Friday, September 19, 2014

Summery September in SF

SF is too warm and too humid. We don't do "muggy" here in San Francisco.
The coolest place in San Francisco is in my studio. Cool in more ways than one.....
so, of course, I am hangin' in my studio...

.....playing with old photos and paints....
Don't you think this is an odd photo? It looks like a little girl's head on a woman's body or a woman's head on a little girl's body or something like just doesn't look right, does it?
And the caption on the back --
"Mrs. Carty by Addie"
This couldn't be a MRS could she?

A nun stamp-head

I couldn't find a stamp for her head but I kind of like this the way it is.

I wonder if Einstein played the piano? He does now.

Stamp Head Couple
wonder where they are from???

Look at that guy in the front...and the kid in the middle.....don't you wonder about their stories?

Some painted photos made into cards....

Painted Card

Envelope to Canada -- road trip inspired!

Air Mail inspired....

Play-with-paint folder

Here's the inside......with a letter tucked inside....


Presents for me -- some rubber stamps
(like I need any more...)

To/From Russia with Love
Some incoming mail from Virgo in Russia and outgoing from me....

Why do I think Stamp Head when I see this?

And this?
Amazing what you find when you are cleaning. Some money from a trip to Taiwan.
I'll think of a project......

Pack it up!
Tomorrow is a three hour gelli block workshop and I am packing up  some paints, work apron,  show-and-tell....
don't you like this bag?

This is the little pocket inside the could I resist?

Anything ARMAIL and I'm in!
I found these two sheets of airmail stickers in my cleaning frenzy too.....they are almost vintage. Shows you I have been liking mail art for a long, long time.

Things have been pretty busy around here (and getting busier).
I have to rest up for the Library Big Book Sale on Tuesday afternoon.
I will be carrying around a very heavy bag of books for sure.
And then there's the pushing and shoving....
(you think I'm kidding?)
Some travel plans in the air.
I still am working on a thank-you post.
Just thought I'd  check in and say HELLO.

So, how about you?
What's everybody working on? Let's hear! And hey -- what would you all like to see on the blog?
I'm open to suggestions (as long as they are nice ones!).
It isn't easy thinking up with you all might want to see.
help me out a little, ok?
Enjoy the rest of September and remember --



  1. Whew! I'm reeling! My favorite is the nun. The Mrs. has arms and legs of a woman. LOL. You are an amazing artist. Great, funny post.

    I cannot offer suggestions because you are leagues ahead of me. :) Keep it up.

    1. I like the nun too! Must be the Catholic school......You really think the MRS has the arms and legs of a woman? I thought all along she was a little girl but then I got to looking....
      Thanks for visiting, Limner. (Just sent you a postcard)

  2. I love how all of those old photos are getting a second life as art.

    1. Thanks, Cindy -- me too! I have had vintage photos sitting around for years and I finally figured out something fun to do with them. paint 'em, collage 'em and send them out into the world!

  3. continuing the stamp head magic!! & having a blast playing with some new rubber stamps. keen to get to carving as well. & i LOVE all the eye candy you share on this blog. never fails to stoke the creative fires. YES! thanks and have fun at your workshop!!
    (mail en route to you TODAY!!)

  4. What a happy and colorful mail mess you have made. I would most certainly read the mail if that woman handed it to me, LOL. xox

  5. What a fabulous way to escape the dreaded muggy heat! It's always a delight to see what you get up to in the studio. You have such a cool stash of stuff and do great things with it! I hope you have/had a wonderful time at the workshop! Sounds like fun.

  6. Love your site. My favorite photo was your work space. What treasures it must hold, and your stamps are definitely cool. I'd love to see a post on ephemera. ..where to get vintage photos and ephemera and trusted sites. A stroll through your treasure trove! Thanks for sharing your art. It's very cool. I like it!

    1. Thanks for the comment, kit -- if you look at older posts there is a lot about ephemera -- I think I get almost all of mine at three places -- the Vintage Paper Fair, Scrap & the Library Big Book sale (which is this coming week -- yippee!). I have posted quite a bit about them all -- and I will do it again each time I go. Lots of photos of my work space too so I hope you have a look around the blog. Thanks so much for commenting -- I really appreciate it.

  7. Wow, looks like you've been having a lot of fun, especially liking the stamp heads idea, something I did a long time ago but now you've reminded me about it, I will do it again! I've just finished a feature and two postal challenges on the Positively Postal blog (please do take a look) and am going to be getting on with a piece I need to get ready for an exhibition in about two weeks, all go and not always enough time! Keep on making great mailart, Scott, Positively Postal.

    1. Hi Scott -- thanks for commenting. And yes -- make some more Stamp Heads -- so fun. Everybody likes a postal challenge -- I will have to have a look.

  8. Love what you're doing with those old photos -- and thanks for the cool mail (including the engraved stamps)! Stamphead currency -- WOW!

    1. Thanks, Connie! Glad you liked your mail. I'd like to see what YOU could do with Stamp Head currency!

  9. Linda -- yes, that tote bag does match the zippered pouch and I couldn't resist either! Hummmmm wha tkind of vintage Chinese books did you buy? There was one shop (next to the Buddha Bar) that had loads of them and I bought a big stash but they are all gone now. I have had a lot of fun playing with mine and I would love to hear/see what you do with yours. Sounds like what you got is similar to mine....have fun with them and thanks for commenting.

  10. Always a pleasure to visit your blog - lots of inspiration. Thanks!

  11. I really like that airmail tote--it is SO "you"! I enjoy your Einstein stamp head pic best of all. Those airmail stickers are great. I can't believe what great stuff you find while cleaning out your studio...what an amazing place!

    1. Andria -- yup...that air mail tote is ME! And it is from Blue Q -- they have lots of great totes and pencil cases, as I'm sure you know. I got a kick out of Einstein too....and I love those airmail stickers. The USPS used to give those sheets away free -- imagine! I can't bring myself to tear them up....

  12. Can't wait to see what you did at the gelli class. and I always like seeing what treasures you found at the library book sale.

    Mrs. Carty gets weirder the more I look at her.

    1. Doesn't she though?

      I have gelli photos and I am off t the book sale today -- details to follow, Karen!

  13. Love what you did with the old photos...I do always love what I see on your site! You always come up with the most creative ideas. Thanks for the inspiration!

    These airmail stickers are fantastic!

    Gaby xo

    1. Thanks, Gaby Bee -- I am having fun with the old photos. I have so many i had to think up some project for them. I am so happy to read you are insired by the blog.

  14. Your work is so beautiful. I always enjoy looking at it and then coming back and back again for another look!

  15. I enjoy your tutorials on making mail art, so please keep posting those.

    1. I try! But I do a lot of mixed media art and collage and I love it all.....
