Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Books and More Books and Mail Too....

Well....truth to be told.....I couldn't resist......

I went back on Sunday to the last day of the library book sale. Everything was $1.00.
I wondered if it was worth going and what would be left....

Yes, it was definitely worth going. Here are my shopping carts --
no, actually those are not mine but it looks like some people get more carried away than even I do..

This one is mine.....and I got seventeen books for $17.00. And actually the dollar sale was more fun than the members preview. No lines, fewer crowds and cheaper books.
I've got to remember that next year.

There is just something about foreign language dictionaries I cannot resist.

I like to think I can speak French.
The French don't seem to think so though...

I found two very cool old yearbooks -- score! One was from 1936....
and the other from the 50's sometime...$1!

Lots of lovely autographs and comments too.

I have been collecting vintage French dictionaries for years...who could resist those pages with pictures?

I was hoping for a French scarf-tieing tutorial......

I think this was my favorite find on Dollar Day....the beautiful graphic caught my eye...

I snatched it up.... discover it is a book on graphic design lettering -- in Cyrillic cool. Published and printed in Moscow. I wonder, how did it make it's way here to San Francisco? We do have a pretty large Russian population here.

I cannot bring myself to tear this one up. At least not for a while.

But in some cases -- tear I did! 

My worktable is a work-in-progress. I am tearing up books, sorting the pages, making piles and making things.

Handmade envelopes with yearbook pages.



I've been busy! But it seems like I have been sending out more mail than I have been receiving.
I better see a good mail day real soon.

Ok. I know you have been waiting. Many thanks to all of you who commented on the last post about the book sale. It is sure nice to hear from you all and know who's actually reading the blog.
I put the names in a hat (ok, it was a bowl) and I got a little carried away and picked three winners-
ta da

1. Linda Gibbons
2. TERAdactyl
3.pam foster

Please message me your addresses as soon as possible so I can put a paper ephemera pack in the mail to you. Congratulations. Hope to see what you do with the papers. Have fun with it.

And if Rhonda H would like some math pages and Cindy would like some Russian pages
you two message me your address too. I have a lot of paper to go around.

So, there you have it. Two outings to the book sale and lots of fun in the studio.
Next one is in April so maybe you'll want to plan your visit to SF now!
I'll see you there.



  1. Wow, Sunday looked much more manageable and you still found lots of great stuff! And yes, anything you'd like to share, I'd love to receive. And I'm with you on the book of fonts in Russian--not sure I'd have the heart to tear it up (for a while at least). On a different note, old yearbooks always make me wonder what all of those teenagers grew up to do and who they became...

    1. Cindy -- I wonder what happened to all those teenagers too. But the group from 1936 must be mostly gone by now. I can't tear up the book of Russian fonts but I did tear some text from another one I will send you.The $1 sale day was more relaxing for sure!

  2. lucky souls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    thanks for spreading the mail magic, pamela!

  3. Ahhh... I would kill for a vintage French dictionary. It's never been my luck to find one, never mind for a buck. Excellent score - you got all kinds of good stuff. Have fun tearing, sorting, and making. Sounds like a great way to spend time.

    1. Leslie -- I didn't know that! I will look for one for you at the next sale. I have usually found one or two there...I saw one exactly like mine for sale on ETSY for $50.00!

  4. & your worktable looks JUST like mine. good company!
    busy hands,,,

  5. are you kidding me? those amazing french dictionaries with swoonworthy graphics were 1 buck. WOW!!! good thing you went back for a second round on dollar day!

    1. I hate to mention how many of those French dictionaries I already have......

  6. Pamela, I really really wanted to go to the $1.00 sale. In fact until this year I have only gone to the $1.00 sale.. but curiosity got to me and as you know I went to the preview sale as you did. When you only go to the $ sale you don't know what you missed and it is ONLY a buck. Do you think they replenish the stock everyday since there are always great finds on the last day.

    1. monica---wish we went together and had a coffee looking out at the SF Bay. But we have the April book sale to look forward to......I wonder if they do replenish the stock daily....but it seems they would rather sell the books for $3 each than for $1 each so i wonder if they hold back....

  7. Wow! I can't believe it I never win anything! My snail mail address is 52 Newfield st, #1
    west Roxbury, MA 02132. Can't wait to see the goodies coming my way. Pamela, please be sure to include your address.
    And thaks
    and--great score at the dollarday sale--I covet that chinese book

    1. Hi Linda -- yay! you won something now. I actually didn't bring myself to tear up the one Chinese book but I do have a lot of Chinese pages from others so I will tuck in some extra for you. Enjoy -- and let us know how you use the pages.

  8. Great choice of books you got! And I love the shot of your work table!

    1. Thanks Seth -- I am going to gelli print over some of the pages. You would like the work table -- i know you like to see the REAL mess not the cleaned up version.

  9. Amazing finds - the cyrillic design book and french dictionary are stunning. I can't believe they were only $1 each!

    1. IFinnBadger -- glad you agree. That cyrillic book was a real find -- and I never can resist those French dictionaries. As I mentioned above, I saw one for $50. on ETSY and I actually think they are almost worth that much. They are so beautiful.

  10. Wow! I wish we had these kind of book sales in the UK!!

    1. Gill - you don't? I think of the UK as a place with lots and lots of books.....

  11. Goodness! I'd like to be a fly on your wall . . . No. Flies are nasty little things, although useful, so I'd rather be a ladybug on your ceiling, watching and being amazed by all the things you do with those books.

    Joyce Chen looks on as if she's mesmerized and just happy to be on your mail art. :)

    Congrats to the winners!

    I look forward to seeing more of the magic you create.

    1. Limner -- you always make me smile -- or laugh! I hope Joyce Chen is happy to be on my mail art! I'd be happy to be on a stamp but not if I was dead. Come on over and be a ladybug on my ceiling!

  12. I hope this is not a redundant comment/question,,,,,so, once you get the "loot" home, you go through and tear out what you know you won't use and save the rest? Or do you have a different way of deciding what stays and what goes (into recycling?) I keep bringing books home and then not tearing them up and i know that I will probably only use a portion of the book pages. And now I have piles of books!

    1. BritchickNY --- well........I get the loot home and ooh and ahh over everything and decide which books I can bring myself to tear up and which ones I will tuck onto my bookshelves. Then I usually tear out ALL the pages and sort them into piles -- for ME, for a specific pal, etc This time I sorted piles for the give-away but I also sorted out pages that i thought specific pals would appreciate. If the covers are cool, I save the covers for artist books.And I usually save leftover pages for using in gelli printing.....very little actually gets tossed into the re-cycling. Hope that answers your question. (I try to pick books with a lot of good pages....),

  13. wow - $1 yearbooks! I see them in antique shops for $20 or more. You found some amazing stuff.

    1. Karen--I know--I see yearbooks here for $20 or more too. This is the first time I have ever found them at the library book sale so i was jazzed.....

  14. I want to be YOU!! Book sale score! I love the year books- lucky. I look forward to getting that letter...yes i do. I'm sending you good mail, too.

    1. well, miss millicent, you should have that letter real soon......

  15. Wow!!! Lucky you! Those are great finds. Our book sales up here in the hinterland are not nearly as… fruitful. The color plates in that French dictionary alone… Heavens, I think I'm actually drooling!

    1. That French dictionary sure seems to be popular! Yes, the SF Library sales are BIG. May they never run out of donations.....

  16. Well that book sale just got better and better, didn't it? Can't to see what you create from all this goodness. I put a letter in the mail last week, so it should be there soon.

    1. Adrienne....yes, indeed it did! And I received your wonderful mail too. Life is good,

  17. Yay for the big sale day! Love all the coolness you found! Mail is WONDERFUL! I wish that more people would send out mail. It seems that many are even forgetting how to write! My sister told me yesterday that she needed to write to me (I am always sending her letters) and that because of using a computer all day at work she seems to be forgetting how to write cursive!

    1. Hi Indigo -- you have most likely read that school are discontinuing teaching cursive writing -- oh the horror! Tell your sister she needs to get busy an write to you. There are a lot of us sending out mail(art) and writing letters -- but not like the old days.

  18. had me fooled...I thought those really were your shopping carts at first! I really love those yearbooks, and how you used them in your mail art. I don't think I've ever seen yearbooks at our library sales, but I am going to keep my eyes peeled. If you ever want to do a paper/ephemera pack exchange, let me know. I have some good stuff I could send to you, and I KNOW you've got lots of amazing things on your end!

    1. Andria -- I would say "April Fools" but it is October. That is the first time I have ever found yearbooks at the book sale. I would be happy to send you some pages.....I do have a lot of them.....
