Saturday, August 30, 2014

Scream for Zines!

What is not to like??? A beautiful, warm sunny day here in SF. And the SF Zine Fest this weekend -- with zines (of course), artistamps, rubber stamps, book-making workshop,
friendly people -- and a green typewriter to play with.
Who needs Burning Man?

I learned how to make this teeny book today and I had fun doing it! Free workshop given by (my pals) Monica Lee and Dorothy Yuki of Mad Made SF.
Their business card says "Monic and Dorothy are a little crazy & wild and make repurposed designs in San Francisco".
They have a Mad Made SF Facebook page if you are interested -- check it out.

I love a good work table.....

Monica taught us how to make that adorable tiny accordion page book and Dorothy showed us how to make an envelope booklet....
Here is the cover -- pretty cool, isn't it? Quite a handy booklet for a mail artist....

Mad made SF table --  selling really cool stuff too.....

After the workshop, just strolled the isles...lots of great stuff to see and to to buy, if you are so inclined...

One room is a zine library. No, you can't check them out but you can sit for as long as you like and read through them.....
Buttons -- Bet You Can't Buy Just One!!
Buttons and artistamps by the fabulous Maureen Forys, book designer of Good Mail Day and Mail/art/Book -- check out
Happenstance Type-O-Rama
Sorry I didn't get a shot of her artistamps because they were wonderful!

And what have we here?
Postal rubber stamps?

Red Letter Day?
Miss Good Mail Day herself?

The newly launched line of postal rubber stamps, Red Handed Rubber Stamps, by Jennie Hinchcliff
is here (for all of you who have been asking me where I got the amazingly cool new rubber stamps I have been flaunting.

You can buy the stamps at FLAX, here in San Francisco and the Ink Pad in NYC and
Guadalupe's in Santa Fe. Just google them to find the addresses.
I know both the Ink Pad and Guadalupe's do mail order for those of you who are desperate to get your hands on these fabulous stamps (you know who you are).
And you can check out Red Handed Rubber Stamps right here

You know we haven't had any food pictures on the blog in a while and you KNOW I am having after all the excitement at the Zine Fest I had to go have some lunch -- join me?

Egg Puffs?
Freshly made and hot and paraded around the restaurant? Who could resist? Not me!

After all that I had to go home and hang out in my studio for a while and chill out.
There are just so many fun things to do around it isn't easy to keep up with everything.
(Library Big Book sale in September anybody?)

It's a holiday weekend, right? So why not crack open a nice bottle of wine, set out some cheese and work on art for as long as I want? And I know there is a dvd and some BBQ take-out waiting for me when I'm ready. We know how to spend Labor Day Weekend here in San Francisco.
What are you all doing?
Come on over for some wine and art if you want.

Happy official end-of-summer. I am ready for fall -- bring it on!

Hope you guys are all having fun this weekend, wherever you are, and making some art.
Tell me about it! 
Make a zine!



  1. Mmm. It's all so pretty and then you end with a bottle of rosé?? I have a craving now!

  2. So much eye candy! Thank you for sharing! Which goodies went home with you?

    1. Cindy -- well, I certainly couldn't pass up some more of the Red Handed Rubber Stamps and added four to my collection of them....

  3. Replies
    1. Very fun, Connie! Always something interesting to do around here....

    2. pamela: thank you!! i love the envelope booklet!! YES! & jennie's magical stamps! thanks for the glimpses to add fuel to this long weekend's creative fires! xo, miss p

    3. right...a long weekend gives us all more time to be creative....have fun, miss polly & thanks for commenting...

  4. you must have been in heaven. xox

  5. Corrine....heaven must have a whole lot of paper ephemera.....

  6. Looks soooo delicious! Like a paper candy store! Wish we had something like that where I live.

  7. Yay! I LOVE LOVE LOVE ALL of this! I'm anxiously awaiting the big library sale coming up in October. All the local libraries have a massive sale at the Fairgrounds and there are TONS and TONS of books and papers and maps and on and on. I have found some quite nice things for art at these sales.
    And on the last day of the sale you pay five dollars for as much as you can stuff into a bag or box.
    What a WONDERFUL time you had! As always, your blog is completely inspiring!
    Have a Great evening!

    1. Hi Indigo -- so happy to hear from you! Your library sale sounds fantastic too. You'll have to tell me what you score when you go.....

  8. Sure wish i were on the west coast to be able to attend such events. Would you be willing to do a tutorial on making the folding booklet and accordian book? Sure look like fun to make and I know the kids I work with would LOVE to learn to do them. I have been teaching them the origami booklet you featured and they can't get enough. One girl came back to make them for her friends.

    1. ginigin -- thanks for stopping by the blog! That is so cool to know you used my instructions to teach the origami booklet to kids! I am no expert on making the others about a One-Page-Wonder zine? That is really fun for kids and you can use large paper and make them they already know how to make those?
