondence Co-Op meeting is set for January 11 -- a great way to kick off the new year! And The SF Film Noir Festive is on for a week in January -- we love the constant feel of dread....
And my most favorite -- The Vintage Paper Fair is in January. You'll find me at the .25-cent table pouring over old postcards....
Oh! And my son's birthday is in January too. That's pretty sweet. How can be so grown up?

So it looks like January is a good month to look forward to.

Wishing you all a terrific 2015
filled with GOOD MAIL (of course) and good friends and good food and good health.
Enjoy the simple pleasures.

Happy New Year to all!



  1. I'm looking forward to 2015! I'd be looking forward to it a bit more if there was a vintage paper fair in Portland. Hehe

    1. Tara -- well, SF isn't that far away and we have two VPF's every year......Happy 2015 to you!

  2. Happy New year to you too! And birthday wishes to the son, how old will he be? I am half way through the four months of being a mother to tow 19 and the other 13! The elder turns twenty(!!!!) in February.

  3. Thank you in advance and Happy New Year form all russian mail-artists !

    1. I hope I didn't ruin the surprise, Virgo. Happy New Year to you too -- wishing you a great year of mail.

  4. Wonderful and colorful mail art! It is always such a treat to look at your new posts. Happy 2015!

    1. Thanks so much, TomoyoHime -- so very nice of you to say -- and Happy New Year!

  5. Great post about done great post. The postman series in the first picture is vibrant and eye-catching.

    1. Thanks, FinnBadger -- I color copied some postman and stuck them onto project....

  6. What is that cool glass thing with Mr. Zip at the bottom? A paperweight? a glass? It's awesome. & lovely mail as usual! :)

    1. Hi Pie Poster -- yup, it's a Mr Zip paperweight -- so cool. I can use it to hold down my pile of mail "to answer". My pal Dori is so amazingly talented - i love everything she makes.

  7. Looks like a perfect day to me. All those stamp heads, what a great idea that was...and still is. xox

  8. Happy New Year, Pamela!
    I signed up to follow your blog AGAIN, because it never shows up on my reading list. I'm not sure why, and I'm not sure this took care of it. Sigh.

    1. Christine H -- that's odd -- thanks for continuing to try. You can sign up for it to come by e-mail -- have you tried that? And happy New Year Wishes to you & M for 2105!

  9. In fact I did try that, which is actually preferable because I don't log into my blogger account that often. But I didn't see any emails, not even in Spam. I will try this again though. In the meantime it looks like I have been able to add your blog back onto my reading list.

    1. Christine -- hope it works! People I know do get the blog by email regularly so I don't know why you wouldn't. I do not understand the gods of blogger...I have wanted to switch to another platform but I am not very good at figuring these things out...I appreciate that you keep trying to follow the my blog. Happy 2015!

  10. Happy New Year, Pamela! I love the vintage postman images in your first photo. Where do you find them?? I also really like the Russia/San Francisco collaged postcards. You are right back into the swing of mail art things, I see. I got a new piece of furniture in my art room, and have been cleaning up and organizing. It's always fun, but I very quickly turn it into a procrastination tool. I need to get back to making things! Thanks for the postal eye candy!

    1. Happy 2015, Andria! Yes--I got busy yesterday on January 2 and worked on two zines and some collage and mail.....good start to the year. Those postal pictures in the top photo are from a very old kid's book called (I think) The Postman. I color-copied some pages to use......

  11. Inspiring - love all your pics! Got some new cancelled stamps and getting psyched to make some stamp heads and mail art! Happy New Year!

    1. Glad you got inspired, Michele C -- have fun with those Stamp heads! And Happy 2015 to you too!

  12. What beautiful, artistic, eye candy!
