Sunday, July 6, 2014

Another Kind of Altered Book

I am quite sure the woman -- Mrs Maggie Helm -- had no thoughts of making art or an altered book when she made this.
But, in my mind, this is a beautiful altered book and one to be treasured.
I wonder who she was and when she did this. Sad to think that no one in her family wanted to keep this book.
There is no date or any information inside at all -- but what beautiful cursive writing and incredible hand sewing.
I don't think they teach either of these old school arts in schools any more and what a loss that is.
I would have guessed that this was a sewing class workbook for a high school girl but since she wrote Mrs Maggie Helm in the front I am guessing not.
I bet that 95 grade (on the button hole) in an entire book of 100's really made her mad!
But what a treasure this is.   

I am taking a couple of book-making classes at SF Center for the Book this summer and I am really looking forward to making some more books.
But there won't be any sewing like this in mine.
I can't even figure out how to thread my (stupid) sewing machine!

And, if you want to see some really cool books and tutorials, check out
this blog all about making books
(Thanks to Leslie for telling me about this)

I am especially delighted with this paris themed book
She has recommendations for good books on book-making, tutorials, examples -- have fun with this!

Sunday today and I am off to the studio to play with paper and paint and glue all day.

Have fun too, you all......



  1. What a great journal! Where'd you find that one? I just subscribed to Ruth's blog as well, via Leslie. Have a fun art day! xo

    1. I have had it for ages....don't even remember where i found it, Connie.

  2. what an amazing book. I'm always so curious about the people and stories behind things that turn up in flea markets and junk shops. this one's both a mystery and a treasure.

    1. Karen, i know....I am always curious too and a little sad the cool stuff is in a junk shop...but if you or I get our hands on it, it is going to a very good home!

  3. wow! love this!! thanks for sharing! can't wait to hear more about your summertime bookmaking endeavors. an inspiring blog post, as usual!!

  4. Oh Amazing piece ...xox

  5. The unexpected, the perfectly matching mismatch. Great!

  6. A friend posted it on FB and tagged me. Wow-thank you so much. It's gorgeous and I'm so glad to have seen it!

    1. I'm so glad you stopped by the blog and tools a look, bklybookgrrl. And, I bet it was Esther Smith who shared my blog with you! I am so glad you enjoyed seeing the book.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks, Linda -- I think I am lucky to find it and give it a good home.

  8. An absolutely wonderful book and in such good condition. Perhaps Mrs. Maggie Helm was taking an adult education class in order to become a seamstress. Whatever the true story, her handwriting and sewing skills are remarkable. Thank you for sharing this treasure.

    1. cjsrq--that is a really good guess! makes sense.....glad you enjoyed seeing the book.

  9. What a great find. And thank you and Leslie for the link!

  10. This is so interesting. I recently came across a book via Pinterest that was sort of a commercial variation on this--it was an instructional book with little clothing samples attached to the pages. But this handmade school project variation is an absolute delight! It really is such a shame that sewing skills aren't taught so much in school anymore. I feel lucky to have been able to learn to sew in high school, way back when...

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Paper Chipmunk -- glad you like the old sewing book. I love your blog! Linked in on my blog's FB page so I could share it with others....

    2. Thanks so much. That's such a day brightener! It's nice to know new people are finding the blog, and that it is liked. I'll be following yours for sure as well!

  11. Thank you so much for sharing this delightful altered book! My daughter just received a sewing machine and she is going to town with it! I think I might do a version of this with her!

    1. Pam -- what a good idea! I hope you do make a sewing book -- and I'd like to see photos of it when you do. Happy you enjoyed the post.
