Sunday, July 20, 2014

Another Studio Sunday

I collect vintage French postal people....

Portrait of the wonderful photographer Imogen Cunningham (by Judy Dater) and two of Imogen's photos....

Deyrolle posters from Paris...

The little traveling typewriter
(thank you again, Kelly P!)

A friend sent me this very cool Stamp Craft (vintage) book and....

...the following week I found these little cards in an antique shop -- all made from stamps!
So charming -- and only $5.00.
Maybe I will try some stamp crafting....
(or, maybe not)

I can't help myself.....I love a messy work table....

One of my (four) beloved typewriters... 

I find art supplies so photogenic....

Some ribbons to tie up stacks of letters and wind around books .....

Sunday is Studio Day around here so I'm inviting you all over and take a look -- open drawers, look on shelves, move things around.....
Just had a great visit with an art pal and photographed her lovely studio so that's coming up soon.
I don't know about you, but I love seeing artist workspaces.
All kinds of fun around SF -- Vintage Paper Fair next weekend if you are local. Look for me there.
SF Correspondence Co-op meeting next weekend too -- open to the pubic.

Now I have to go make things -- it is Studio Sunday, after all...

What are you making today?



  1. such lovely pictures of your lovely space. I've managed a few hours of studio time both yesterday and today. Catching up on some swap items that need to go out, working in my RR journal, painting envelopes. good stuff!

    1. Thanks, Karen -- sounds like you are having a good day in the studio too. I love your painted envelopes. Have fun.

  2. Love your work place! I have made 3 ICAD's and now I am going to finish my travel journal.

    1. Nina-- sounds like a good day. Would love to see your travel journal.

  3. a beautiful sunday mixed with a big lavender harvest & magical mail making in the study!...oh, with delicious vittles nibbled now and again throughout the day. rhubarb-buttermilk bread included!!!

  4. I love to look at other people's studio/creative spaces as well. What a delightful tour! Thanks.

  5. Pamela, I so enjoy your blog. I just got back from my Gelli printing day by reconnecting on FB with an artist/designer friend from college. We both starting Gelli printing around the same time and met up in Davis at her friends studio to print for a print day! I know you had your day too. I might catch you at the co-op with Jennie.

    1. monicalee - how fun! I'd like to see what you painted. Hope you come to the Co-Op meeting and bring some samples. And I am so glad you enjoy my blog.
      I think gelli printing is a great activity to do with friends.

  6. Love the picture with the French vocabulary cards and the camera. And actually all the others too!

    1. Marie W -- I have boxes of those French vocabulary cards. I keep thinking if I buy them I will somehow become fluent in French -- but it hasn't worked yet. And I have a collection of those vintage cameras.....

    2. I have a set of Hebrew vocabulary cards that my pastor gave me, and for the life of me, I don't know what to do with them. Any ideas??

    3. Andria....I don't know....I have BOXES of those vocab cards. I just cannot help myself when I spot them at the library book sales....but I have yet to find a real good use for them, except to add to collages sometimes...

  7. What a great way to spend a Sunday, I think I need to stop going out on Saturday nights and do what you do on a Sunday and get mailart creative! :)

    1. scott -- why can't you go out Saturday night and spend Sunday in the studio? I often go out Saturday and Sunday nights but Sunday day is studio day and very relaxing...

  8. Love the photos. It looks like you're all settled into your studio. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Cindy -- I am not totally settled in but things are looking pretty good, Cindy.

  9. fun to see where the magic happens. "Stampcraft" has my name written all over it...I love the little cards you found for $5...I can totally see myself working on some little illustrations like that. Add it to the list! Are those rows of typewriters on washi tape? I love that! And I agree with you, by the way: Art supplies are SO photogenic!

    1. A friend in Portland got Stamp Craft from the library -- maybe you can find a copy there too, Andria. And yes--that is typewriter washi tape. A pal gave me some stuck on a sheet divider -- I don't have my own roll. Thanks for the visit!

  10. Fun stuff! Really love the plant and insect posters from France!

    1. Hey Mary -- nice to see you here in the blog comments. I like those plant & insect posters too. Just our type, right?

  11. Wow and Wow! Every image had me dreaming. Stamp craft? I'd never heard of this!! Quite a revelation... I'll be keeping my eyes out for anything about this now. Loving the vintage postal people :) Thanks for an insight into the studio. Tomorrow is craft day at my place so I'm inspired to take some pics and make a post out of it.

    1. Jen -- thanks for commenting and glad you enjoyed the post. Try looking for Stamp Craft in the library. Have fun in your studio.

    2. I certainly will. I forgot to mention the {write a letter} stamp... I've never seen one like this before so I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for that one too.

    3. jen---I ordered that stamp you like online from Cat's Life Stamps.
