Sunday, November 24, 2013

Postal in Prague

Fall was an especially nice time to be in Prague and seeing all the gold and orange leaves and the orange postboxes.
This one was outside the Prague Postal Museum.
No, they didn't allow photos and everyone was watching me closely. (I can't imagine why. Do I look sneaky?)

Yes, they did have a shop.

Some Prague Post Boxes came in pairs like this...

And here are some triplets.

If you're going out all day to hunt down post boxes and Postal Museums and go to the flea market, it is a good idea to have a BIG breakfast first.
They don't mess around when it comes to breakfast at the Cafe Louvre in Prague.
If three eggs with bacon and OJ isn't enough, you get apple cake with meringue on top too.
And, no, I did not eat all that...

But really, cake for breakfast? What's wrong with that?

Prague seemed to have more graffiti than the others places we visited.  I liked that bird.

I love the pink of this old stone with the the grey and the orange pop of the PO box.

I can't read Czech but I do know what posta means.....

Another PO that doesn't allow photos. This is killing me.

Well, there is always the outside to photograph.

The PO boxes are orange but the Postal trucks are blue. This one pulled up in front of a little PO and there was a frenzy of picture taking, much to the amusement of the driver. I amuse quite a number of people.
Even myself.


Lunch time!
Loads of outdoor food venders all over Prague. Very tempting.  

I jumped out of order with this post -- after Russia, we went to Krakow, but since that post isn't ready I thought I'd show you this one instead.
And I didn't have time to photograph the haul of ephemera from the flea market in Prague you want to see it?
I'll work on all that next.

The worktable is covered with stuff, the food frenzy (here in the US) has begun, the travel journal is being worked on, I have about a million projects going on...
And, what are all of you guys doing?
Do Tell.

Happy Thanksgiving to the USA readers
Happy Mail Day to all.

(and eat pie)


  1. I really love the mailbox with all the graffiti and stickers! <3 I wonder what their reasoning is for having double and triple set ups of mailboxes in the same location. Do they have different rules like "domestic only", etc.?

    1. I didn't see any info that they had domestic and international boxes but then I can't read Czech......a lot of boxes had graffiti and stickers....thanks for commenting, Mary.

  2. Your pics make me want to go back to Prague to do a "postal tour". I'd love to see some of the flea market haul too.
    My current project is less adventurous, but I'm making Christmas cards, lots of them.

    1. TomoyoHime -- making lots of Christmas cards sounds like a fun project too. I am considering doing that myself but I just might have too many things on my to-do list....

  3. WEll since you asked....I'm doing tons of art - having my collages printed on greeting cards now, and very happy with the results! (even selling them to my best mail pals!) Oh, and making cranberry jam and pumpkin pecan pancakes...come by for breakfast! xo Jane

    1. Jane--that sounds wonderfully arty and cozy and yes!!!! I would like to come by for breakfast -- and to see your cards.

  4. I like your pictures. I took the same kind of pictures every time I travel. Travelling without visiting post offices is not traveling! Sometimes I think the main purpose is sending postcards from different places...

    I'm afraid in Spain is also forbidden to take pictures in official places as post offices. What a pity!

    And... what about the stamps?

    1. Hawwa -- oh noooooooo I think I am going to Spain photos? What is the problem???? I will take photos of the stamps and ephemera for next time.

      I should have a bumper sticker that says "I stop for all post boxes & post offices".

    2. You can ask. Maybe you're lucky! (I guess it won't be any problem in small post offices). Don't worry: a lot of post boxes and post buildings to take a picture if!

      (Which part of Spain are you going?)

    3. Hawwa -- I haven't started planning that trip yet.....I usually try sneaking around discreetly taking photos and trying to look like a dummy tourist when they yell at me!

  5. well of course we want to see your haul from the Prague flea market! Not sure if I'm proud or embarrassed to say I could probably finish that breakfast. I'm pretty bottomless, especially in the morning.

    1. Karen -- But of course! I will post photos next time. Let's all go to the Cafe Louvre in Prague and have that amazing breakfast. I still regret I didn't eat the cake. And get this -- it was about $12.00 for both of us! So we had to go back another understand.

  6. I love all that orange AND that incredible breakfast. xox

    1. Connie-- join Karen and I -- and Tammy for breakfast! And I know you like orange.

  7. Ditto exactly what Miss Karen said! Of course we want to see all that STUFF! :) And that breakfast. Yep, some days I could eat all that. I'd eat the cake first.

    1. OK Tammy -- you're on. I will get busy and take photos of the ephemera. I really should have had the cake first......I need to go back...

  8. Yes, I want to see pics of your ephemera flea market finds!

  9. You got spoiled in Russia when they let you photograph the inside of the PO :) It's sad that in other places they have to be concerned with people taking photos and what those photos might be used for. Anyway, thank you for sharing the ones that you were allowed to take! It's always fun to see the postal look of other places.

    1. Cindy -- yes, I did get spoiled in Russia (who knew?) but in Poland they also let me run wild with my coming up soon on the Polish PO.

    2. Oh goodie--can't wait to see!
