Thursday, January 8, 2015

Portraits of Some Pretties.....

I bet that babe  (above) wasn't playing with a Tom Thumb!
You think she'd like to play with him?
HA! Two different eras I think....
I admit it -- I love just about everything about typewriters. I love those cool little keys and the way the typewriters look and how they work....

I thought I'd share some of my "Typewriter Portraits" with you today and some nice ephemera my pal Leslie sent to me.
I am a little too busy these days and unfortunately not with mail art. I hope things will be back to normal soon and I will get back to art-making and sending.
The SF Correspondence Co-Op meeting is Sunday and the fabulous Vintage Paper Fair is the following weekend so I will report back on those events.
Today I am just posting some pretty pictures for you and wishing you all a
Happy 2015.
I wish the year started off better though.
The events in Paris are so horrible. Free Speech is such an important right and should never be taken for granted. My blog isn't political so I won't be saying any more but my heart is heavy.

I hope you are all out there making art and sending mail.
What's everyone up to?

SEND GOOD MAIL ---- GET GOOD MAILI didn't get any mail today because I've been bad.....


  1. love seeing all the different machines. i still remember being in high school typing class, don't remember the model except that it was

  2. funny, Dori...I never took a typing class....but I am a fast typer!

  3. Happy New Year to you, too!

  4. Great typewriter shots. They are beginning to get very expensive around here. Glad I nabbed my vintage one when I did. Vintage Paper Fair, oh how lovely that will be. xox

    1. Oh indeed......wish you could come along too....

  5. Love the images of those vintage typewriters. My father insisted I learn typing in the 7th grade. I even had those records you could listen to and practice typing. I was still lousy when I took it in high school; I think I got a C and it kept me off the Honor Roll. However, once computers came along, typing became second nature and I was glad for all that practice.

    1. cjsrq -- I refused to take typing in HS because I wanted to be sure I could not get a job as a typist -- I wanted to be an artist -- so I never learned how to touch type.....but I am very fast with my limited typing skills.....

    2. I did the same and am now very sorry that I still can't get beyond the 'ol hunt and peck. It's just too ingrained now.

  6. Oh my!! The one with the teal keys!! Mr. Belvedere! Givin' a girl the vapors...

    Uncustomary Art.

  7. Replies
    1. Marie W -- I haven't had any time to send out mail so I haven't been getting any all'd think I'd have some credit for all my past mail but I guess you have to keep churning it out and sending to get mail.....

  8. I have a "Typewriter Love" board on Pinterest where I keep eye candy like this! Lovers of mail art seem to love typewriters, too...they just go hand in hand, I guess.

  9. My Smith-Corona is more for decorative use now. I got to use it briefly. It took me a while to get used to needing to really punch the keys. I loved the clacking as I typed.

    1. Well, Cindy, typewriters are very decorative -- but I use all of mine! Some have keys that are harder to punch than others. I have some that are very easy to use -- but one is pretty but not fun to type on.
