Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Big Book Fun

You may have heard the rumors....yesterday was the member's preview for the SF Library Big Book Sale.......

The scene of the sale -- SF Library really knows how to throw a book sale. I mean, it isn't in a parking lot or strip mall -- we get go down to Fort Mason and see the most amazing views while we are in line....And the sun is always shining too!
That's the building and it's BIG and filled with thousands of books.

Did I mention standing in line?
Actually some folks started waiting the day before....but I am not that crazy.

How come I never thought of looking at the table for MATH BOOKS before?
I just happened to look down and realized I might be missing some good stuff.
Like this.
The Stepped-Up Edition -- oh! the pain!

Arithmetic -- such a charming word.
As long as I don't have to actually do it. Did I ever tell you about my summer school experience?
Some things are better left unsaid....

Are you kidding?????

This is more my speed.....I like picnics....and I think I could manage the 6th grade reader.

Attracted by the age...and the green....

But what IS this?????
This doesn't look like any writing I've ever seen. A secret code?

Oh, poor think she got a date to the prom? And they put "a cigarette borrower" under her yearbook photo? Times do change, don't they?

The guys....

Those glasses are so far out they might actually be in now. But I'm not so sure about that hair.

Being in a huge room with thousands of books is a mighty fine way to spend a happy afternoon.
I ran into lots of my mail art friends too. No, I don't mean I ran them over with my shopping cart....
I was so busy shoving books in my cart I didn't even manage to take pictures of any of them though.

The Wine Bar
Check it out -- the Library even hosts a wine bar and food for the shoppers.
Imagine that.
Looked very fun but I really couldn't tear myself away from the books.
I wouldn't want to impair my judgement either...critical decisions had to be made.

Let the tearing begin!
I know...some of you might cringe at this sight but it really is rather lovely. And I did buy some good just to tear up for mail art and collage.
Those sewn bindings are so cool.

I got about four volumes of these, thanks to Red Letter Day pointing them out to me.
It's possible that's about three volumes too many...
I tend to get a bit carried away. about I pick one of you who comments on this blog post (randomly to be sure!) and send out a paper ephemera pack?
Surely I can't use it all.
If I get a whole lot of comments I may even pick two names!
Just comment and say hello.
I will post the name of the "winner" on the next blog post in about a week.
This is just a casual biggie. But it's good to share and you are all such lovely blog readers.

And thanks to SF Public Library system for being so wonderful.
I check out books, cd's , dvd's and more books all year long.
And the Library hosts this fabulous book sale twice a year and in an incredible beautiful location and with wine.
I mean...really!


OK, now I've got all this paper...I gotta go make stuff.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Summery September in SF

SF is too warm and too humid. We don't do "muggy" here in San Francisco.
The coolest place in San Francisco is in my studio. Cool in more ways than one.....
so, of course, I am hangin' in my studio...

.....playing with old photos and paints....
Don't you think this is an odd photo? It looks like a little girl's head on a woman's body or a woman's head on a little girl's body or something like just doesn't look right, does it?
And the caption on the back --
"Mrs. Carty by Addie"
This couldn't be a MRS could she?

A nun stamp-head

I couldn't find a stamp for her head but I kind of like this the way it is.

I wonder if Einstein played the piano? He does now.

Stamp Head Couple
wonder where they are from???

Look at that guy in the front...and the kid in the middle.....don't you wonder about their stories?

Some painted photos made into cards....

Painted Card

Envelope to Canada -- road trip inspired!

Air Mail inspired....

Play-with-paint folder

Here's the inside......with a letter tucked inside....


Presents for me -- some rubber stamps
(like I need any more...)

To/From Russia with Love
Some incoming mail from Virgo in Russia and outgoing from me....

Why do I think Stamp Head when I see this?

And this?
Amazing what you find when you are cleaning. Some money from a trip to Taiwan.
I'll think of a project......

Pack it up!
Tomorrow is a three hour gelli block workshop and I am packing up  some paints, work apron,  show-and-tell....
don't you like this bag?

This is the little pocket inside the could I resist?

Anything ARMAIL and I'm in!
I found these two sheets of airmail stickers in my cleaning frenzy too.....they are almost vintage. Shows you I have been liking mail art for a long, long time.

Things have been pretty busy around here (and getting busier).
I have to rest up for the Library Big Book Sale on Tuesday afternoon.
I will be carrying around a very heavy bag of books for sure.
And then there's the pushing and shoving....
(you think I'm kidding?)
Some travel plans in the air.
I still am working on a thank-you post.
Just thought I'd  check in and say HELLO.

So, how about you?
What's everybody working on? Let's hear! And hey -- what would you all like to see on the blog?
I'm open to suggestions (as long as they are nice ones!).
It isn't easy thinking up with you all might want to see.
help me out a little, ok?
Enjoy the rest of September and remember --


Sunday, September 7, 2014

You Know Where I Am

If it's Sunday....I'm usually in my studio....and very happily so.
Not always, but a lot of the time...including today...

And, I am on a playing-with-paints binge. A very fun and non-fattening binge.
I can't stop.
And I don't even want to stop. Everything sitting around my studio is fair game.

Oh yes -- rubber stamping is fun too.....right on top of the paint. But I have to wait for the paints to dry...and that is a good lesson for me...
patience..not usually one of my many (ahem) virtues....

See what I mean? I started playing with some old photos ..... wait till you see all of them! Very cool. That's for another post..

Hummm....I think this envelope looks much better now. Don't you?

Library/Book Lover ATC

You know what I say -- Why send it plain if you can send it fancy?
Well, yesterday I found this vintage FANCY stamp in my travels....perfect for my mail.
The stamp was in a group being sold from a Sonoma apple farm -- they had Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Medium, Jumbo....I wanted them all but settled for fancy...I may not be too patient but i do have self control.

Waiting for the paint to dry, I am playing with some stamp heads...

Tags and folders....

These could be bookmarks or gift tags.

Back to School
This was one the back of an old photo -- Don't Forget Your Schoolmates.

So that's it, folks. Not a lot to share. Just playing with paint and ink and rubber stamps.

What are you doing?

I have been so lucky to have received some lovely ephemera in the mail lately from my wonderful blog readers. I am working on a post showing what I got and what I did with it..
and (don't tell anyone) I think I will do a give-away too.
So, stay tuned.