Monday, August 4, 2014

Call A Friend

I have the best friends -- you can invite yourself over to their studios and get a wonderful fix of art, conversation...and well....come and see........

Take a peek through the door -- my pal j has the most wonderful studio space. There are so many interesting things to look at and I always come away feeling inspired
and maybe a teeny bit envious too....

Open all the drawers, she, that is a pal. And, not being real shy, I did! Looked inside most of them to see her carefully organized and curated collections.

I covet these French rubber stamps. She didn't even check my bags on my way out....

Breakfast from Tartine Bakery
j went out and bought breakfast treats and made coffee too....
I might go back again tomorrow....

And, you never leave empty handed when you visit j.
She is the most generous soul and always have something tucked away for her her friends.
These were just what I needed!

Vintage Tape Measures

Vintage Rubber Stamps

A few of her rubber stamps....

I'm thinking I might want to move in....
Wouldn't you?
Thanks to my pal j for letting me look through all her treasures and have a delicious  brunch and  get inspired by her lovely studio....

Since I've shown you my studio space a few times, I thought you might like to see another.
Personally I love looking at where people make art...all art spaces are interesting to me and I love visiting.

I wonder where I'll visit next?
What about you?

Some cool new stamps are coming out very soon (in the USA) -- The Farmers Market Stamps and Janis Joplin. I have already pre-ordered mine.
I've been busy working on lots of art projects which I'll post sooner or later.
Just been busy having a little summer fun (in our chilly 62' San Francisco weather).



  1. ok, royal swoon! i love those rochers from tartine & these wonderful glimpses went far to fuel my fires. the gorgeous and magical nooks we each create for ourselves. sanctuaries of paper + ink. those wooden drawers made my heart flutter. thanks as ever for your inspiring posts!!!

  2. Marvelous studio, what fun, and so organized. xox

    1. j is way more organized than I am....isn't her space lovely? thanks Corrine!

  3. What a great space. It's so much fun to prowl around someone else's art making place, looking at all their stuff. Sounds like you had a fun day and the snacks look amazing!

    1. Leslie -- well, you let me explore your fabulous studio and look in all the drawers too. Next time I will take pictures. Last time you couldn't tear me away from making Gelli prints!

  4. Wish I had such a space! (Or a friend living close by with a studio like that.)

  5. This is an inviting space with everything to hand. I like how the paper cutter looks like it could be used without moving it and the stamps are available one handed. I am guessing there is a flat workspace uncluttered and ready for inspiration at any moment.
    Thanks for the inspiration to you and to j.

    1. CJ -- Thanks so much, CJ -- I was am always very inspired when I visit j and see her work and her space & I'm happy you enjoyed it too.

  6. what a lovely spot. not just well organized, but beautifully stored and displayed.

    1. Hey Karen -- how is Maine? Yes, lovely and so well organized. She can actually find things, unlike me.

  7. Thanks for the look around. Lovely space. I could never keep my things so organized! I try but it never lasts. Oh well...we're all allowed one permanently messy space, right?

    1. I know, Cindy, I try to be neat too but I always end up messy. Wish i could find things when I am looking for them....

  8. Oh my goodness! If you don't move into that studio and stay, can I ???
    Delicious to look at! (the studio, AND the snacks!)

    1. And you should see where the bed is -- in a tiny alcove that just holds a lovely iron bed and twinkle lights....thanks for the comment Melody.

  9. It goes without saying, I love all the rubberstamps and postal stuff, and the organization. I am really drooling over the drawer of vintage tape measures, and see lots of other measuring stick stuff. {love} Intrigued by the way those 7 framed pictures are hanging on the wall too. A lovely tour!

    1. Well, thank you so much -- so happy you enjoyed the tour! Those seven framed pictures on her wall are wonderful friend j really has an eye for wonderful things. Thanks for stopping by the blog, Barbara.

  10. Hahaha, I like how you write "and she didn't even check my bag on my way out" :-))

  11. It's all lovely, but, oh, that cabinet. I would love not to have to dig through boxes and plastic totes!

    1. Adrienne -- I agree - that wood cabinet is so wonderful and wood wins over plastic any day.....

  12. Wish I had such a wonderful space! I love the way you store your treasures. Thank you for the tour!

    1. Gaby Bee - that is my friend's studio, not mine. She is much neater than I!

  13. Thanks for sharing her space with us! I love its character...gorgeous wood floors, beautiful glass in the door, lovely wooden storage. And you even opened her drawers for us! I love your line about "she didn't even check my bags on the way out"...ha!

    1. Andria - j was gracious enough to let me explore and I asked if it was ok to share the photos -- happily she said ok! Lucky us!

  14. As everyone above has said, thanks to you both for the tour. Seeing where people create is one of my obsessions. It sparks all sorts of new ideas and styling themes. This space is amazing!!

    1. Jen -- I totally agree - I get inspired from seeing other people's spaces too. I will see which of my artist friends I can visit next!

  15. oh yes... I do love ms J's space too. I was just blown away the first time I was invited there. She truly lives in her art. Thanks for the lovely photos.

    1. sallyw--I think we should invite ourselves over to her place again soon!
