Saturday, December 7, 2013

Peeking into the Travel Journal

Here are some peeks into the travel journal. I make one for every (big) trip I take and they are among my favorite souvenirs. 

I like to put everything I can get my hands on know...brochures, business cards, stamps, menus, napkins, train, plane, tram and bus tickets....
Packaging, ads torn from poles, maps, postcards, photos...
I never saw a cocktail like this one before!



Don't these look like little stamps on this postcard?


(hello to Monika at the Stamp Museum)


I cut open a package of paprika and poured the paprika into a jar and added the package to the journal -- along with a goulash recipe on a postcard.
Smells pretty good too.

TRANSFER DAY -- rail tickets and forms and a lunch on the train photo...
I like adding LISTS to the journals. This is a list of what I saw out the train windows.
In France I made a list of what was in my frigo. And in Istanbul and France I made lists of the sounds I heard outside my window.
Tickets from the boat ride on the Danube along with the "gingerbread" wrapper they gave us along with "free beer". There was a lot of beer in Prague. (But I don't drink beer).
Tram and subway map and tickets..


Budapest seems to have a lot of pages but actually I divided up the journal into equal sections before I left so each city has the same number of pages. Anything that wouldn't fit I just found another way to add it inside. I'm still working on this one...I do most of the work on them during the trip, adding in the photos after I get back home. A great way to extend the fun of the trip is to work on the travel journal before and after.

Have I missed anything? You guys have any other ideas? What do you stick in your travel journals?
I am always looking for new ideas.


  1. Love your pages - I'm a big fan of travel journals :) I was just in Krakow last week and I even have the same tickets in my collection. Krakow is awesome, my favorite old city. Glad you were able to go and see all these places.

    1. kasia -- Oh yes, I agree. Krakow is really lovely. I want to go back and since a good friend lives there I probably will. I love travel journals too and love to see what other people make. Thanks for reading the blog and commenting.

  2. Since I follow your blog I look for all kinds of paper material to create things. The material is no problem, but using it is still difficult, as I don't think I can make such pretty journals. I know it is silly ^^"

    1. TomoyoHime -- I'm sure you can do it! There are no rules. And it is a lot of fun to paste things into books. Give it a try.

  3. Your images and what you collected are really going to bring that trip right back every time you look here. Fab. xox

    1. Exactly right, Corrine. They really bring me back to each country I visit and I put a lot of practical info them too that helps if someone asks me for tips for their trips...

  4. Fabulous journal, Pamela! I love all the goodies you find along the way.

    1. Thanks, Miss Connie! Coming from you (master book maker) that is very nice.

  5. i am dying to go to krakow!
    your journal is delicious.

    1. Well Mary Ann...thank you so much. And I highly recommend Krakow. Hope you get to visit there soon.

  6. You do such a nice job! I gather a lot of the same stuff, stick it in a big ziplock, then set it aside when I get home, sometimes get back to it...mostly I don't.

    1. Barbara, I would say you better get one of those zip lock bags out and start pasting! You can do it -- and it really is a lot of fun. I would love to host an art party in my studio and have people bring a journal and the ephemera and everyone could assemble their journals at my big work table! Wouldn't that be fun?

  7. What an amazing souvenir of your travels! You are truly a master at collecting and preserving ephemera. Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Pamela, what an awesome journal- and what a great way to "stay in the moment" of that trip. I LOVE IT! I think I'm going to have to do a small travel journal. Does a trip to the grocery store count? If I take REALLY cool photos? LOL.

    2. Thanks, Andria. I do love to preserve things and I decided instead of having stuff sitting around I needed to make it into something and/or use it for art. I know you do that too....

    3. Miss Millicent -- you know, when my son was small I did exactly that -- I made a journal with photos of him at the playground and in the shopping cart. I pasted on all kinds of ephemera and I even gave him the camera to take some shots for it.....I know you have a son x2 and are extra busy but I bet you could do it and have fun. It was a souvenir of motherhood for me..the day-to-day routine of it....

  8. Love it! It looks so great! I'm inspired...trying to work on a travel journal with my sister-in-law so she has a fun souvenir from an upcoming trip. I got the idea from you--thanks!!!

    1. That's really great, Cindy. It is fun to work with someone on these projects. And honestly, these travel journals are wonderful souvenirs. have fun cutting and pasting!

  9. Iam constantly inspired by your journaling! I have begun to use the Circa system from Levenger to make old mementoes (like decades old) into journals because I can add pages so easily and make a page right out of a brochure without pasting it. They have small sizes that come in handy for my "take along" journal. I watch for their sales so in the end they are not so expensive for the ease and flexibility they provide for me.
    Thanks for your inspiration!

  10. I love this!! I went to England at the end of the summer and all my ephemera is still sitting in a pile because I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it.

    1. titancia -- I hope you are inspired to make things now! Collages? ATC's? Postcards for mail art? A journal? Have some fun -- and thanks so much for commenting.

  11. Love your journal. I do the same thing and I have such fun with it. I was inspired by a travel journal I got at a flea market of two sisters who toured Europe in 1898. I just loved that they included things like menus and tickets as well as pictures cut from booklets. I really want to do the same tour they did one day.

  12. Dear Pamela!
    It's such a beautiful Journal you made! I had to post a little something about it on my blog! Hope you'll like it!
    You are always welcome to visit us again in the Stamp Museum!

    1. Thanks so much, Monika. I certainly hope I visit the Stamp Museum again. It was wonderful. I am so glad you enjoyed the travel journal pages. Keep watching because I am going to post about Budapest (and Krakow) soon too. I am trying to mix the travel posts with art posts....

  13. My travel journals are similar to yours (maybe not so beautiful?). I wonder if you do it in situ, or you just collect ephemera and make the journals once you arrive?

    1. Hawwa -- both! I write every morning with coffee and every night with a glass of wine while I am traveling. And I paste stuff into the journal. But when I get back home I add in photos I took and more paper ephemera and tags, etc In fact, i am still sticking things into the Istanbul travel journal from last year....

    2. I just ask because I like to do my travel journals while travelling. But it means I need to carry things, and then, every night, I feel as I have "homework" :D

  14. Dear Pamela!
    Good see your jour book, with pictures from Budapest. :-))

    1. Torma Cauli -- how lovely to hear from you! I loved Budapest. I'm sorry i didn't get to meet you. Thanks for commenting. And keep watching the blog because i am going to do a whole post about Budapest and The Stamp Museum and the Postal Museum.

  15. Fabulous! I agree about travel journals... which reminds me, I need to finish my Scotland journal!

    1. Alisa -- too bad you can't bring it over here to my studio and we could work on our travel journals together!

  16. Wonderfull masterpiece, and Moni is also there! :-)

  17. Beautiful travel journal! I live in FL,USA and my family and I are going to start visiting towns that are nearby once a month! I wanted to know what kind if journal did you use,I loooove it! ;-)

    1. Sulieen -- I love this book and have used them for lots of travel journals. They come in various sizes and different colored covers and a little tie to keep them closed. I order mine from ---

      Holbein multimedia books. Have fun traveling and making art.

    2. Thank you so much, Pamela! :=)
