Saturday, December 20, 2014

A Small Pause......

This time of year can just be so busy, can't it? I think we all need to try to slow down and smell the
evergreens...I am really good at not getting too wrapped up (ha!) in Xmas but even I have to admit that there is just more going on....

There are presents to be wrapped and then a trip - or two - to the post office to mail them out...

Happily I DO enjoy wrapping gifts and making them look pretty but this does take time away from other things -- like making art..

There are cookies to be made (and eaten) and delivered (to the neighbors and to my favorite postal clerks).

Cards to be written and addressed and stamped and walked to the postbox.

It is always fun to get the box of Holiday Rubber Stamps out to play with -- and it is always nice to put the box away till the next year too.

Vintage Santa Stickers

I made some origami folders.....

A little watercoloring on envelopes...

I think I am done! Fini! Time to do some serious hanging out by the fireplace with a good book.
Oh yeah -- no tree this year either. I am happy with my garland and white lights.
Just keeping things simple.

I hope you are all close to the peaceful pause and ready to relax and enjoy the rest of 2014.
I figure what I haven't finished by now is just not going to happen -- and you can think that too.
Go to a movie or a museum or a nice, long walk or sit by the fire -- a present for yourself!
Happy Holidays, my friends.



  1. Beautiful and simple, I love it. And I am tres jealous of the fire...

  2. Thanks, FinnBadger. I have definitely hit the "pause" button. Don't you have a fireplace?

    1. Sadly, no. The tree looks nice, though.
      And can I borrow your pause button? Mine seems to be broken this year.

  3. My dad has a fireplace. I look forward to sitting by it every Christmas. :-)

    1. Enjoy yourself this year, carter -- and a BIG thank-you for the surprise I got in the mail. A proper thank-you will arrive via the USPS (of course!).

  4. Happy holidays to you! I don't know why but the older I get, the more I care less about the holidays/decorating/sending out holiday cards. I would probably feel differently if I was celebrating with my family. Ah well! Your holiday stuff looks gorgeous :)

    1. Tara--my heart really isn't into sending out Xmas cards either -- I like mail-art and letters a lot more. But I feel kinda guilty when I get cards and don't respond....I am trying to get over

  5. It is all so beautiful what ever you are making :-)
    Merry Christmas and lots of luck and creativity in 2015.

    1. Thanks so much Nina -- I do like to make things pretty. Happy Holidays to you too and I hope your 2015 is filled with good mail!

  6. Nice folder! And wrapping! I'm inspired now, but too scared to go into my studio because of the snake that was there...oh well, I'll just have some champagne. Cheers to you, Pamela!!

    1. visma -- I'm with you re that snake -- yuk. have some champagne and stick more tape on everything. I'm happy to inspire you.

  7. you are truly amazing...and inspiring!

    1. Dori -- look who's talking -- you always inspire me. Hope you are getting a little relaxing into your schedule too. XO

  8. Wonderful photos. I love your fireplace it looks so cosy. Enjoy your holiday and relax and have fun! Hugs!

    1. Thanks, Marie w -- are you in France now? Come on over and sit by my fireplace and have a glass of wine! Bonne Fete, mon amie!

    2. Yip, in France now! Bonne fete!!

  9. Sending warm wishes to you and your family for a wonderful Christmas and much health and happiness for 2015.


    1. Gaby Bee - now nice! And I wish the same for you and your family -- happy Holidays and thanks for reading my blog.

  10. Great post and wonderful STUFF! Your package wrappings ARE artmaking. Warmest wishes and happy holidays, my friend. xo

    1. Hi Connie Rose! Thank you -- and I'm glad you like my wrapping. I do enjoy doing it.....

  11. Now that's what I call Christmas. Beautiful cards, cookies, lovely parcels and a fire burning in the fireplace. And to think we'll be eating Christmas dinner in a sweltering game park then off to the beach !

    1. So nice of you to say, Cuan -- but it sounds like a day at the beach might be funtoo! Happy Christmas to you! Hope you get your mail (&my mail art) delivered soon.

  12. Looks pretty festive to me. Enjoy your Christmas. Catch up afterwards. xox

    1. Thanks, Corrine -- it is festive enough for me and so easy that i am happy. Have a happy holiday in your new (old) farmhouse. xo

  13. I've been so removed from the holiday spirit lately, but you make it seem as lovely as it should be. Makes me want to go wrap something and come up with some cards to mail too! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

    1. Paper Chipmunk -- you can always send some New Year cards like the French do! have a peaceful and lovely holiday and Happy New Year.

    2. I've always preferred the New Year's card option--good wishes for the whole years seems so much nicer. Alas, I've run out of time for that too! But I do have some stamps with heads piling up… ;-)

  14. You have a little bit of everything for the holiday season going on in this post, I love it! We spent the morning yesterday cutting greens from the garden to make swags to hang in front of the windows and decorate the mantle. I love that look, it's so old-fashioned and non-commercial looking.

    1. Anna M -- OooOoo you are making your own swags. How lovely. I don't know how but there aren't any greens to cut here in SF anyway (although I have been known to sneak into the Safeway parking lot to cut some branches of red berries....). I am so glad you enjoyed the post and thanks so much for commenting. Happy Holidays to you!

  15. Pamela, this is my first time commenting. Just want to wish you a Merry Christmas and thank you for all your inspiring posts. I'm always truly amazed at how you can create such great mail art in confined spaces, like the little tables on planes!!! And all your supplies in a little plastic bag. My mind boggles! I make hand carved stamps. All I need is an eraser and a scalpel but I manage to take over half the spare bedroom in the process!

    Anyway, enjoy relaxing by the fire. It's pouring rain here in the Blue Ridge mountains so it's going to be a knitting by the wood stove Christmas.

    All best wishes,


    1. Well, how nice of you, Polly -- I appreciate the comment and the nice wishes. Sitting inside by the fire in the pouring rain sounds pretty wonderful to me. A knitting by the wood stove Christmas? Sounds terrific. So happy you enjoy the blog and best wishes for the new year.

  16. Today I am basking in post-holiday glow, drinking coffee, and catching up on weeks of neglected blog reading. It's the first time in years I haven't had post-Christmas house guests or travel plans. I have absolutely no agenda for the next three days (other than deciding which delicious thing to eat next.) I love seeing all the beautiful things you made and sent, and I loved your wish list for Santa. I hope he was good to you!

    1. Karen -- that sounds wonderful and you deserve it. Enjoy yourself, my friend. I am sure you will be eating some pie! Santa was wonderful to me and I'm quite happy. Today i play with my new toys. xo

  17. Your presents are as thoughtfully wrapped as I expected them to be. I love wrapping gifts! I would do it for a living if I could make a living (ha ha). I am still wrapping and sending gifts because I am a procrastinator and frankly couldn't get it all done before Christmas. I got my card mailed by the 27th this year, so that's an improvement. Perhaps I need an assistant.
    Thanks for showing your lovely gifts. Lucky recipients!

    1. chandlerguera -- I like to wrap gifts too -- it's all about the paper, isn't it? And cards and gifts in the new year are fine too -- let the celebration continue.
