Sunday, November 9, 2014

Mail Out!


I didn't get to make Halloween cards this year because of the LA & NYC travel but this was
 close -- Cinderella in a pumpkin!

A peek-a-boo envelope -- a bit hard to see but there is a big cut-out there under the mailing label and a map of Canada tucked inside (to show through) - going off to Canada, of course!


Gotta do something with those college yearbooks. I was inspired to make a rather naughty zine for a certain someone in Australia.

Some guys from Japan peeking through the vellum envelope.....going on a long trip....Japan to San Francisco to Australia?


I love a nice batch of good mail, don't you?

Another little project -- a little NYC booklet make from paper ephemera picked up in the Big Apple.
And why do they call it the Big Apple? I have no idea.

Some stickers added to add notes or lists....

A little treat for a pal going off to NYC herself...

Tucked inside a vellum envelope and off to the UK.
I have noticed the old vellum envelopes I got at SCRAP are a little brittle and sometimes crack at the seams so I have been reenforcing them with clear tape.
We want the mail to go through!

I should have stamped a little harder but I still like it.

I guess you could say I am into vellum this week! I just love how you can see through to what is inside. I bought a pad of cool see-thru tracing paper at the art store this week. It will be fun to play with that.
And I had a major haul at SCRAP this week -- big fun! Did I mention I am doing my Xmas shopping at Scrap? And the Cavallini sale?

(photo by Fred Lyon -- vintage San Francisco)

What a beauty! Wouldn't you just love to step back in time and go inside that shop? I know I would. For a little while there actually was a shop on Grant Avenue in Chinatown that was the oldest stationery shop and the owner was cleaning out the basement and putting the most amazing paper goods out on the sidewalk for sale. I made a lot of major  scores there -- onion skin paper, vintage cards and postcards, old erasers and rulers, boxes of vintage stationery, old Xmas was heaven while it lasted but the basement is now emptied and the shop sells scarves from China, not stationery.But I have a stash of stuff to sell on ETSY if I ever get my act together and open up an ETSY shop.

Things are busy around my studio -- working on a Thanksgiving card, finishing up the NYC collages and books, doing some painting and I signed up for a collage workshop next Saturday.
I'll keep you all posted.

Anybody making Thanksgiving cards?
Working on Xmas projects?
I have a few tricks up my sleeve.  



  1. Stationery: it's spelled with an "e"...such a great stamp!

    1. Cindy -- I know, cool stamp, isn' t it? And it is from jennie Hinchcliff's new line of Red Handed Rubber Stamps. I bought it at The Ink Pad.

  2. who doesn't LOVE vellum?!
    SCRAP: so wise!
    & what's this about a cavallini sale? do tell!
    love bearing witness to your busy hands! thanks...

    1. miss polly -- yes, who doesn't love vellum?
      There is a fabulous sale once a year in November at the Cavallini Warehouse.
      Starts at 8AM but we line up at 6AM. Crazy.

  3. Yippee! Nice to get a wee peak at what is enroute. A great collection of mail, Pamela. What goodies did you find at SCRAP?

    1. Adrienne -- hope I didn't ruin the surprise and I hope you get both things I sent you very soon.

  4. I got an envelope from you yesterday! Love these outgoings. I hope they never stop selling the Batman stamps.

    Uncustomary Art.

  5. Belgium has no Thanksgiving day, so I never made any mail related to it. I usually forget about it till some of my American friends mentions they had a nice Thanksgiving. ^^" I am collecting some material for Christmas envelopes though and I have the cards I made last year, so I don't have to make many new ones.
    I wish we had a SCRAP here too.

    1. TomoyoHime -- good to get started on those Xmas mailings early. I don't usually make a Thanksgiving card but since I missed Halloween....

  6. oh how I envy your productivity. In spite of high hopes, it was an artless weekend for me. It's not even like I was busy. I can't quite account for my time. I think I am shell-shocked from the job transition. Perhaps the missing weekend hours were spent staring off into space and drooling. Only my family knows for sure.

    1. Miss K -- you are very production and after you settle in to your new job I'm sure you will be back to your incredibly productive self!

  7. More amazing mail, and beautiful imagery! Thank you for sharing with us, Pamela! xo

    1. Thanks, Asli -- missed you again at the Co-Op meeting yesterday -- but i am IN for the Xmas party so see you there!!

  8. So jealous of your SCRAP haul and NYC booklets! I'll be there (NYC, not SCRAP) for a couple hours on Friday en route to my family upstate, so you are inspiring me to try to grab paper there and make mail on the train. :)

    1. Melissa -- that sounds like a great plan! Go for it! have fun on your travels.
