Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Let's Go to Japantown

Back--to--school shopping in Japantown. OK, I'm not going back to school but I still like the supplies.
I snapped a few photos to show you.
People often ask me what to see and where to go in San Francisco if you are artistically inclined...
I highly suggest a visit to Japantown.

Washi tape
There are two -- yes, two, "Japanese Dollar Shops" in J-town.
This one is Ichiban Kan and they have some pretty fun washi tape and stationery
among many other things.

Yes, the washi tape is only $1.50. Not the most wonderful designs but for $1.50 I can work with it....

Pencil cases
The other shop is Diaso. Much bigger. No washi tape there (that I've ever found) but they have just about everything else.
Loads of pencil cases......

.....and stuff to put inside them....like these nice cutting tools. These are great for travel. I always have a stash to tuck into my mail art travel kit. And I like the colors too.

There are always lots of nice plastic cases to organize your stuff.....

Cool little mini index cards with graph design on both sides.....useful, no?

Origami paper in loads of colors and patterns...and it's not just for making origami, is it?

Notebooks come in all sizes...

Put Double-stick tape from Diaso on your shopping list. This is the best tape around. I use it all the time. Super-sticky, big roll -- handy for all kinds of things. ($1.50)
Dots and labels..
Did I mention almost every single thing at both Ichiban kan and Diaso are only
Yes, that's right...

Kinokuniya Bookstore
Don't miss Kinokuniya. You may not be able to read the books that are in Japanese but you will marvel at the number of magazines they have. And there are books in English too.
A great place to browse.

Mai Do
Definitely go to Mai Do for the best washi tape selection. Great stationery shop. Beautiful sheets of Japanese paper for bookbinding. A must-see shop.
Another nice thing about Japantown is there is all sorts of free and interesting paper ephemera to pick up. I use it to write letters on (the blank sides) and cut up for collage. The Japanese supermarket had stacks of terrific free magazines with Japanese recipes and food photos that are great.

Lunch is a must -- but you may not want this one since it's plastic. But there are loads of great spots to eat. Hand-made udon and ramen noodles, sushi.....

Or just pick up a box of fresh sushi at the supermarket and eat on a bench.....

Hope you enjoyed the little visit to J-town with me. Start packing your bags and making your shopping list. And go in the morning when the parking meters are
25-cents and hours before noon. An unheard of bargain here in SF. The going rate is about $3 or $4 an hour at a meter.

I can put up some SF travel posts every once in a while if you are interested so let me know what you think?
Shall we stick to mail art or do you want some travel tips too?

Now back to working on cleaning my studio and making mail art.
(I've been posting lots of photos on the Facebook page)

Send Good Mail -- Get Good Mail


  1. I want to be there too! I suddenly feel so deprived.

  2. Your blog header says '...other things of interest too.' so it's all good. I think I need to plan a visit except that I *so* don't need anything. But looking is free and udon sounds good. Great tour, thanks!

    1. Leslie--I know, I often just photograph things rather than buy them....a good way to save money. And the udon is really good.

  3. Wow what a variety.....I would be in such trouble there. xox

  4. I like hearing about stuff other mail people like to do in SF! I went a few years ago, but a trip there now would be so different for me.

  5. what about me sending you some money and you go shopping for me in Japantown!!!! Wow! Fun photos and anything you post that has to do with mail art and its varied avenues is fine with me...including lunch !!

    1. Happy Mail Day -- Good idea! maybe I should start a Personal Postal Shopper business......

  6. I'm good with any of your posts because the photography is always so good I feel like I'm there. I have now added J-Town to my SF list. Thanks!

    1. Thanks, CJ. Oh yeah...you need to add J-Town to your SF list....and Chinatown and SCRAP...and lunches all over...

  7. Oh, they have Kinokuniya too? And the free ephemera! It's almost better than Japan-Japan!

    1. Marie W -- yes, a lovely big Kinokuniya.....and lots of free paper....I have been going over to Japantown for years and having fun...and lunch...

  8. I would love for you to tell us some things about your home town! Your posts are always full of interesting and unique tidbits. It is your blog... write about whatever strikes your fancy :)

    1. Thanks, Elle Mental...thanks for the encouragement. Sometimes it is hard to think of things to post about...but there is a lot of great stuff in SF which helps...

  9. Oh, the washi tape... I can only imagine!

  10. what fun! I'll take one of everything, please.

  11. Japantown! Lucky you! I would probably buy all these washi tapes =)

    1. Corelay -- the washi tape is amazing -- but at least tou can buy washi online....thanks for commenting.

  12. I would LOVE to go to Japantown! :) I would definately spend sooooooooooooo much there on stationary products. :)In Quebec, Canada we don't have such wonderful places. Sigh! :( Hopefully I can make it out to your wonderful city someday! :) I'm up for anything you want to post, your blog is truly inspiring! :) Hugs, Jacqueline

    1. Jacqueline -- Quebec is a pretty wonderful place too but I hope you can visit San Francisco one day. Thanks for the encouraging comment -- I appreciate it very much.

  13. Hey, that last comic pic has Marie's old iuoma profile pic there! Look, look! How bizarre!
    Fab blog, as usual, Pamela! Whether you know it or not, I think you'll be getting lots of visitors very soon...soooo very tempting!!!

  14. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind!! You caught it! :-)))

    1. OK, first Vizma and now you. Marie --I don't understand these two comments -- lol -- but I'm glad you guys are commenting even if I don't get it....

  15. 4th pic from the bottom and the girl in blue, that pic was Marie's profile picture years ago!
    ViXma??? That's a new variant!! ;-)

    1. Vizma -- maybe ViXma is a cross between vixim and Vizma???? or it could be typing first thing in the AM before coffee on an iPhone.....
      I didn't realize that was Marie's profile photo -- cool!

  16. Those are some of my favorite places in Japantown! Good tip on parking meter. Yes, please; travel tips are always welcome!

    1. Thanks, sweetrsyl -- comments are always welcome too. And i love Japantown.....

  17. That bookstore looks wonderful. And I love that lantern garland in the last picture!

    1. Mary -- I loved that garland too so I had to sneak a photo of it in the post even though it isn't mail art. The bookstore is wonderful -- makes me wish I could read Japanese. So many magazines!

  18. How fun! I love school supplies anyway, but there's something even more intriguing when they have Japanese tags attached to them. I especially like the graph paper index cards.

  19. A year belated here, but I just want to chime in to agree. If one is in SF, Japantown is a must for cool stuff! And also just for a fun few hours. I didn't know about Ichiban Kan or that really nifty looking stationary store, though… Hmmmm….! And I love Kinokuniya as well. It's a fantastic place to browse Japanese craft books, among other things. I've only been to a smaller Daiso in the suburbs, but even that was better than any American-style dollar store I've been to. I'm delighted to know someone else who enjoys these same things.

    1. Well, Paper Chipmunk....I still refer folks to this post when they are planning a visit to Sf so the party is still on! Sounds like you are due to visit SF and check out those shops in J-town that are new to you! Thanks for stopping by the blog.
