Sunday, July 13, 2014

Maker Summer Camp

Don't you wish you could be a little kid and head off to summer camp? I sure do!
I am having a little summer art camp of my own with inspiration and help from some of my wonderful mail art pals.
Dori Singh Mail is some of the best mail to get and Dori has inspired me a lot.
She often sews on her work and she does a lot of cool folding.
So, inspired by Dori, I made this little folder to mail some things to a friend.

Gelli Printed cards and envelopes

After my play date with Leslie Sowden. I have been having a blast printing with my gelli plate.
I made a set of cards and envelopes.
It was more fun painting with Leslie but gelli printing is pretty fun no matter what.

Collaged Postcards

As usual, I am doing lots of collage cards to send out. I've started using some of my own family photos.
The originals!


I have a continued love affair with vellum envelopes.
Another inspiration from Leslie.....
Get some of these rings and a hole punch and .....

Sort your postcards into landscape and portrait stacks.
Punch a hole in the corner and load them onto the ring. Great way to organize your postcards and have them available to look at (rather than ticked away inside boxes).
Thanks, Leslie!

I've got four rings of them so far.......

Envelopes/Letters on a ring

And since postcards worked so well on the rings, I thought, why not put envelopes on one too?
Doesn't this look cool?

And then there was the long stitch workshop at SFCB with the fabulous Jennie Hinchcliff.
Jennie is truly a wonderful instructor and I highly recommend taking a class with her if you ever get a chance.

The workshop was great and I have nailed the long stitch.

BUT....I need help and more practice with certain other aspects of making books.
The paper I choose wasn't strong enough for the stitches and ripped as you can see here.
And I made my spine too loose....
I am looking to see if Jennie is teaching a longer session on book making because I obviously need it.
Maybe I'll see some of you there!


OUTGOING Collage postcard

Altered vintage postcard series

Summer Camp would be more fun with some play-mates so if anyone wants to come on over, please let me know.

Special thank you to Leslie and Dori for inspiration.
And to Jennie Hinchcliff for being an awesome instructor. (As they say in books, all mistakes are mine).

I am busy punching holes and gluing and cutting paper and generally having fun.
What are you all working on these summer days?
Lots of fun coming up here in San Francisco -- The fabulous Vintage Paper Fair is back on the weekend of July 26 and 27 and you KNOW I am going to be there.
Just being in a huge room filled with vintage paper makes me happy.
Renegade is coming to SF too -- and Donovan and Kathy from LWA -- so I will be there too.
And we are having a July Co-Op meeting too.
Lots of fun to be had. Who says summer vacation is just for kids?



  1. I've always thought of myself as more of a loner, in terms of making stuff (well, in other ways too), but you're making me want to arrange some play dates or something. Looks like great fun!

    And your postcards and envelopes look wonderful!

    As for loose book stitching, paper tearing and all that… it truly is something you just have to do, and keep doing. It becomes a muscle memory, sort of like bike riding or anything else. It takes practice to get the hang of getting the tension right. Snug… but not really snug… You get a feel for it after a while. (I love that Air Mail cover paper, by the way…)

    1. Thanks, Paper Chipmunk -- I will keep trying. And really, working on art projects with pals is a whole lot of fun -- try it! I bet you will like it too. I used to work alone all the time but now I try really hard to get together with an art pal or two every week -- and i get a lot of inspiration that way too.

  2. Putting cards on a ring is a great idea! I did it with greeting cards I've received over the years, but it looks like it works well for postcards and envelopes too.

    1. Hi Cindy -- I agree -- a good way to round 'em up and display!

    2. I just have to say that I really appreciate that you not only read all of the comments you receive, but that you reply as well. It can make commenting feel worthwhile.

    3. Thank you, Cindy -- I sure do read each and every comment and I really appreciate the folks who comment. You have been very lovely to take the time to comment often and it is much appreciated.

  3. Love, love, love everything you're doing! Paper Chipmunk (Ellen Golla) is a dear friend of mine. We've been talking about doing a play date together -- maybe now we will! xo

    1. Oh my, Pamela, look what you've started! Heh… ! Alas, Connie and I live in Humboldt County, where everything is remote. We still live an hour apart from each other! However, I do think we're going to find a way to work around that…. Hmmm...

    2. I hope you two decide to have an art playdate. It took me an more than an hour to get to my friend Leslie in Tracy and it was worth it. We are planning another art get-together. I look forward to hearing what you two do!
      And Connie, so happy you enjoyed the post.

  4. Beautiful mail Pamela (as always) -- I'm really loving the vintage photo series! (Also love that sticker you put on your blue long-stitch book too :)

    1. sallyw3000 -- my classmate! I wat to see your book. I'm glad you are enjoying my various projects. I will send you an old photo collage once I get a bunch of them finished.

  5. I like the pages with the old photos. It´s a new direction...!?
    How did you made these perfect inkblobs?

    I like you handmade book too. You had a great weekend!
    Thank you for share with us the results.

    1. Planet Susannia -- I hear you had a good weekend in Germany too, if you follow the World Cup.
      The old photo collages aren't really new -- I have been using vintage photos for a long time. But I just started using my own family photos.
      The ink blots are made with a "Bingo Marker" -- if you have those in Germany. You just slam it on the paper and get splatter.

  6. Your Air Mail / Par Avion book looks pretty funky even with the torn paper. I like it. One just has to try and sometimes things come out differently from what we expected but but we might find out that we actually like it that way. Of course not always. But still...
    Lucky you to pair up with Jennie! Sounds fun. I met her four years ago at the Tokyo Art Book Fair. Maybe she will participate again this year?

    1. Well thanks Marie -- but the tears are bothering me.....So cool you met Jennie in Tokyo at the Book Fair. That girl gets around!

  7. Great photo post cards. I live summer camp every day even in winter as often as I can. Cute ring holding envelopes and post cards. xox

    1. too.....I have to force myself out of my studio and out into the world sometimes.....I love my art projects. xo

  8. Bingo Marker!? I never would have guessed... Wow.
    Indeed we have here in Germany a very very goood weekend! ;-)

  9. Love your collage work! Do you ever get nervous using original vintage photos? I don't think I could do that-- my mother would have a heart attack! Also, I'm in love with vellum envelopes too! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks, pam . My mom is gone and I am finding using some of the vintage photos of her makes me feel like she & I are doing something together. She always did like to collaborate with me in my artwork. And she was such a ham too. But I have TONS of old family photos and not using them all. And, yes --isn't vellum wonderful?

  10. Oh I absolutely love those vellum envelopes! I used to love vellum in my scrapbooking days and completely forgot what an awesome material it is! Thanks for the great reminder :) - Jess Barlow (DearHolly Project)

    1. I love vellum too -- love the see-thru vellum and the vellum printed with designs as well...glad you are reminded! Apparently I neglected to respond to comments on this post -- better late than never, I hope.

  11. I love the binder ring idea for collecting and displaying postcards and envelopes. I have not yet found a satisfactory way of doing that, and think I will give this approach a try.

    1. I have been punching holes and sticking all kinds of things together with binder rings now, Andria -- have you tried it?

  12. Replies
    1. Audrey -- I need practice! I got the stitch right but used paper that tore -- need to keep trying.....
