Sunday, August 11, 2013

Postally Yours in California Wine Country

Sometimes I've just got to get away from the fog and chill and gray that is summer in San Francisco.
Don't get me wrong -- if I had to choose between high temperatures and humidity and our cool gray city I would take SF.
But a little sunshine would go a long way to cheer up my spirits...

So I spent a couple of days up in Sonoma County -- California wine country.  If you haven't visited our wine county you really should. Grapes in vineyards must be the most beautiful crop that there is. Flowers and farm stands everywhere. And -- oh! -- did I mention the wine?
And it isn't bad around there for a mail artist either....

We stopped for lunch at the Jimtown Store in Healdsburg. It must have been the thrill of eating outdoors because at first I didn't even notice that sign.

Postal Station?
I'm in! There were a number of postal treats there like that vintage mail box (above) and this sign...

...and peering through the door to the kitchen I saw a United States Postal Service bin sitting right by the the pots and canning jars...

Outside is a PO Box in the vineyard...

Now this is what I'm talkin' about.....these grapevines were fully loaded with grapes.
No little wine bottles though.

Cruisin' down the country road I spied this mailbox out of the car window. And yes we did have to turn around and go back so I could investigate. Now someone is really feeling some postal love...
Isn't that fun?

I spied loads of fabulous old typewriters in the antique shops and stopped to photograph them all.
I put most of the typewriter portraits on the
Cappuccino and Art Journal FaceBook page
but in case you missed them, here's one to swoon over.
No, I didn't buy any but I wanted to.

Of course I brought along the mail art kit and managed to do some cut and paste even though I didn't have a whole lot of time...
It wouldn't be a fun trip without doing any mail art.

Altered some free (my favorite kind) postcards.....

And to top it all off we got to have dinner outdoors too....considering in SF I am usually wearing a leather jacket and scarf and tights at night in August
dinner outdoors in wine country was a real treat.
Back to SF now and we had such drizzle this week I saw umbrellas but I have my sunny memories..

A mail art pal of mine Connie Rose published this post last week about FeedBurner soon stopping supporting blogs by allowing you to subscribe by email. If you read
Cappuccino And Art via emails
please read Connie's post and consider signing up for BlogLovin'. I put a link on the blog (top left) and made it easy for anyone interested to sign up for BlogLovin'.
In fact, I did it myself and I've been very pleased with the reader. I have all my
favorite blogs in one place and can easily check them out when I have time.
Try it --I think you'll like it!

Today is Mail Art all day long and I've been making lots of booklets.
I'll show you them next time.
In the meantime -- Send Good Mail to Get Good Mail!

What kind of mail art are you all doing? And what kind of weather are you having?


  1. You have no idea how many of us locals up here HATE the vineyards. I know, exciting when you come up from the city, but when so much land used to have a diversity of crops it's hard to take the monoculture we're having shoved on us by outsiders with lots of money. Believe me an apple orchard in the spring, summer, and fall is far more interesting than a rigid row of grapes.

    1. Well, there is a rather unsettling feeling of wealth up there I agree....but we have it here in SF too with the stupid boat races on our beautiful bay...I doubt anyone living in SF watches or cares..

  2. And did you know you missed the absolute best fair? The Gravenstein Fair. It was on this weekend only.

  3. This notebook you brought is gorgeous :)

    1. Thanks Corelay -- I made the little notebook's my travel address book.

  4. Always love your photos, it's such a pleasure to scroll through, thank you!

    1. Thanks so much, Marie W! My "day job" is a photographer and I just love taking photos.

  5. Another Wonderful post! So glad you had such a lovely time! So much beauty!
    So cool about the typewriters! I recently found a lovely little manual typewriter at a thrift store and it works great!
    You had to show food? Now I'm hungry, LOL!
    Your writing makes me feel like I was right there with you!
    I know I have said it before but I just LOVE your blog!
    Have a beautiful day!

    1. Indigo -- Thanks so very much for the nice comment. That is wonderful that you found a typewriter at the thrift shop and it works well. Aren't they fun to type on? Sorry to torture you with food photos but I just can't help myself!

  6. I started following via Bloglovin' and like it so far.

    1. I'm liking BlogLovin' so far too, Cindy. Glad you're keeping in touch.

  7. I would love to spend some time in Sonoma...looks so lovely. You have quite a talent for focusing on the postal life of any area you visit. I think you might have a real concept for a book in that!

    1. Thanks, Andria! I don't know about a book but I do fixate on everything postal.

  8. Nice views of Sonoma County....I remember seeing the vineyards in Fall and never realized that white grape vines get yellow and red grape vines turn the more spectacular mahogany reds and purples....But I bet the wildflowers and gardens are stunning this time of year. xox

    1. I think Sonoma and Napa counties are pretty beautiful just about all year long.....come back and visit Corrine!

  9. Aaah, I do love our wine country! My husband and I just moved to the Santa Cruz area and are really enjoying being out of the heat... but nothing beats a few days in Sonoma or Napa. ♥ Love the pictures, thanks for spreading a little sunshine. ;)

    1. Ciara Kay -- Santa Cruz is pretty wonderful too and I'm lucky I live between the two wonderful areas. I love driving down the coast and having lunch on the SC pier. Thanks very much for commenting.

  10. Wow, this blog has everything, Pamela... typewriters, wine, food, wine, postal love, condoms(I think.. "Light and Fit"??) and more wine!! Everything a gal needs!!!! Ha ha ha!

    1. vizma -- you nutcase -- that is yogurt!!!! You should be getting mail from me very soon.......

    2. Oh, my mistake!
