Saturday, August 3, 2013

Vintage Paper Fair -- My Favorite!

My favorite event is happening right now here in San Francisco --
The Vintage Paper Fair

If you live in the Bay Area there's still time to get yourself there.
It is still happening tomorrow in Golden Gate Park.

If you aren't local, I suggest getting on the email mailing list and start planning your 2014 visit.
It is definitely worth the trip for mail artists and paper ephemera lovers.
Check the web site for other California locations as well.

One of my favorite vendors is always in the same spot, right as you walk into the paper fair......

And here she is now -- Michelle Lutsky is part of the team who makes this whole thing happen and she always has a lovely smile to welcome you as well as an amazing array of wonderful
things I guarantee you will want.

For example....there were several boxes of wonderful old snap shots for only 25 cents each...
I managed to limit myself to 50 of them... with collage....

And there were boxes of really terrific 25 cent postcards as well.......
another 50 or so purchased...
And guess what? I got about 30 vintage postcards of post offices!

It is just such fun to sit and sift through all those postcards.......I heard a number of people say "I could stay here all day long"....and some probably did..

After I finally tore myself away from Michelle and Hal's tables I came across some other wonderful  papers as well....

And right around the corner was a vender selling beautiful vintage stamps at face value -- don't mind if I do....
He let me sort through his folders and pick out what I wanted...
I wanted these...

and I do believe I wanted these too...
Well, wouldn't you?

So much lovely paper ephemera and so little time..Actually I did have the whole morning to at everything.

The lovely thing about the paper fair (besides being surrounded by lovely old paper) is there are many great things to buy at very reasonable prices. Postcards and photos for 25 cents and face value stamps

an entire box of lovely old wedding photos.....

Yes, you really could spend the day looking.

What better than a visit to the paper fair in beautiful Golden Gate Park? And right up the street are loads of great places for lunch only about a block away. And coffee places if you need a little jolt to keep you going all afternoon..
Who's going to meet me at the next SF Vintage Paper Fair in 2014?
You know you want to.

Postcards are calling your name...
I'll show you what I bought on the blog next time....or you might see some of it in the mail....

Vintage Souvenir Scarf

This caught me eye but I really had to GO HOME. I stuck to paper and stamps and went back home a very happy mail artist.

I don't have any association with the Vintage Paper Fair, other than just loving to go every time it happens in San Francisco. Hope I see some of you next time.
We can all say hello to Michelle and go out for a great lunch in between paper shopping.



  1. Ah, it looks wonderful. Maybe next year I need to organize a trip on Sunday. Glad you found lots of cool stuff.

    1. Leslie -- that sounds like a good plan. The Fair happens in SF twice a year so you have two chances.

  2. OMG, I am seriously envious. Would love to come next year. Any possibility I could bunk at your place for two nights?? Seriously.

    1. HaHaHa...Connie Rose...if the guest room wasn't torn up and all the remodeling happening that might be a plan but 2014 is the year for chaos here....

  3. Pamela, this is awesome! I think a 2014 trip west is in order . . .

  4. I'm totally there, Pamela. Shop till I drop, lunch and snacks, the whole 9 yards (9 yards of paper, eh?).

  5. Oh this looks so very awesome! I'm green with envy ... wish we had something like this around here. They only sell such things at regular fleamarkets at horrendous costs :-( Enjoy! Suzanne

    1. Grainne--I know, that is the case here too -- except for this paper fair.....I feel your pain!

  6. What a fantastic event...I would love to have this around here....will have to scout about for something like it. xox

    1. Corrine--yeah but you have much better thrift shops back there -- I've seen your scores.

  7. Hey we were there too -- but we didn't see you! Had to go a little later in the day so I guess our paths didn't cross. It was busy! Always good stuff though. And we scored on a few items too. My favorite vendor (the guy with the Czech matchbox labels wasn't there though)! You got some great stuff --s

    1. Sallyw3000---hey--I looked for you two there....I went, what did you get???

  8. Oh my god. Jealous doesn't even cover it.

  9. goodness! swoon is a near understatement. i wonder what it'd take for olive cinnamon to garner one of those vintage p.o. postcards in her very own mailbox??? do tell!

    1. please ask olive cinnamon to private message me her address and she just might get one (or send it as a comment here and I won't post it...)

    2. thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Antique paper... oh my goodness... I can only imagine the fun I would have had... now if I can only get myself there next year.... (thank you for sharing)

  11. Oh -- hello -- another Pamela. I hope you do get yourself there next year. You won't be sorry. Thanks for visiting the blog and commenting, Pamela.

  12. What a wonderful time you had! Thank you for showing us such great shots of your adventure!
    Have a beautiful day! :)

    1. Thank you, Indigo -- happy you visited the blog and thanks for commenting. And I loved your work on the MMSA blog.

  13. Wow, droolworthy is right! I wouldn't even know where to start!!! Thanks for sharing :)

  14. Replies
    1. Alisa -- it really is -- but no old ledgers and I'm looking for one

  15. I don't know how you were ever able to limit yourself!!! Egads! postage stamps, def my fave!

  16. Luscious! Thank goodness I found the Allentown Paper Show so I don't have to be so painfully jealous of you! :-)

  17. I really need to book my flight for next year...What fun!
