Sunday, December 1, 2013

You Asked For It!

Ok, this is going to make you a little crazy -- but you asked for it. I photographed some of the vintage ephemera I found at the flea markets on my trip.
Look at that bird?
Who knew money could be so beautiful?

Packets of money....I never see anything like this here in the USA. I guess it is old, out of circulation bills....

I wonder why this one has a stamp? Any ideas?

Of course I looked for anything "postal" that I could find....and there was a lot...

I just loved this little book with that stamp and the handwriting.

This is a school kid's notebook -- more lovely writing. (And to think they aren't teaching cursive writing in school anymore here).

Commemorative stamps on pretty sheets...I know I will think of something special to do with these.

An old cookbook with cake and sweets recipes.

From the flea market in St Petersburg

Old envelopes....

I love paper...

Old letters with lovely writing. I sure wish I could read them. Someday I guess my letters will end up at a flea market too. I hope someone will find them and make art out of them.

These are sealed for security. I saw examples of this with the exact same method of sealing wax and string at the Postal Museum in Budapest. Pretty cool. But what kept someone from just stealing the entire letter while en-route?

My Favorite Find
I got two complete books of stamps for about $12 each. The guy selling them said his father collected them but he didn't know anything about stamps. I am kicking myself for only buying the two. I just sit and page through the books looking at all the amazing stamps.

From Russia -- I think these are booklets for school kids homework or lessons. Found in a bookshop.

And then there are all the free postal forms to play with. Love the Cyrillic writing on these. 

More postal forms....see why my suitcase was heavy?

I am thinking of making booklets and Postal ATC's using these postal forms. Sound like a plan?
What would you do with them?
My husband said if I carted all that ephemera home I had better USE it.
So....any suggestions?

Everything was very inexpensive but I did have to buy the plane tickets so don't feel bad.



  1. ACT's or little zines or empty booklets with forms. yes!

  2. OMG look at all this incredible stuff! You could have your own vintage paper sale!

    1. Connie -- I know -- if I could just get more of it back home I could start my own business! If I could bear to part with anything.

  3. Hahaha! That's so nice that you got these treasures! If you'd like me to translate anything from Hungarian, just let me know. <3

    1. Thanks, Monika! I know you would be a lot better than Google/translate!

  4. I used the 10Ft banknote when I was a little girl.. :)

  5. Even I can appreciate some very cool (and exotic) paper goods!

    1. Of course you can, shams. Paper and fabric are quite similar, don't you think?

  6. Wow, those two books full of stamps! What awesome finds!

    1. Cindy -- I know! Aren't they wonderful? I felt a little sad he was was selling off his father's stamp collection so I wanted to give them a good home. I swear I save everything.

  7. I join the Moni: I used the 10 Ft banknote when I was a little girl too.
    I have also some Pengős, wonderfull banknotes. After that came unfortunately the worldwide crisis and the inflation and the Forint with the national heroes, as Sandor Petőfi, the poet on the 10Ft.
    I guess the stamp corrected the value.
    You are a professonal collector, superb plunder!

    1. OH!! You think the stamp corrected the value?? How interesting. And so cool that you and Moni both used those banknotes. I just thought they were so husband asked "What are you going to do with them?"...I love just looking at them.

  8. Wow, what a wonderful collection of postal goodies! Can't wait to see what you do with them.

    1. cjsrq -- I can't wait to see what I do with the stuff either!!!! I have it all sitting around my work table so I look at it and try to get ideas for projects..

  9. What an awesome haul. Love those albums of postage. All that great handwriting too. It's all just wonderful!

    1. Thanks, Barbara. I was really lucky this trip.Last year when i went to Istanbul & Italy I didn't find any postal stuff like that. And the stamp albums were the best find. That particular flea market was the 'worst' one and it was really cold and muddy and most of the stuff was new and crummy and then I came across the guy with all the stamps. He had first day covers and other postal stuff too. And he even spoke English which was very rare at the flea markets. My lucky day.

  10. Great, great stuff.....Thanks for the pc xox

  11. *swoon* You must have quite a collection to play with now!

  12. I just slobbered all over the screen of my phone.

  13. Oh.Emm.Jee. What a haul... and that money! And the wax seals. Fantastic!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Alisa....and now I have to think up lots of art projects for using it all.

  14. what an amazing haul! it's like they knew you were coming. I used to have recurring dreams in which I bend down to get a coin out of a gutter, and discover another little pile of coins up ahead, and another, and another. Reading this post felt a bit like those dreams.

    1. Karen -- I have had many dreams about scoring wonderful ephemera -- and these flea markets were a little bit like that.

  15. WOW!! That is a crazy-awesome haul!! Thanks so much for sharing, Pamela. I can't wait to see your creations.

  16. Good grief, Woman! You had me at "packets of money"...and then "school kid's notebook"...and the handwriting...and the postal forms...oh, my! Totally cool! You could open an ephemera shop and make a bundle!! But I'd rather see it all on your mail art any day! :-)
