Sunday, September 7, 2014

You Know Where I Am

If it's Sunday....I'm usually in my studio....and very happily so.
Not always, but a lot of the time...including today...

And, I am on a playing-with-paints binge. A very fun and non-fattening binge.
I can't stop.
And I don't even want to stop. Everything sitting around my studio is fair game.

Oh yes -- rubber stamping is fun too.....right on top of the paint. But I have to wait for the paints to dry...and that is a good lesson for me...
patience..not usually one of my many (ahem) virtues....

See what I mean? I started playing with some old photos ..... wait till you see all of them! Very cool. That's for another post..

Hummm....I think this envelope looks much better now. Don't you?

Library/Book Lover ATC

You know what I say -- Why send it plain if you can send it fancy?
Well, yesterday I found this vintage FANCY stamp in my travels....perfect for my mail.
The stamp was in a group being sold from a Sonoma apple farm -- they had Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Medium, Jumbo....I wanted them all but settled for fancy...I may not be too patient but i do have self control.

Waiting for the paint to dry, I am playing with some stamp heads...

Tags and folders....

These could be bookmarks or gift tags.

Back to School
This was one the back of an old photo -- Don't Forget Your Schoolmates.

So that's it, folks. Not a lot to share. Just playing with paint and ink and rubber stamps.

What are you doing?

I have been so lucky to have received some lovely ephemera in the mail lately from my wonderful blog readers. I am working on a post showing what I got and what I did with it..
and (don't tell anyone) I think I will do a give-away too.
So, stay tuned.



  1. This looks like so much fun! I always want to play in my art space after seeing one of your posts :)

    1. ...then my job is done....get in your studio and have fun, Cindy!

  2. Wonderful work again! I keep wishing a studio of my own magically appears, but so far no luck. Means that my mom has to deal with the mess in the living room for a while longer.

  3. Looks like fun! Your water cup with paintbrush looks like a tasty cocktail with a straw! :D

    1. haha someone said the same thing on the blog's FaceBook cocktail but maybe that would be a good idea....

  4. Spatter and spray and fancy library cards and stamp heads, ooh la la. xox

  5. Love this new road you are going down!

  6. gorgeous - lovely loose layers.
    especially love that library card.
    I yearn for a vintage card catalog for my house.

    1. me too, Karen....and a friend of mine has one sitting in her garage......I covet it...thanks for visiting!

  7. Wow. Have you been busier than usual or what? I need a week just to catch up with YOUR amazing posts. Do you sleep? And the food. Oh, the food! What's the egg thing? I think I'd eat it without even knowing. :)

    1. Limner -- an egg puff -- kinda like a sweet popover....they bring them hot from the kitchen and they are amazingly delicious. And yes, I do sleep!

  8. Thanks for my fancy mail, Pamela Lovely to receive as always. I keep thinking the first picture in this post is of a cocktail, but it's paint water isn't it? It must be Friday afternoon as my mind it definitely on a nice yummy cocktail.

    1. Adrienne -- you are most welcome and I think it actually arrived rather quickly this time. You are not alone in thinking that looks like a cocktail -- a number of people mentioned that. Funny. And yes--it is Friday and I think we should all have a cocktail! Maybe we should all have a Skype cocktail party!

  9. Looks like lots of things are getting the painted bubble wrap of my very favorite effects!

    1. Andria, actually the paint-on-bubble wrap technique wasn't employed here....other aertful dabs and stencils were -- but i do love my bubble wrap when I gelli print.

  10. Oh, look at that colour palette! Just gorgeous, Pamela…. man, I need a studio :-((
