Sunday, November 16, 2014

Eye Candy and Inspiration

Right before my trip to NYC I spent a day with some lovely pals at The Book Arts Jam.
My first time going.
My friends told me a an all-day outing was about right for it. I was secretly not convinced (thinking all day was too long) -- but they were right.
So much to see and do, free talks and workshops, and an incredible array of beautiful art and altered books.
The time flew by.

First off, there was a little passport station....always a good thing...

Tiny accordion book filled with bird stamps -- very cool. I just wandered from table-to-table looking at all the amazing work the artists were selling.
Check it out below...

Gelli printing (free) demo given by Dorit Elisha. I first heard about Dorit reading Seth Apter's blog The Altered Page awhile back. Dorit and I "met" via e-mail since we both live in the Bay Area and then we met in person at the Book Arts Jam. Her gelli printing was really wonderful as was the artworks she was selling at her table.
Check out her website at that link above and you'll see.

Dorit's gelli printing...

A three fold book cover made from a large inter-office envelope. I like it.

Small suitcase filled with zines! I bought one, of course.

Request a poem -- and have it typed out on a typewriter -- good idea!

My favorite table......since I like to work on making things myself, this table of paper ephemera was my favorite.
Great selection of beautiful papers, old bank books, ledger pages with beautiful cursive writing...on and on...


Luckily I have a lot of paper like this already so I could resist these...

But then I discovered the little packets of resisting those...

I started a little Xmas shopping at this table.....

Another free to make a one-page-wonder zine.  I already knew how but it is fun to see how someone else does it.

Who knew old, outdated foreign currency could be so beautiful? I had to get some of these old, out-of-circulation bills and now I have to think up something to make with them.

Beautiful handmade book by Jody Alexander - click here to check out her Wishi Washi Studio website. A real inspiration. This book was made from Library pockets and Due Date Cards and so cool. I am still wishing I could have bought one. Jody gives classes in her studio in Santa Cruz, CA and she also has online classes. 
My art pals and I are hoping for a day trip down to Santa Cruz to take a workshop with Jody.

So, unlike the kid's book about the No Good, Very Bad Miserable was a
Really Good, Very Fun, Interesting Day at The Book Arts Jam....
There's the link, they have it every year....I'm just sayin'.

Sooooooo things are getting just a little too busy around these parts. I'm just trying to stay with it and get as much done as I can. 
But the fun keeps on coming. I spent all day yesterday in a terrific collage workshop. Just found out about a really good altered book workshop in early December. Next Saturday is the big Cavallini sale,  that big national (US) holiday involving too-much-food is next week, and the SF Correspondence is having a Xmas party coming up soon..... oh yes, and work...
See what I mean? Busy!

And last week was a crummy mail week. I should be glad it gave me a chance to catch up on my own outgoing mail but you know what?
I wasn't happy at all.
I need mail.



  1. Eye candy, indeed! You find the coolest places/events to attend!

    1. It is pretty easy find great events/venues here in the SF Bay area, Pam. Sometimes it can be hard to fit them all in! Thanks for commenting.

  2. oh, you never fail to inspire and fuel creative fires far and wide. thank you!!!

  3. You just always have TOO much fun!!

    1. Can you ever really have TOO much fun, Nancy Lee? I think not!
      lol Thanks for reading the blog -- and commenting.

  4. Gorgeous! Did you request your poem?
    I'm back from DC and I have a few postcards for you :-)) I wanted to send them straight from the postal art museum (thank you for recommending it by the way!) but I didn't have your address. Where can I find it?
    Have a good weekend!

    1. Marie W -- S glad you enjoyed DC and the Postal museum. Did you meet Melissa? I'd love to trade mail with you -- email me at

  5. What a great event. Whenever I look at handmade books I wonder why I don't do this all day every day? I love book binding, but it's probably been a year since I made a book. Perhaps this is just the nudge I need. (and OH that library card book!)

    1. I love book-binding too but my style is a little too casual for it I think....I am of the "ok...close enough..." style and that doesn't work with book making...but sometimes I try. I am crazy over that library card book......such inspiration.

  6. Oooooh, I'm slobbering all over myself; if I had seen all that amazing stuff, I would not have been able to control myself... Thanks for sharing these pics!

    1. Sharmon -- I sure didn't control myself at that ephemera table! Thanks for stopping by the blog and commenting.

  7. Wow! I'm not sure I could have shown much restraint at this event. Thanks for the links to Dorit and Jodi's blogs...I'll be returning for a closer look.
