Monday, July 28, 2014

Can You Really Have Too Much Fun?

Can you ever really have too much fun?
I'm researching this very question.
Lately I have been having such a good time around San Francisco I haven't had time to to upload my photos (1,500 of them) for the blog or work on any of the pending posts I've got going....
There's a collage post and a visit to a friend's studio post and a post about two really charming postal books and one about some of the projects I've been working on...and....well...let's say I'm behind.

We have been having some nice weather here in San Francisco. Warmer than our usual freezing summer weather and I've been out and about taking some lovely long walks. Always watching for a nice mailbox or two.

And then this weekend was my personal favorite The Vintage Paper Fair.
Stop reading now if you feel faint at the sight of piles of wonderful vintage paper...

I love to be surrounded by so much vintage paper ephemera.There are postcards, posters, vintage stamps, tin types and snapshots, maps and pages torn from old books, First Day Covers and old envelopes.....lots of friendly vendors...

What makes it so great to me (besides being around all that vintage paper ephemera) is that  whatever your budget is, you can find treasure.
All those boxes of b&w snapshots in the photo are .25-cents each. And the postcards on the table are also .25-cents.
There are some expensive items for real collectors but I always find lots of wonderful, affordable treasures to bring home.

Real Photo postcards -- three for a dollar -- the price is right and I think "Stamp Heads" -- don't you?
(Yes, I'm still obsessed)

One friendly vendor has loads of face value vintage stamps -- quite a popular item.

Some of my treasures....I can't resist those beautiful flower postcards (25-cents)...

A Steal!!
I got a very large paper that is a mortgage from Great Britain  and all personally hand-writeen in calligraphy!
Can you believe this? The photo does not do it justice. It is a truly amazing piece,

With three wax seals on it too.......swoon.....

Another hand written beauty -- Japanese, I believe, and an entire book of hand-written calligraphy by a student with corrections in red by the teacher.....

And, no, I don't work for the Vintage Paper Fair. You'd almost think so, wouldn't you? I just love it and never want to miss going when it is happening.
I really don't think it would be a bad idea to plan a visit to SF around the same time the Paper Fair is happening, do you?
Happily, I live here!
Look here to see the VPF's schedule and other locations

and after all that, I got to have a terrific Thai lunch with two great pals...

As if Saturday's event wasn't enough, Sunday night was our July SF Correspondence co-op's meeting at the SF Center for the Book.
Socializing, food, a little wine, an artistamp for our passports....what's not to like?

We had a demo of bee's wax collage.....very interesting..

A little food, of course and show-and-tell and sharing supplies and catching up...a terrific end to the weekend.

I kinda needed to go home and have a martini and calm down after all the excitement...
(good excuse, anyway)

So, here's my stash. Now I get to play with it and make things.  I am going to pull about the Japanese calligraphy book and use the papers in collages.
Maybe hang the calligraphy mortgage on the wall since it is so beautiful.
And I'll send out some of those postcards with vintage stamps.
If you are feeling faint, don't say I didn't warn you.

I have loads more to show you - 1500 photos, after all -- so stay tuned to the blog to see.
(Remember, there is a FaceBook page too with more photos).

So, that was MY weekend, what did you do on yours?



  1. swooning, no surprise. hungry to hear more about two really charming postal books. titles, at least, please!! thanks for the glorious glimpses. you quite clearly, as if i ever harbored ANY doubts, sure know how to live!!!! ~miss p

    1. patience, miss polly.....
      and I just found a third book to include so you have something to look forward to!

  2. All awesome!! I still wish I could get down to one of the VPFs. Darn it!

  3. (1) I am so happy to have found your blog! (2) I want MORE blog entries to brighten my morning visits! (3) I think you have mentioned "stamp heads" in earlier entries, but wish you would give us a dedicated discussion of that topic. (4) As always your photos are great. thanks and thanks and thanks

    1. Sharon - so happy you found the blog and are enjoying it. Stamp Heads are just made using people's bodies and glueing a STAMP on the head -- I have been making ATC's and postcards with them. If you put Stamp Heads in the blog's search box you should see some. Karen -- over at Mail Me Some Art - has also posted a lot of really cool ones too....thanks for commenting!

  4. I don't think there is such a thing as too much fun...let the good times roll! You can post when things are slow and it is too wet and cold to be outside. I'm patient, I can wait :)

  5. What a fabulous event. I don't think there's anything to compare on the east coast.

    1. Linda -- I keep thinking there must be something similar on the east coast but no one seems to have found one....

  6. swoon, indeed. You got some wonderful things at the paper fair, and that photo of the rusty mailboxes is fabulous.

    1. Thanks, Karen -- I like those rusty mail boxes too! And I did get get cool stuff this time, didn't it? But you have had some great junk shop finds as I recall....

  7. Oh. My. Goodness. What a wonderful event! Nothing like that here in Florida that I know of. That mortgage is so beautifully written and with wax seals to boot! The Japanese lesson book is also gorgeous. You scored big! I look forward to seeing more of your pictures.

    1. Thanks so much, cjsrq. You will be seeing more photos, for sure! Thanks for the comment.

  8. Wow! I was desperate to return to San Francisco but this makes me want to come back even more!

    1. well, Kelly H...I guess you better start planning your trip....there are loads of fun things to do here in SF...come back for a visit.

  9. So glad you've been having so much fun! 1500 photos? Love it. Keep living loudly, Pamela!

    1. somebody stop me -- I love taking photos, uncustomary! You, of all people, understand fun!!

  10. I think I need a martini as well to calm down from the excitement of those pictures!!
    Oh I miss SF a lot :-((

    1. Well, Marie W...why don't you come back to SF and have a martini with me???

  11. Wow, so much great stuff! It looks like you are having too much fun! :)

    1. Hi Cindy -- always nice to hear from you. Wish you could visit the VPF too...

  12. Looks like a bit of heaven on earth! Great stuff :)

    1. Thanks, Michelle -- it really was a little bit of heaven on earth. Just being surrounded with all that old paper is thrilling (at least for me, it is). Thanks for stopping by the blog and leaving a comment.

  13. OMG.. really fantastic stuff! Thanks for sharing all these pics with us. I wish I could be there too ...!!!

    1. Thanks, Gabby Gee! I wish you ALL could come and then we could have a mail artist lunch!

  14. What a wonderful event! Can we get them out here on the east coast?????

    1. pam -- that's what everyone says -- but this paper fair is California only. It seems the east coast would have something like it though....thanks for commenting.

    2. Pam, there is a great paper show in Allentown, PA, twice a year if you are anywhere near there!

  15. I think it's great that, as well traveled as you are, you still appreciate all there is to do close to home. Your paper fair photos make me want to rush right out to our Allentown Paper Show, but I am trying really hard to USE my current stash without adding to it for awhile. And it's HARD!! Your photos are amazing. I especially love handwritten text, and also the photos with multiple people in them: groups of women friends and mothers with their children. I don't find those as often as single portrait shots. Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Andrea -- there's no place like home -- especially if it is San Francisco! Thanks for the nice comment -- much appreciated. I try not to buy too much and to do use what i do buy....but sometimes I can't help myself....
