Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Big Book Fun

You may have heard the rumors....yesterday was the member's preview for the SF Library Big Book Sale.......

The scene of the sale -- SF Library really knows how to throw a book sale. I mean, it isn't in a parking lot or strip mall -- we get go down to Fort Mason and see the most amazing views while we are in line....And the sun is always shining too!
That's the building and it's BIG and filled with thousands of books.

Did I mention standing in line?
Actually some folks started waiting the day before....but I am not that crazy.

How come I never thought of looking at the table for MATH BOOKS before?
I just happened to look down and realized I might be missing some good stuff.
Like this.
The Stepped-Up Edition -- oh! the pain!

Arithmetic -- such a charming word.
As long as I don't have to actually do it. Did I ever tell you about my summer school experience?
Some things are better left unsaid....

Are you kidding?????

This is more my speed.....I like picnics....and I think I could manage the 6th grade reader.

Attracted by the age...and the green....

But what IS this?????
This doesn't look like any writing I've ever seen. A secret code?

Oh, poor think she got a date to the prom? And they put "a cigarette borrower" under her yearbook photo? Times do change, don't they?

The guys....

Those glasses are so far out they might actually be in now. But I'm not so sure about that hair.

Being in a huge room with thousands of books is a mighty fine way to spend a happy afternoon.
I ran into lots of my mail art friends too. No, I don't mean I ran them over with my shopping cart....
I was so busy shoving books in my cart I didn't even manage to take pictures of any of them though.

The Wine Bar
Check it out -- the Library even hosts a wine bar and food for the shoppers.
Imagine that.
Looked very fun but I really couldn't tear myself away from the books.
I wouldn't want to impair my judgement either...critical decisions had to be made.

Let the tearing begin!
I know...some of you might cringe at this sight but it really is rather lovely. And I did buy some good just to tear up for mail art and collage.
Those sewn bindings are so cool.

I got about four volumes of these, thanks to Red Letter Day pointing them out to me.
It's possible that's about three volumes too many...
I tend to get a bit carried away. about I pick one of you who comments on this blog post (randomly to be sure!) and send out a paper ephemera pack?
Surely I can't use it all.
If I get a whole lot of comments I may even pick two names!
Just comment and say hello.
I will post the name of the "winner" on the next blog post in about a week.
This is just a casual biggie. But it's good to share and you are all such lovely blog readers.

And thanks to SF Public Library system for being so wonderful.
I check out books, cd's , dvd's and more books all year long.
And the Library hosts this fabulous book sale twice a year and in an incredible beautiful location and with wine.
I mean...really!


OK, now I've got all this paper...I gotta go make stuff.


  1. Hello! Looks lovely! I sometimes pick up old foreign language books from my workplace to tear up. I'd love to get a packet of paper from you!

    1. You find foreign language books at work? How lucky! Your name is in the hat....

  2. Oh, this is the funniest blog post yet! It's cheered me up on a sick day! This sale truly looks better than the Tokyo book fair I went to a few days back! Glad you didn't actually run down any mail artists, we are a rare breed!

    1. viz: sick day? OH NO~~ & tokyo book fair....swooning!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. vizma -- so happy I amused you, my friend. I wouldn't mow down the mail artists, maybe just kind of push them aside so I can grab the good a steaming bowl of ramen and feel better. You gotta get back to shopping in Japan!

  3. well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (&weoohoo!!!) thanks for the swoonworthy eyecandy, miss,
    ~miss p

  4. Holy cow, I'm jealous! That looks like an amazing event. I would be completely overwhelmed walking around all those books. I love searching for vintage books to tear up and use in collages!

    1. It is a little overwhelming, have t stop and take a breath after a while....they give out maps and you can plan your attack while waiting in line....

  5. Wow, I love a book sale but I'm not sure I could do that line! Glad you could though so you could share your lovely finds with us.

    1. CIndy -- I stood in line only one hour and chatting with my pal made it speed by....that was the line in BACK of me....but there were quite a few in front of me too....

  6. Woohoo! How very, Very cool for you to go to this Wonderful book sale! I like to think of these library sales as my version of Disneyland! Am waiting for ours coming up in October! Looks like you picked up some great stuff to play with, Pamela!
    Have a wonderful evening!

    1. Yes..Indigo...those book sales are like being in Disneyland for us! And I am going back on Sunday for dollar day!

  7. Holy cow, what great stuff!! I am absolutely lusting after all those fab old books. If I had access to that sale, you can be sure I'd be making a lot of journals. There is virtually nothing up this way. You are so lucky!!

    1. Connie -- I thought you had sworn off buying stuff! lol It really is a lot of fun to go to the sale but it is crowded and a little crazy too......

  8. Oh, you got a book about Cuneiform script! Great findings again!

  9. Makes me feel like I'm living on another planet, let alone another continent. This would never happen in my town. Our library has such a small budget that they keep everything they have. Oh well, I can but marvel. Looks like a thoroughly enjoyable day.

    1. Cuan -- hello! The books are all donated to the SF Library...I wonder when the well will go dry. But they seem to keep coming up with loads of great books every year. I wish the postage to South Africa wasn't so horribly expensive and I could send you some books. Oh--and your last mailing to me has been sitting on my desk making me feel guilty...outgoing to you very soon -- I promise!

  10. Pretty amazing haul Pamela. What a sale. What a sale. Wowza. I'm surprised you did not leave with two carts full. Nice to know that people stand on line for books, not just technology. xox

    1. Corrine....ahem....I actually did have two carts full. I checked out with one cart and realized I had forgotten to take photos so I went back and that's when I ended up with all five volumes of the stamp catalogs.......and I think that may have been a mistake....

  11. What a wonderful book sale! I have seen Fort Mason. So I know how big it is!
    The foreign language is Assyrian. See this blog:
    It is translated in German.
    Have fun with your treasures :-)

    1. thanks, Nina...I don't think I'll be reading it any time soon....

  12. OH MY--book heaven! Our little branch library hosts its annual sale in a tiny room...and it's mostly harlequin romances...[sigh}

  13. Wow! What a great haul!! Oh you wanted us to say hello... HELLO!!!!!!!! haha I love library book sales and that one is the cream of the crop! Love those old math books too... what a hoot! Have fun with it all and if you happen to have too much ephemera (like no one ever said. Ever.) ...

  14. Oh, wow. What fun. I am very intrigued by that German script. I have a few people on its scent… Will let you know. We have a book sale this weekend in our little town. I'm hoping to get rid of more than I get, but I know how it usually ends up!

    1. Have fun this weekend, Adrienne......hope you score a treasure...

    2. The script is cuneiform. (Not sure that the other message I sent went through,)

  15. I always get inspired to create when you have posts like this. There is a little charity shop here that I go nuts in when I'm in town. The books are 10p each or 3 for 20p and there are some nice ones too.

    1. Anna M -- thanks so much for commenting. Sounds like you have a pretty good source for books there in the UK. This sale is only twice a year so I have to stock up when I get the chance.

  16. Gosh - you are so lucky to have sales like this !!
    I would love to go!
    Not sure if this is open to internationals but here's hoping!

    1. Gill -- thanks for commenting. Always nice to "see" a new name......I don't think the ephemera would be worth the international postage, sorry to's a killer. I know I am lucky to have a sale like that, especially after hearing from so many who don't have good library sales...

  17. Great stuff. I actually had a pair of eyeglasses very much like that in 1959 or so. Every time I hear that cats eyes glasses are coming back in style, I cringe. Funny comment about Fitzie and the cigarettes!

    1. actually those glasses are kinda cool....the haircut....not so much......

  18. Poor me. I seem to be the only bookie who would read my selections. And I would use my bookbinder's kit to try first aid triage as a first resort. I have never . . . Oh, I cannot even key the word. A friend sent me pages and chapters she tore from an old arithmetic book. I worked the sums, read each page, and saved them in an acid free box. Are there support groups for bibliophiles who cannot harm even raggedy old books?

    Am willing to bet "Fitzie" surprised everyone by marrying well. ;)

    It's easy to imagine you having much fun transforming your windfall into magical mail art. Rock on.

    1. thanks, Limner.....I should have written "avert your eyes if you don't want to see a torn book"......sorry....but I have to tear them up to make things! Maybe Fitzie did marry well....heck, maybe I will get a letter from her......

  19. The book sale looks wonderful and now I want to move to SF :) Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. AES -- oh yeah...move to SF -- it is such a great town -- and besides the book sale 2x a year we have the Vintage Paper Fair and the zine fest and Renegade and the SF Correspondence Co-Op and the Center for the Book and SCRAP -- did you call the movers yet?

  20. That looks like it was a great event and I laughed out loud reading your comments about those glasses being so far out they are now in etc! Would be delighted to receive a paper ephemera pack all the way from the US! :) Scott.

    1. hey Scott -- I'm not so sure it would be worth that dreadful international postage but I'll think of something to send you soon.....maybe those glasses?

  21. Oh, man... I might need to come the night before and sleep on the couch for the next one. That book with the weird writing is great - never seen anything like it before. Can't wait to hear what it actually is.

    1. Leslie--you can come to one and you don't even have to come the day before -- I went over there at 2PM and it opened at 4PM........but you may need to rent a truck to drive all the books back home......

  22. What a super amazing haul! I have a serious book issue myself, with a thrift store in the same building at work! the difference is that you actually manage to USE the books... :P

    1. FarStarr -- I use SOME of them but some I just cannot bring myself to tear have a thrift store in the building where you work???? Now that's a good fringe benefit to the job.....

  23. Well still have Friday and Saturday to get here to the sale -- and Sunday everything is $1 so maybe you can come. And the 2015 Spring Sale is April 1-5 -- just sayin'! I will have to look again to see who those guys reminded me of....

  24. OH WOW! The book sales here in Williamsburg, VA are wonderful. I have never considered another book sale. Then I saw your pictures. That green book cover and the crazy inside pages are WONDERFUL. The CA Dept of Edu math book is amazing. I would probably never find one of those here on the East Coast. Thank you for sharing your haul and for offering a give-away to share with us.

    1. Oooo you have good book sales in Williamsburg, VA? Next time I visit my friend in Petersburg, VA I may have to swing by! You might not get CA State books but I bet the VA ones are pretty good too -- thanks for commenting!

  25. I LOVE library sales!!! But they have been the death of me! Ha ha...we are buried under our "living books" library. But so happy our kids have grown up in a "print- rich" environment. Now, I have spawned several kids who are book hounds...they tell me..."I need this book for MY library" (in their rooms!) :-) Thanks for sharing!

    1. There are a lot worse things than being a book-hound, right? I had to sneak these into my husband when my husband wasn't home....he is getting rid of stuff and I am buying

  26. Pamela,
    That's a great haul you got! It should inspire me to tear and cut into the box of vintage (1960s) children's encyclopedias that I was given from an elementary school but they are just so darling! I need help!

    1. I feel your pain, Dorothy -- it is really hard to tear books up. But it is pretty wonderful to make art with the pages and send them out into the world too. I tear some and I save some....

  27. This give away is to good to pass up. Great way to spend an afternoon or two

    1. an afternoon at the book sale and the next afternoon making things with the pages of the books.....right?

  28. Unbelievably cool. I love old math books. I have a book of logarithms for collage fodder. I love the rows of numbers. And Mandy is using a vintage kids math book for a round robin we're doing together. My library won't be having any book sales for the next TWO YEARS because we are doing major renovation/expansion, and they are setting up a tiny temporary library on the other side of town. All the wonderful book sale goodness will have to wait until the grand re-opening in 2016.

    1. Karen -- two more years? Don't they need to have a book sale to help pay with the re-model? Maybe you should some to SF for our next sale. Just saying. I am going back on Sunday to pick through the leftover - $1 each. I will check the math section again....

  29. Lovely pictures! So glad you like our sale.The FRIENDS of the SFPL, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, has been running these for the past 50 years. While the library benefits from the sale, it doesn't run or staff it. Today's the last day of this sale--everything is $1. Friends of SFPL invites you to come on down!

    1. OooOoo I went to the last day -- $1 each for everything and just as much fun as the members preview. Book Sale Post part two coming up next!

  30. You find the BEST stuff in SF - and I love reading your blog posts! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  31. the book sale post has 'em commenting up a storm!!!

    1. miss polly always happens when there is a give-away...wish people would comment all the tim...sigh...

  32. LOVE the secret code book!! What a gem.

    1. Hey Marie W -- now that Viz has moved ion you have time to read the blogs again....wish I had been there for all the fun! We could have passed notes in code!

  33. Makes my mouth water every time you post about this sale!! Is it okay if one suffers from book-sale envy?? lol

    1. Sure, Peggy Lynn...I am happy to torture you! It is a BIG sale but I think lots of libraries have book sales so keep a watch out.

  34. Those math books are super cool! Love the vintage graphics. I'll be scoping out arithmetic tomes at our next sale...ha!

    1. Andria -- I, aren't they? I never even looked in the math section before....
